
456. Ceasefire Proposal

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With the outer part of the Hulao Pass wall under their control, Zhang Liao and the others begin to switch to defensive maneuvers. They rallied their men, to hold their ground and Zhang Liao made Gao Shun the commanding general as he was much more expert in defensive battle than him. With Gao Shun in command, Cao Cao's soldiers have no hope of retaking the outer part of the Hulao Pass wall.

Cao Cao saw how the situation was developing badly for his army, so he turned to Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, asking the two of them for any strategy or plan to turn the situation around.

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai turned to look at each other and began to rack their brains for any plan to reverse their dire situation, but after thinking for a while, they didn't manage to find any workable solution.

Cao Cao, growing more anxious with every passing moment, shifted his gaze between his trusted advisors, hoping for a breakthrough. As he waited, Xun Yu, who had been silently observing the discussion, stepped forward. "My lord, if I may," Xun Yu began, his voice steady but cautious.

Cao Cao turned to Xun Yu, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Speak, Xun Yu. We need every possible option right now."

Xun Yu took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I have a plan, but it is a very radical one. I hope you will not punish me for suggesting it."

Cao Cao's interest was piqued. "Radical plans are what we need in desperate times. Do not fear reprisal, tell me what you have in mind Wenruo."

Xun Yu nodded and began to explain. "The constant fighting is depleting our supplies and wearing down our men. Meanwhile, Yuan Shao to the north is watching, waiting for the right moment to strike when we are at our weakest. I propose to seek a ceasefire with Lie Fan."

Cao Cao's brow furrowed. "A ceasefire? Now? How would that help us, Wenruo? After everything we had sacrificed for us to retreat to Luoyang!"

Xun Yu continued while trying to calm done Cao Cao, "Please calm down, My Lord. What I meant by proposing a ceasefire, is so that we can buy time to replenish our supplies and reinforce our defenses. It will also force Lie Fan to pause his advance, giving us breathing room. More importantly, it will deny Yuan Shao the opportunity to become the fisherman who catches the fish while we are exhausted from fighting. We can present this ceasefire as a mutual benefit, allowing both sides to avoid further bloodshed and potential annihilation by Yuan Shao."

Cao Cao considered Xun Yu's words carefully. The plan was indeed radical, risky, and most importantly caused him heavy losses but the logic of Xun Yu's plan was sound.

A prolonged conflict with Lie Fan would only serve to weaken both of them, andleaving them vulnerable to Yuan Shao's machinations who's army are well rested and supply was bountiful.

"Xun Yu, your plan is bold and unconventional," Cao Cao finally said with a deep sigh after thinking for a while. "But given our current situation, it might be the only viable course of action. Prepare the terms for the ceasefire and send a messenger to Lie Fan's camp. We will see if he is willing to negotiate."

Xun Yu bowed, grateful for Cao Cao's trust. "Thank you, my lord. I will see to it immediately." He cupped his hand toward Cao Cao and immediately leave the chamber.

As Xun Yu departed to draft the ceasefire terms, Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai remained with Cao Cao. "My lord, this ceasefire might indeed give us the respite we need," Guo Jia said, his tone thoughtful. "But we must also prepare for the possibility that Lie Fan will refuse, seeing as the favor of the battle was on his side."

"I agree with what Fengxiao said, My lord. Even though I don't agree with Master Xun Yu's plan, but it's the best course of action for us to had time to recuperate," Xi Zhicai beside Guo Jia all have his opinion, "And also give us time to consolidate our control across the domain that Zhang He and the others bring."

Cao Cao goes toward the map that as spread out on the table near them and nodded his head both of their words. "That's right Fengxiao, then you go and ensure our defenses ready for any sudden movement. As for Zhicai, you will handle the consolidation of those domains alongside Zhang He and the others."

Meanwhile, at Lie Fan's camp, the mood was one of cautious optimism. Lie Fan, standing with Jia Xu and Xun You, surveyed their progress. "We have made significant gains achieving our strategy, but we must remain vigilant," Lie Fan said. "Cao Cao would not give up easily, and will surely send his men to retake their ground."

As they discussed their next steps, the gate of Hulao Pass opened and a messenger ride toward Lie Fan's camp holding white banner in his hand, a sign of truce usually done in battle.

As the messenger arrived, he inform the guards of the camp that he had a message for Lie Fan from Cao Cao. Hearing that, the guards allow the messenger to come in and escort him to the command tent.

"My lord, a messenger from Cao Cao has arrived and brings a message for you," one of the guards announced to Lie Fan from outside if the tent, and Lie Fan alongside Jia Xu and Xun You hearing this was surprised, where Lie Fan then allow the messenger to come inside.

The messenger comes in and go down on one knee, and takes out the scroll in his hand and present it to Lie Fan while saying, "Lord Lie Fan, my lord send me here to propose a ceasefire between the two of you. The terms was presented in this scroll."

Lie Fan's eyebrows raised in surprise as he heard that. "A ceasefire? Why does Brother Mengde suddenly wants a ceasefire?" As Lie Fan said so, Jia Xu and Xun You immediately think of reasons as to why Cao Cao suddenly pripsied a ceasefire.

The messenger handed over the written terms to Lie Fan who then gave it to Jia Xu and Xun You, where the two of them quickly examined. "My Lord, Lord Cao Cao proposes a halt to all hostilities and the establishment of a neutral zone along the current battle lines, which is Hulao Pass." Xun You read for Lie Fan, surprised by this as this means Cao Cao relinquishing the Central Plains to his lord for now.

"Both sides will withdraw slightly to create a buffer, and no further attacks will be launched. This ceasefire will last indefinitely, allowing both sides to resupply and regroup, and until Yuan Shao to the north was taken care off." Jia Xu read aloud continuing to Xun You, who was surprised by the content of the scroll.

Lie Fan listened intently as Jia Xu and Xun You read the content of Cao Cao's proposal. The mention of an indefinite ceasefire until Yuan Shao in the north was taken care of caught him off guard.

He knew Cao Cao well enough to understand the underlying motives. Cao Cao wasn't merely seeking a temporary peace, he was strategically positioning himself to deal with the looming threat of Yuan Shao.

Lie Fan dismissed the messenger, stating, "Tell your lord I will deliberate on his proposal and send my response shortly." The messenger bowed and left, leaving Lie Fan and his advisors to discuss the matter further.

Lie Fan then turned to one of his bodyguards. "Fetch Bu Zhi immediately. We need to discuss this proposal in depth."

After a few minutes, Bu Zhi entered the command tent, his face showing a mixture of curiosity and concern. Lie Fan wasted no time and laid out Cao Cao's terms for a ceasefire, highlighting the indefinite duration until Yuan Shao was neutralized.

Bu Zhi, along with Jia Xu and Xun You, quickly grasped the gravity of the situation. Bu Zhi spoke first, "My lord, it is clear that Cao Cao is aware of the danger Yuan Shao poses. By proposing this ceasefire, he aims to secure his eastern flank while dealing with Yuan Shao in the north. With Zhang Yan's former domain under him, he shared an immediate border with Yuan Shai that he needs to take care off."

Jia Xu added, "If we engage in a prolonged battle with Cao Cao now, it will only weaken both sides, leaving us vulnerable to Yuan Shao's machinations, my lord. Regardless of the outcome whether we win, lose, or draw the cost in terms of manpower and resources will be immense. Yuan Shao will seize the opportunity to attack us when we are at our weakest."

Xun You nodded in agreement. "We have already achieved our plans to take control of the Central Plains. A ceasefire will allow us to solidify our hold on this territory without the immediate threat of Cao Cao. We can use this time to strengthen our defenses, replenish our supplies, and prepare for the eventual confrontation with Yuan Shao or Cao Cao or both."

Lie Fan pondered their words. The logic was undeniable. Engaging in further conflict with Cao Cao at this moment would only serve to weaken his own army, playing directly into Yuan Shao's favor. He had already achieved significant gains and needed to consolidate his position.

"Very well," Lie Fan said finally. "We will accept the ceasefire. But we must not become complacent. Use this time to fortify our defenses and prepare for any eventuality. Ensure our men are well-rested and our supplies are replenished. We will also keep a close eye on Cao Cao's movements to ensure he does not use this truce to gain an upper hand against us."

Lie Fan then orders the three if them to drafted a response to Cao Cao, agreeing to the terms of the ceasefire. He emphasized the mutual benefits and the necessity of it to address the threat posed by Yuan Shao.

After Jia Xu, Xun You, and Bu Zhi finished drafted the latter, it was handed to a trusted messenger that personally under Lie Fan's command, and was delivered to Cao Cao's camp accompanied by Cao Cao's messenger.

When the letter reached Cao Cao's hand, he opened it and read it loud so that Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, and Xun Yu could kiwi the constant if the letter. Seeing that Lie Fan agreed to the ceasefire, Cao Cao and everyone heave a sigh of relief as this means the ceasefire will take place soon.

True to their thoughts, Lie Fan immediately signaled his army to withdraw from Hulao Pass and move back several hundred meters, causing confusion for all of his soldiers and general to create the buffer zone as agreed. Lead by Zhang Liao, all of Lie Fan's general entered the command tent and asked Lie Fan why they withdrawing, and Lie Fan then told them what transpires and concluded h saying that it was the best course of action.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 31 (198 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 825

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 936 (+20)

VIT: 598 (+20)

AGI: 583 (+10)

INT: 587

CHR: 96

WIS: 509

WILL: 397

ATR Points: 0

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