
Chapter 547 "Tiger, Lamb and Grass"

"What? We're bu-" Shu Chen was about to chase away the old fisherman, saying that they were busy, when suddenly Li Shi Ying cut off his words.

"What can we do for you, old man?" Li Shi Ying had a feeling that this old man here could somehow help them to find aromatic wood.

"I get jobs to deliver three things across the river, but my boat can only fit for one thing…" The old fisherman sighed as he sat down looking like he was facing a great problem.

"Li Shi Ying why would you listen to this old man's blabbering??" Hearing the old man start his 'story', Shu Chen's lips twitched. He nudged Li Shi Ying and whispered as he asked why the hell she still wanted to listen.

"I think this old man here can be the key for us to find the aromatic wood. I just have that feeling." Li Shi Ying whispered back to Shu Chen as she kept her eye on the old fisherman.

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