
Exciting fight

Surgit had only one way available to him, and that was opposite the bridge, deeper through the dark streets of Old Yharnam. He walked slowly through the cobbled boulevard. The cobble stones on this one remained well polished and put in place. This street didn't seem to be affected by the fights above and stayed intact. It was perhaps due to the fact that the Gatling gun couldn't reach this area.

As he progressed through the streets, he heard heavy breathing followed by a terrible scream which caused him to clench his weapon hard. The screams came out at steady intervals; Surgit walked even more carefully and tried to pinpoint the source of the noise.

The street took a sharp turn to the left as Surgit reached a bloc of tall buildings. Opposite one of them, there was a small shrine that split the street in two. On the right of the shrine, the road led down towards another bloc. On the left, the only thing Surgit could see was smoke.

The screams came from behind the thick smoke screen, making its source even more terrifying. Surgit wasn't really afraid of what lurked behind the smoke but he was uneasy at the fact that he couldn't see or know what was in there. Another scream was heard and from the right side of the street, Surgit saw a werewolf coming his way.

This one had eyes that glowed red. And as soon as it saw Surgit, it came running towards him. 'This one seems to be enraged and ready to see blood. I'll show you blood if that's what you're searching for.' The beast immediately started swinging at Surgit with its sharp claws. He dodged the attacks and counter attacked with a kick to the nose. The werewolf stepped back a few feet, looked at Surgit and bared its fangs. It was angry. The beast stood on both hind legs and towered over the hunter, looking down on him. "Well, that's new. Let's see how I fare against a standing one. Give me your best shot red eyes!"

The werewolf's attacks increased in speed and ferocity. Gone were the easy to read attacks and bites. They were replaced by nimble jumping, kicks and swings that could tear one's flesh apart in one hit. Surgit had to concentrate very hard in order to avoid the werewolf's fast attacks.

Every time he tried to retaliate with his cleaver, the beast would jump over him and land right behind. Every time he tried to shoot the beast to slow it down, it would swiftly dodge the bullet and come right at him with a relentless flurry of attacks. If he were a normal person, Surgit would've succumbed to fatigue and given his life away. If he had been the one he was before in Central Yharnam, he was sure that he would've been killed by that beast.

At that moment, Surgit started enjoying the fight. It was a challenging opponent for sure, but an opponent he could hold his ground against. He needed to find a way to slow its movement down a bit, otherwise, the stale mate could last for a long time until one of them gets tired or makes the wrong move.

The beast didn't look like it was willing to make any wrong move though. Surgit elongated his cleaver to allow for long range melee attacks. He swung at the werewolf and it instantly jumped back. Surgit, for the first time knew what his foe would do so he jumped after the beast as soon as its feet departed the ground.

Once the werewolf landed far back, it found Surgit right next to its left hind leg. He hit the leg as hard as he could with his cleaver, cutting the thighs open. The feeling of blood raining atop his body put Surgit in a state of euphoria. He loved this tough fight, and he enjoyed the feeling he got when he saw victory getting close.

The werewolf howled and aimed a kick with its right leg towards Surgit. He knew that this attack was coming his way too so he jumped towards it and over the kick. He knew that the leg had to come back to its place so that the werewolf could maintain its balance. Its left hind leg was injured and it had to keep standing in order to have a chance against the aggressive hunter.

Surgit was preparing a strong attack. He clenched his weapon hard and prepared all his body to perform a strong and swift cut. Surgit realized that the connection he started having with his body increased his effectiveness. He was engaging all his muscles in order to deal significant damage. His back gave his swings more power while the positioning of his legs gave him more stability. Using his arms alone in a fight wasn't enough to break through tough hides or

As soon as the werewolf brought its leg back, Surgit hit it with all his might, cutting it clean in one hit. The beast lost its balance at last and fell down face first to the ground. Surgit didn't waste any time and stood on top of the beast's back and drove his saw through its exposed neck. As the werewolf's head rolled down the cobbled street, Surgit heard again that scream and turned right to see a giant female beast patient coming towards him. 'At least I didn't have to fight them both at the same time.'

The beast patient also had red eyes and it was walking slowly towards Surgit. The sight of the decapitated werewolf didn't affect her in the least. Surgit dropped down from on top of the werewolf and walked towards his new opponent. He wanted to make that encounter quick, he knew its attack patterns and he wasn't willing to make the fight last longer than needed.

As they were in an appropriate range to start attacking, Surgit ran and slid down, past the beast's swings. He found himself between her tall legs and shot the right one four times. It was enough to create a big hole in her calf and the beast patient screamed as hard as her vocal chords allowed.

Surgit cut off her leg with his cleaver, aiming at the hole he had just made. The beast hopped on one leg, fighting the pain and trying to get its revenge on Surgit. It slammed her body against his, trying to squash him into a pulp. Surgit read through that desperate move and dodged to the side, letting the beast patient fall face first on the ground.

Surgit took his pistol out again and short the beast at the back of her head multiple times until it lay down, immobile. "Well, that was fast. I've got to find more bullets though, but it was fun emptying my pistol in her head, hehe."

Surgit took a deep breath and decided to move forward. Those two fights made him get a better understanding of the upgrades he had made on his weapon and on himself too. He felt like a machine being upgraded to perform better tasks. The machine had become indeed better and stronger.

He could read through his enemies' attacks and he didn't rush to fight them back as he did before. He knew the limits of his body and he acted accordingly. The fight against the standing werewolf was very exciting for him. He loved the challenge and enjoyed knowing that he had a way out of it, a strategy that could allow him to win and move further.

The feeling of blood gushing out of his enemies and their screams, a clear indicator of their suffering, made him euphoric. What was once fear and careful anticipation, became now excitement and joy to come out victorious of any challenging fight.

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