
(2/2) The Raid 11

「Name: Draco (Avatar) - Rank 3 Black Dragon 

Str: 1,000 (2,000) 

Dex: 1,000 (2,000) 

End: 1,000 (2,000) 

Int: 1,000 (2,000) 

Spr: 1,000 (2,000) 

Cha: 100 

Lck: 100 

Combat Skills: Destruction Claw, Orb of Destruction, Destruction Wave, Destruction Blast, Destructive Field. 

Non-Combat Skills: Dragobond, Aether Conversion, Draconic Superiority (Rank 3), Destruction Aura, Bloodline Control, Magical Perfection, Physical Perfection.」 

「Destruction Claw – Active Skill 

Effect: Strike with a claw coated with Destruction Energy, ripping apart the defense of any enemy and dealing 350% (700%) Destruction damage to a single target. 

Cooldown: None.」 

「Orb of Destruction – Active Skill 

Effect: Send out a ball of concentrated Destruction Energy that razes any target laid before it into nothingness. This deals 1,500% (3,000%) Destruction damage to a single target. 

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