
Comments of chapter undefined of Guild Wars

Guild Wars


Chapter comments195


Okay.... so I had a visceral reaction to the AI listening to their conversation. Scared of how that's going to change timeline things

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I have enjoyed your story on ups and downs, but this is plainly disappointing. and it feels that the purpose of your story is lost. you need to push a new target of hate forward before you can remove it from a character to abruptly. now I'm not complaining you made this early instead of a back and forth, it's just you should have worked at this a lot better, and now in the "redemption part" I started to dislike her more instead of making me see it from her side. at least she should have died killing local instead of him winning (him winning would have worked if we cared about him at all but he is just meee and did nothing wrong so far, but she did). this with black knight needs to be good if it's local then that would be kind of bad unless you are able to save this situasion.

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... acceptable conclusion, obligatory discontent; he’s too accepting imo, if a woman knew him that well, she should be aware just how much her action would devastate him; regardless of whether he found out or not. The whole idiocy of the situation makes me wonder if these people really can be considered the pinnacle of humanity(or even slightly above it). In the end i enjoyed your book so far and will continue to enjoy it (probably), it just feels...contrived? And forced, like the world aligned to cuck him and make him forgive the woman who cucked him despite not showing even slight reluctance in cucking him again should a similar situation occur. To me that would be unacceptable, and i would at most befriend the woman, while waging war on all of those lineages, nuclear war to be precise. But im not the mc, and i reckon that would make the story pretty straightforward, which usually isnt a good quality, keep going author; you’re doing more ‘rights’ than ‘wrongs’ in my book, and i wouldn’t know how to write an interesting book.


fck, i saw the original one, Riveting Night get raped and she admitted that she feel pleasure when doing intercourse with Local Lord, she felt shame and guilt toward Draco because she felt pleasure, hahahah **** it's hard to forcefully rewrite that memory god damn🙂

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From what I read (author notes + past comments) You have rewritten this chapter into something much more different than what it was at the beginning. From what I understand, at the beginning you've made this story as in her allowing herself to be soiled by that pangu guy and the MC caught them in the fact. With the matter already happened. I'm okay with how the story turned out right now, but it does feel a bit of a stretch. To be honest, the original idea (if it's true what I wrote above) would have been much more fitting, although much harder to "forgive". But that's not the important point - you do something, you have to live with the consequences. This instead makes it feel like plot armor, otherwise with the original idea the ML / FL would have to somehow find a way to solve their past feelings. To overcome this kind of hurdle, as what happened happened and now they have a new road ahead of them. The reason I'm writing this is to give you an advice (Not sure if it was given to you already or not) ~ Try to stay true to your style and to what you picture in your mind in the first place. Although small modifications may improve things, I believe you staying true to YOUR way is much better than listening to random readers telling you that "this is unacceptable, change it or I drop this novel" Because these people are those type of people which are emotionally immature and just can't accept the consequences of a fact. Truth is, just like real life, things happen and we have to deal with the consequences. So if the FL has "betrayed" the ML, even if it was to save the latter's life, she has to live with the consequences, and both of them have to find a way to get over this obstacle instead of actually just removing the obstacle itself. And those that can't accept that, well, I'd say the story isn't for them. TL;DR: You don't have to accommodate everyone, this is your creation and my advice to you is to stay true to your way of writing :)

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Honestly, the best part about the changes is the mysterious God. Before all we knew is that he wanted to see bloodshed, but how would he know he would see it by doing this is a big question. With this, it shows he has been watching these two or at least Draco for a while so he knows the general results of his actions. By taking away Eva's choice it also shows that he has been planning this for a while. Finally, it sets it up so he can be Draco's greatest enemy as not only did he force Eva to agree to something that hurt Draco, but also it shows that someone as prideful and arrogant as Draco has been acting according to someone else's whims the entire time.

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Yeah yeah everyone thinks everything's is to much of a coincidence. Oh he should hate her.. Oh she doesnt understand him (um hello "yandere" some yandere kill their own lovers for looking at another woman. So yeah her thinking is not right in the first place. As he has stated a couple of times.. Yet you still skip over that.. So give the author some breathing room.. Shit man just calm down enjoy the story and give more constructive criticism. Mostly I've just seen loooooooong azz complaints.) I'm just curious how will developing in game will change the world on the outside. Will playing the game make MC powerful in real life will AI realize it's not actually a god like it thinks it is and try to exit the game world and into the real world 🌎. Maybe it will try to actually make contact with MC to restore his powers or something like that. There's so many paths this could take. Author please make AI good 👍 and useful as to develop the plot. Thats all I ask. Wow this got longer but I wanted to rant about how good this author is and how many paths this could take as all other rants are not exactly helping the author too much some but not much


I'm way late to the party, but after reading all the versions of the last 2 chapters, I can say the current chapters are the best for any type of reconciliation to happen. I don't really like these types of betrayal scenarios; specifically the 'I did it for you' types because the logic is almost always just plain wrong. I.E: A husband and wife go to a love hotel or have personal videos of them enjoying each other on their computer's hard drive. Some a. hole somehow gets his hands on evidence of the couple having relations and proceeds to blackmail the wife into an affair... she for whatever reason goes along with it because of some b.s. tied to the husband's job or rep... in this example, the wife has no real reason to do so. Its almost always an excuse to justify a bad decision. In the previous iterations of these chapters, regardless of how Eva's mind works concerning Draco, having her choose to go through with it and actually doing it when other options were available, however bad, is good for revenge against Local Lord but bad for reconciliation. It changes the dynamic from r*pe to coercion to agreement making the onus of responsibility less on Local Lord. Which is very tricky and dangerous because coercion still allows for willful decision making in this situation as Eva isn't directly threatened. Any enemy with a sufficient enough grudge and power could force it to happen again. There's nothing really stopping Local Lord from going back on his word and doing it again whether they got caught or not. Then what? I'm not gonna go on because I doubt that path was ever intended. On top of that, it was ultimately pointless with Draco's death. No real misunderstanding here except for a confused motive. Excessive guilt on Eva's side and unbridled hatred on Draco's. Even if he knew the truth it wouldn't have mattered to him in their first life. It wasn't just a bad decision, there was action behind it. The excuse of it being virtual only doesn't work either. The issue isn't love, but trust. Broken trust isn't something easily regained even after nuclear revenge and reincarnation/time travel. Human psychology doesn't allow for it that easily and Draco was raised human, regardless of what he may actually be. Since she went through with it before, given Eva's temperament the unlikely possibility that it'll repeat remains... Again, works for revenge not reconciliation. Friends, cool. Lovers, would really be forcing it. Here, she chose death. Her choice was taken from her ultimately leading to a scenario where she 'agrees' but the action is stopped. Now, both she and Draco have a real misunderstanding beyond just the motive. Eva is still guilty for the 'decision', the actual attempt to follow through with said decision and also for not even trying to reveal the truth to him. Draco is no longer 'fully' justified in his fury, at least towards Eva. Remember, he went nuclear on her and destroyed her life before he was killed. That's now something he has to make up for. He is also guilty of not really attempting to learn the truth. Both characters having culpability in the ultimate destruction of their relationship allows for a lot of room for growth. They both have a lot to make up for, not just Eva. The true blame lies solely on the shoulders of Local Lord and the 'entity' manipulating events behind the scenes. The current situation, to me, is better for both revenge and their relationship going forward. No matter how miniscule the reason or how coincidental the timing, Eva didn't go through with it. This should empower her to never fall victim to this kind of ploy again and hopefully never try to justify that kind of behavior again despite her temperament towards Draco. In either scenario, Draco's ignorance and weakness doesn't justify what happened. I also find it hard to believe Eva wouldn't know its an extreme taboo for Local Lord to target Draco if she knows 'clan/family politics' like she claimed, but I'll chalk that up to a dis


1. Thanks for the chap! 2. She did choose to kill herself instead of having sex, the "man behind the scenes" didn't like it and made her change her mind forcefully. 3. I like how you've portrayed the AI so far, i think you're doing fantastic. 4. Yes he removed the initial focus of hatred, but if you think that was the only source your mistaken, just remember about Local lord, the man behind the scenes, or his lineage and all the stuff that's happened because of it.


The problem was the AI, it overheard their conversation.

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Good job Kotario I like how this was handled keep up the good work.


But local lord still did had his stick touching Eva's rim right? He had still seen a pussy right? Eventually... God of chaos will have enough power to make local lord remember seeing her vagina right?

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TBH, I respect you a lot. Most of the reincarnation's authors decided to not touch deeper into the reason why their MC gets reincarnated because it's hard to satisfy every reader with the outcome. I also really like how you reconcile them. All in all, you did a bold move writing this chapter and I respect that. Thanks for writing this amazing story!


the story has a very interesting premise, i love second chance / reincarnation stories in virtual reality games, but after chapter 28, the fact that the MC does not doubt what she says, even after everything she has done in the past. In addition, I became uncomfortable with the MC's girlfriend, for what she did in the past and for the lack of remorse for that ... she spoke, spoke and outsourced the blame (there is not even an apology or a tear) with various ways of escape from a fateful sexual relationship with Mr. Prodigio de Angu (she may even have tried to fight against all possibilities like the great works of literature) ... and, in the end, she says: " I did it because it threatened your life" is pitiful and blamed what she did to someone else. are the lord guilty too? YES, but MC's girlfriend too - MC became a cuckold. The story is good, good writing, but after that I don't know ... maybe I try because I liked the story so far and because what it did was not in that timeline even though it made me uncomfortable. thanks for the chapter


your explanation of what happens in the last life was in one way good but on another note a really bad idea...a god who can change who a person is especially a main character just ruins the whole story because hey i don't like how he behaves i will just alter his personality. its just like killing the charakter repeatedly. i really like the story and will continue for now but if that god continues his meddling in others tough processes i will drop it. No problem with minor meddling but alter though processes just for fun is just not in my interrest it kills the interrest in charakters if they can just "klick" and be another person

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Some of the "dissapointed daddy" comments are alien to me. I really enjoyed this turn of events, tbh this might be the best thing I read in almost ever. The way the words flow together is really awesome, there are not any noticeable mistakes in the writing, the fact that this story was put in the moment the MCs met is in itself astonishing, no filler no nothing, I love that. The story may be cliche to some people, but I really love it, it relieves us of all the questions we currently had and brings forth some new ones. All in all I found this chapter combo 100 out of 10. The way the sentences were written made me immerse in the story until I only focused on it and nothing else for nearly a full hour. I even imagined myself as a billionaire throwing money at the author to never end this story (but the reality hits hard). I might be late to this novel, but this was one of the most fulfilling chapters I've read in a while. It felt like I binge-watched my favorite TV series in one go. Keep it up!

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Well not the best, but I kinda liked this extreme obsession as for the bloodlines, I liked the idea. Keep up with the good work~~


i would never forgive her i would not hate her anymore But that's all..... No lovers No lovers Just two strangers


Having the God behind the scenes forcibly changing their minds and actions just really ruins it for me because whats the point? If they can interfere whenever they want then nothing matters. The main characters are just toys being played with and so who cares if they get stronger or have some achievements. The God can just destroy it any time he wants.


So much people giving certain opinions like "you could do better", bitch please, I'm sure none of you are professional writers of anything of the sort to make judgmental comments like those, like they were needed or asked in the first place LMAO. I'm liking it so far.. But something doesn't make sense, for all this drama and traumatic experience to feel true, she should have been raped for real. Or maybe I'm wrong, what would I know? I'm just a reader.


So this is why you told me to wait and keep reading hehe I have to say I expected something similar but this,I think I love you hahaha