
Falling Into The Abyss.

A tall man with blond hair was standing surrounded by several businessmen. They enthusiastically discussed something. In those moments when he turned his head, even sidewise it was obvious that his smile was incredibly attractive. His whole appearance radiated strength and significance.

Corey's eyes were shining, fascinated by his image.

"Honey, this is a head shot. This is love at first sight! Tell me, isn't he a dream boat?! Hello, Elena? Are you listening to me at all?"

"Mm..." Elena replied, as if not even hearing Corey's question. "Jason, listen, who is that man standing next to this Rick guy?"

"Which one exactly?"

"That one with black hair."

"Hmmm... Let me think about what his name is... Damn, my father always invites tons of people, and then I have to memorize them all to not look like an idiot..."

"Jason!" Elena stared at the young man, hinting to him directly that he'd better start thinking faster.

"Now, now ... Aah ... I remembered. This is David Anderson. The representative of Greenline Inc., he arrived from England just a couple of days ago. So I did not immediately remember him, this is his first appearance in our society."

"So it's David then ..."

Elena was looking at the young man without stop. His black hair reflected light, shimmering with alluring glare, with every turn of his head. As if he has felt that someone was looking at him, the young man turned around and their eyes met.

The girl felt as if she was falling into the abyss, deep and black, like the Mariana Trench. His saturated brown eyes attracted her entire essence. As if under hypnosis, she could not look away.


"Yes what was that?", the girl looked at Corey instantly as if she just woke out of a trance.

Corey noticing Elena's unusual reaction, narrowed her eyes slightly, and the devil's light flashed in her eyes. "Jason, go and introduce us."

Without even having time to realize what had happened, Elena was already being dragged to the other end of the hall to a group of people standing there.

. . .

"Rick, welcome!" Jason, with his inherent spontaneity, flew into the company of people, absolutely not caring that he could interrupt a serious conversation.

"Let me introduce you to my wonderful friends. Elena Lee and Corey Williams."

"Young ladies, very happy to meet you. My name is Rick Stein. And this is my friend - David Anderson."

David nodded to the girls; Elena nodded him back in response.

Corey's attention was entirely focused on Rick.

"And what do the young ladies do in their free time besides shopping?" Rick winked playfully, which made Corey shine even more.

"Oh please, Mr. Stein! Elena and I are very responsible and busy girls. Studying at the Presidential Academy is no joke. Elena spends all the time in the library, helping the professor with the search for materials."

"Oh my! I did not expect that modern girls may be interested in history and science. And which area caught your attention, Miss Lee?"

"In fact, nothing special, Mr. Stein. I study works on the history of management", answered Elena, so as not to seem impolite. Although she did not like to go into the details of her hobbies.

"Oh really? What an interesting coincidence! David is writing his thesis on some historical subject. Aren't you, David?"

"Something like that", confirmed the young man, not showing special enthusiasm for the current conversation.

Rick realized that he wouldn't be able to pull out more words from David so he decided to change the subject."By the way, Jason, what kind of strange bracelets did they give to us at the entrance? You know, this thing doesn't really highlight my Swiss watch."

"Oh, right! Rick, what would I do without you! A couple of minutes and you will find out!"

After these words, the birthday boy rushed to the stage behind the microphone.

"Elena, what do you think this man with a sick imagination came up with this time?"

"I can't even imagine, Corey. Given that today is his birthday, he definitely upgraded his crazy ideas."

Both girls waited cautiously for what was about to happen.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear guests! Thank you for your coming today. To make our event more relaxed, let's all dance together! But not just like that. Special bracelets were distributed to all of you at the entrance. Now the light will be dimmed in the hall, and your bracelets will be shining in a certain color. The task is to find a person with a bracelet of the same color as yours. This person will be your dance partner for tonight!"

At that instant, the lights in the hall almost went out, and the bracelets on the hands of the girls lit up.

"Wow, Mr. Stein! What a lucky coincidence. You and I have the same color! Now only Mr. Anderson will need to find a partner with a green bracelet."

"I think this will not cause any difficulties either, Miss Williams," David answered and looked at Elena.

Elena, not immediately realizing what had happened, dropped a glance to her wrist.

This, apparently, was some kind of a joke. It simply was impossible...

Elena's bracelet was burning green.

Dear Reader! I warmly welcome you! I wanted to tell you if my novel helps you shake up your imagination I will consider my mission accomplished.

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