
A Future For One

Lara was stunned at Arthur's words.

"A medium?" Lara repeated.

"As in... those that become possessed by gods or spirits?" Kristine clarified.

"Yes. That one. While Seeker confirmed that Lara was not the body she chose in the future since she probably had other factors to consider, you still are one of the few beings that could bear her soul. We thought that Zeraphine used some method to hide her true form inside a different body, but as it turns out, the answer was the soul. But if it was the soul, then Zeraphine used it in a very inefficient method. So I concluded that there were special bodies that could bear souls. And my theory proved right when you told me about Zeraphine."

"What? How did future Zeraphine living inside Seeker prove your theories about mediums? How exactly?"

"Don't you see? Seeker is a Medium too!"

"He's a medium?!"

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