
A Just Cause

Whenever nighttime would fall, the Pangean citizens and almost any avid fans of the Piercing games and its pro-scene would generally tune in to the action-packed live-stream of the fastest rising e-sport and streamers on Earth.

Lynd Indigo and Meryl Mikado were the fastest streamers to have ever pushed beyond the 1 million credit mark. It took them two days to complete the stream. Collectively, the two earned an estimate of 12 million credits on their streams.

Covenant of the Strongest became the most lucrative investment for businessmen causing chaos in the underworld. Various groups were trying to get tied with the Covenant but because of Harker's influence, only the most daring groups dared to make their attempts. The worst-case was bomb threats made on one company that wanted to initiate a deal with the Covenant of the Strongest.

Of course, for the key players themselves, their daily lives and especially their streams were generally undisturbed.

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