
Chapter 12: An unlikely party

Leaving the Imperial Castle, Mordain and Krajek kept walking until they reach the market district and stop to eat at a stand. The vendor has different kinds of meats on sticks on display, all lathered up with some sauce and looking quite appetizing. They order up two, being famished from their stay in the dungeons and go to a more secluded area to talk.

"Well, that went different than I expected."

Mordain paused from eating to reply, his face dripping full of sauce.

"You should really eat that before it gets cold. But yes, I think Emperor Elclark recognized me, which would explain why they let us go."

Krajek took a small bite of the meat, tasting it slowly before being content with the taste and digging right in.

"M'yeah, that's actually good. What do you mean recognized?"

"I used to be part of an order when I was younger, those who finish the training become the personal bodyguards of the royal family. It's a long story that I'd rather not reminisce about."

Krajek nodded, understanding Mordain's need for privacy. Thinking back on the day when he killed that mage, Krajek felt a bit of regret and uneasiness. He tried to rationalize his actions, how the mage had started attacking him first and that there was no saving him from a wound like he had, well perhaps with magic. A small tinge of regret began growing in his mind.

(I'm not a bad person am I?)

"Oh yeah, we never did talk about this...But, I think even though I killed the mage, you were the one the magic flowed into?"

Mordain lifted up his hands to eye level and looked at them, turning them over.

"Yes...I am not sure why you did not become the host of the magic. Perhaps because of your already strange abilities? I have no idea how to use this power, I have years of training in martial abilities. This may be hard for me to learn."

An unknown voice broke their quiet talks and startled them.

"Oh? I could perhaps help you with that. I've actually taught to a few."

The voice was feminine and when she stepped closer, the first details one noticed was the scarlet red hair that flowed down to her shoulders.

"Who are you?!"

"We have some unfinished business."

The mage stepped up and slapped Krajek hard enough that he fell backwards clutching his face.

"What the fuck!?"

"That's for Esteban! The only reason you're not dead is because I know how much of a dick he could be and that I found his notes in his house. Anyhow, that's not why I'm here. The Emperor has asked me to come with you on your mission, see how things go."

"Agh. So what's your name?"

"It's Exalted Aexia. Now, what's the mission?"

Krajek pulled out the scroll and read it again, making sure he had the correct information.

"Apparently we need to head north to some swamps where there's a...did I read that right? Undead necromancer? We need to kill it because scouting reports say it's raising an army and preparing to attack."

Aexia cleared her throat.

"You mean 'I' not we. I'm only observing."

Wiping the blood for his face, Krajek spit out what he had in his mouth and stretched.

"Yeah, whatever. Fine, let's go."

Krajek started walking out of the alley and following a path that led towards the gates leading out of the city.

"Hey, wait! What about provisions? Supplies?"

To answer her question, Krajek opened his portal and drew out a large bag with pre-made sandwiches.

"I've come prepared this time around. "

In a grocery store on Earth a few weeks prior

Krajek closed his eyes while sitting on the bed in that room with Mordain and light filled them when he opened them up again. The familiar look of the shelves, the cool breeze from the air conditioning and the large sand lizard.

(Oh my God. It worked! I'm back Hahaha. Wait a minute, sand lizard?)

Suddenly, it occured to Krajek that nothing living ever truly dissapeared when sent through the portal, only reappeared on the other side. The lizard also seemed perplexed at it's situation but was much quicker on the uptake and started chasing a nearby shopper. Krajek's flight or fight reflexes kicked in and flight seemed like a really good option in this scenario, and so he ran as fast as he could out of the grocery store and into his car alongside a dozen other frightened shoppers.

Calming himself and taking long deep breaths, Krajek grabbed the steering wheel and headed home. It seemed nothing had changed here. He tried to remember what day it was when it happened to him, the time he was transported, but could not remember precisely. It had been over a month that he was in another world. He had lost weight though and his skin was darker from the constant exposure to the sun. Krajek started speaking to himself on the drive home.

"So...it's like nothing happened? But it did. What if this happens again? I need to be prepared. Wait, can I use my powers in this world too?"

Getting home, Krajek rushed inside and headed for the kitchen. Grabbing a can from the pantry, he focused, trying to use his portal to send the can of soup into it. Just like he was used to, it disappeared from sight.

"Ha! It works. The implications of this are...staggering. But yeah, I need to prepare, in case I get dragged away again. This time I'll have food, water, oh I need a weapon too! Hmmm, gun laws are pretty strict here, better to buy in the states. But how do I bring it over the border..."

Krajek went to his computer, searching for gun stores in the states not too far from the Canadian border.

"So I want something small but with good stopping power. A handgun would be ideal. Oh, looks like Maine has some of the most lax laws regarding guns. Going to have to smuggle it in though, unfortunate, hope I don't get caught. Wait, I can just put it in the portal! Why didn't I think of that. Hmmm, so I have to go to work Thursday, it's Tuesday. I can get there in 6 ish hours. I could be there for 3pm if I left now. Alright! Let's do it. "

Grabbing a drink and some snacks along with his passport, Krajek ran out of the door and into his car. Taking his phone from the glove box, he searched for a gun store in Maine and set it as his destination.

He would not be caught unprepared again.

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