
Chapter 10: Wildlife

Krajek and Mordain proceded to go back to the smith early the next morning, bag in tow. The pair waited a few minutes until the smith showed up to his stall, getting ready to prepare everything for his work day.

"Hey, I got your stee--Iron right here."

Krajek then opens his bag and proceeds to pull round ingots of steel, about 5 pounds each, from his portable dimension while pretending it's coming out of the bag. He lays down 20 pieces, enough for the smith to make at least 20 swords with some material to spare. The pieces already being in an elongated shape, saving time for the smith.

"What!? How did you already leave and come back?!" The smith exclaimed shocked.

Fuck. How do I explain this? Does it matter if I do? What about...

"Well, keep this between you and me but" Krajek got closer to the smith and whispered in his ear.

"I'm a mage and I can use teleportation magic."

It seemed like the most logical explanation he could come up with. The one that would have the least questions asked. Krajek didn't really care that he came from another world, he thought about being frank with the smith but, he wasn't sure what the smith's reaction would be.

"I..I see. Hmmm. That certainly explains a few things. Is this iron magical? Is that why it's superior?"

"Err no, it's the process of how it's made. You see, if you remove oxygen during the casting and then add carbon, the iron molecules...errr, it's a long story you see. But it's a trade secret."

"Very well. I won't pry further. Here are your 200 silver pieces. I was able to get a loan based on orders that were requested of me using this new material." The smith puffed his chest out and continued talking.

"Word got around fast about that sword of yours for lord Sera. There's now a dozen of nobles wanting the same. They also seem to think it was my work. I can't blame them, I was involved with presenting it."

Krajek pocketed the silver pieces and thanked the smith, saying they would be back but it would be a long time probably, as they were going to the capital, Waneya. The smith shot glances at them, remembering his boast about teleportation but didn't pursue it, seeing as how he had enough material for a solid month of work.

They went to the merchant association headquarters again, this time securing transport to Waneya. Most travel was done by either by Hrana or horse, the former being rarer but stronger and hence more expensive.

They settled for horse drawn carriage. The trip would take the better part of 5 days, maybe 6 with more frequents stops and possible weather problems. At 40 silver for the trip, it was easy to see how poor people would become stuck working dead end jobs in towns and not be able to leave after paying for food and rent. The price of owning and maintaining the animals plus the fees for the association didn't help in making it affordable. Most people died where they grew up.

Monsters were also a problem, although less these days, but still present in the countryside away from cities. Most of the mainland had been cleared of monsters but the south of the empire and Faclar Theocracy still had some. It wasn't bad as before, where actual heroes had to go and kill powerful demons.

Typically, most threats fell in the C rank, with very few B threats popping up from time to time. The last time a serious threat existed was near 20 years ago when a mage, trying to become a Lich, had caused the kingdoms to work together to destroy her. She was the strongest necromancer in recorded history and been branded a rank A threat.

Travel was going smoothly, they had almost done half of the distance. Thankfully, the price for the trip also included food. The driver was actually a decent cook, Krajek thought. As they sat around the fire eating grilled rabbit, Krajek was actually surprised they had rabbits here and not some freak mutation type of rabbit, something stirred the horses.

The trio looked around, seeing nothing in the darkness.

"Might only be a small rodent." added the Caravan driver.

Krajek got up, taking his gun and it's flashlight attachment out of the portal dimension.

"Oh no. I know how this shit usually goes. We then go back to eat and someone gets dragged away by some hellish creature. We're killing whatever is out there."

Following Krajek, they all stood up. The caravan driver looked questioningly at the gun, wondering how it produced light.

Krajek took the safety off, advancing towards where the horses are hitched. Mordain followed, unsheating his sword and getting in a fighting stance. The caravan driver stayed back, remaining seated at the camp fire.

"I'm telling you, you're worrying for nothing. There's been no monster sight--"

A wet sloshing sound make the pair turn around to see a giant claw sticking out of the driver's chest. The claw retracts violently, the man falling to the ground with a wet towel, blood pouring out of his chest cavity.

"God damnit. I fucking knew it! What the fuck is that thing Mordain!?"

A large lion with a scorpion's tail slowly advanced on the two, ready to pounce at any moment.

"It's a Manticore! It's a B ranked threat, we should run! I can hold it off for some time but it's stronger than I am."

"I've got a plan, keep it busy!"

Mordain clenches his fists and bites his lips, definitely not agreeing with this decision but jumping into the fray anyways.

The Manticore hisses, striking with it's tail as Mordain closes in. He turns his run into a slide, dodging the sharp tail and gets within striking distance of the Manticore. Using his sword, he takes a quick swing, knowing he doesnt' take the time to really wind up. The blade connects with the Manticore's head and shallowly cuts it, generating an angry howl from the creature and a swipe of it's claws.

Mordain manages to bring his sword back in time to absorb most of the hit on it, being sent flying back a few feet from the impact and landing on his back. The Manticore lunges forward, trying to bite him but he manages to shove his sword horizontally and keep himself from being eaten, just barely holding back the beast.

Krajek moves in from the left, using Mordain's distraction and points his gun at the Manticore's eye, point blank, swiftly unloading his full clip in semi-automatic fashion.

It whimpers and keels over on it's side, unable to sustain itself. The ragged beat of it's heart stops soon after, it's brain now host to 10 rounds.

Mordain gets up, wiping the blood splatter from his face, looking incredulously at Krajek.

"What is that thing?! You killed a Manticore so easily!"


The loud ringing in Krajek's ear subsided with time and he motioned to Mordain to continue, who then repeated what he had said.

"Well, we call these 'guns' in my world. They're kind of the standard weapon we use. It propels a small piece of metal really fast. Think like an arrowhead but I shot ten of them into it's eye."

"I see... Nothing would compare in this world. Perhaps except magic. But, anyone can use that?"

"Yeah, it's a bit of a learning curve but someone can become a good shot with some practice."

Mordain pondered silently for a few moments.

"That weapon would change war completely in our world. Many would kill you to possess it. An army with those could take over all of the human kingdoms. Best you hide it."

Krajek nodded. Both now looked at the poor driver, mangled beyond recognition.

The pair loaded him in the back and continued their journey to the capital.

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