
Helms’ Countermeasures

Editor: Henyee Translations

It was getting closer and closer to the end of the month.

Finally, all of the contradictions were coming to an end.

Soon, the next ITER conference would be held in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France. In this meeting, the United States would once again question the Chinese representatives on the STAR research institute and other intellectual property related issues.

If everything went well, this might be the last time the ITER Council talked about this issue.

Because there were various signs that showed the outcome of this conference would likely determine China's future participation in ITER.

The world knew that China would not compromise and cooperate.

There were even ITER employees that wanted to remain anonymous, who said this might be the trigger for the collapse of ITER.

Even though this sounded like an exaggeration…

But in fact, this could happen.

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