

The sounds of the hooves from seven hundred horses were heard against the dusty ground, the wind was still a bit harsh, but the warm from the sunlight offered a comfort.

It took around fifteen minutes before they reached the massacre place.

Big rocks that had been launched toward this direction, scattered all over the places, but it wasn't the sight that made Senja furrowed her brows, but enormous amount of dead people were covering the ground, dyed the soil with red bright color as the smell was almost unbearable.

Senja could feel the bile was rising up in her throat as she tried hard to gulp down, keeping her nausea at bay. She dismounted her horse slowly and trudged her way among the corpse and rocks. Blood tainted her shoes.

Yi Qing's men scoured the area without even scrunched their faces upon seeing this view, looking for the survivor, however no one from them were survive, a few horses corpses were joined the scene as well.

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