

Xiao Tianyao heard the story skeptically. "That is indeed a mere folklore."

"I know, the first time my father told me that story, I did think the same as you." Elder Dam agreed. "But, this story has been telling from generation to generation, to the next of the head of the Black Sword Clan."

"… You should tell all of this to Wang Yu, not me." Xiao Tianyao pointed out the fact of the situation.

Elder Dam nodded. "I know, I have to tell Wang Yu about all of this. But…" His old face showed defeated. "How can I tell all of this to Wang Yu, when he wanted to overthrown the Black Sword Clan and disregarded me as his father?"

Xiao Tianyao had told him all of the information, but of course he didn't mention Senja as the source. He thought, he would be having hard time to convince Elder Dam about the truth, as it turned out, Elder Dam received the news judiciously, as though he had known about this for long time and only waited for someone to solidify his qualm.

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