"Santa, the next batch of presents are almost done!" "I've told you not to call me that! Just call me Nick. Not Saint Nicholas, Santa, Chris Kringle or whatever else. I'm just Nick. I am not Santa, I'm just taking this job until I find a better opportunity. "But you are Santa!!!!!! You even look like him!" "Are you saying I'm fat?" ".....Well you have been eating a lot of cookies sir!" "That's because we have no other food here! You've refused to go down to the village and buy real food!!!!!!!!" "....." "Alisa!" In which a teen has to spread Christmas in another world.
Nick stared at the coffee shop's community board blankly. This had been his last chance. He had looked online, in the newspaper, and he even had asked his uncle and this was the last place he could look for a job. He tossed his now empty hot chocolate into a trashcan and sighed. Mom is gonna kill me.
Nick flashed back to about a week ago, when his mother had confronted him about his work, or lack thereof.
"Mom, I only turned fifteen two days ago. Only a few places accept fifteen year olds and even then, considering the classes you've made me take most would say I'm 'overqualified'." Nick was sitting on the couch, trying to explain himself to his mom. He had actually gone to a few places before, but each had ended so strangely and weirdly he was almost afraid to go back. Who has a pet attack duck?! Its almost as if the universe conspired against him. "How am I supposed to find a job? Please listen to reason."
His mother went silent and walked out of the room. His Dad looked at him and laughed. "Good luck." That is when he knew he messed up. Big time.
His mom had always been more strict and overprotective than normal; as he grew up they fought more and more. She made him take the hardest classes available- some he had barely passed. The problem was, she couldn't take no for an answer, no matter how well-packaged the no was.
Next morning when Nick woke up his mom had left a sticky note with a cold waffle on his desk. "Gone to work. After you eat this waffle go out and find a job. Or else no presents for Christmas this year." What?! Not my money!
So for the sake of holiday joy, and money, Nick sat off with his winter coat. Today he would find a job. He had too.
And here Nick is, looking at the community board over and over again. Nothing, just like what he would be getting for Christmas. Nick could imagine it perfectly, his mom staring at him in disappointment. His dad looking at him with pity.
'What is Christmas without presents? I have to find some kinda job!" Nick has never had Christmas like this. 'Maybe I should ask Santa for a job....ha if only he was real.' Nick snickered at the thought. He had lost his Christmas Spirit long ago. The only thing that made the jolly season unique to Nick was presents. Or, since recent years, the payday.
The door opened and a bell rang, telling the whole world that someone had entered the coffee shop. Nick swung his head around, grasping for straws, maybe this was the moment when a famous CEO put up a job offer. Like in those stories where- there are no stories like that.
Nick was surely disappointed, no one was there. It must have been the wind, which is strange for a clear day in Texas. He peered at the sky for a trace of clouds. Nada. He looked back at the board and there it was. A white piece of paper with a red and white outline, resembling a candycane, had appeared at the top of the board.
Nick, not being one to look a gift horse or any gift in the mouth, snatched it and read its italicized text. 'Would you like a job as Santa Claus, spreading holiday cheer and saving the world? y/n'
His heart sank, and he shook his head. 'No listed pay? I'm no charity. Well, guess I'll die." As If it had heard him the sheet of paper shifted and now had a new line of text. 'Pay: Minimum: $10 per hour Maximum:Depends on how hard you work.'
The paper glinted a strange sheen of light. 'Whoa, was that there before? Probally just a trick of the light.' Some just can not see magic, even if it slapped them in the face. Nick reread the little notecard with a smile on his face.
The pay interested him, he could work as hard as he wanted and his mother would be satisfied. Nick glanced at the glistening sheet of paper and stared. 'y/n' What a strange way of confirming I want the job. No number, no anything. Maybe this isn't the job for me. His mother's cold face flashed in his head, and he shivered. He really had no choice.
For the sake of Christmas he would get a job!How do I get in contact anyway? He stuck the paper into his pocket and looked around. The y on the paper glowed gold and time froze.
"Thanks for accepting #^@*&@>-;# Inc.'s Job offer! Please wait for processing and teleportation." Nick had only one thought in his brain. Wut.
He turned around and saw the impossible. It was snowing, in Texas. Nothing else needs to be said. People were standing, frozen, on the sidewalk. A bird was stopped in midair. The drink a barista had just started pouring was sitting in mid-air.
The only movement was Nick, and the snow quickly covering the ground. He stepped outside and felt snow for the first time. I wonder what caused this? Global warming? Insanity? Government weather experiments? Have I gone insane? I've gone insane.
"Teleportation commencing, please stabilize yourself. 3....2...."
Yep, definitely insane.
'1! Have a safe trip!" A feminine voice followed him into the darkness.
He was spinning. And spinning, And spinning. He heard sleigh bells and then. Collision. Sight, smell, and his other senses came back to him as he laid on the ground and groaned.
"Ughh what happened?"
"Hello new Santa Claus! Welcome to Santa's workshop!"