
Nostalgic Locket

[Year 2115,

Planet Earth,

Country - United State of Drakel.]

Inside Country's Military Headquarters.

"Sir I am sorry but I will not change my decision because of anything." he said.

" commander, think again. Our country is at cold war with the nation of Eskovia and The great Britain. A war can break out at any time." A middle aged chubby man said Ashe kept on seating while facing a huge, muscular commander as he spoke with extreme seriousness. The environment was very grim and not even a single voice could be heard apart from those 2.

" sir I have already told you that preparations have been made for that and my soldiers will be by your side in case of emergency." the tall man replied without a shred of emotion.

"you will not listen no matter what I say. Just go, but remember 1 thing, this country is happy and prosperous because of you and only you and no one can deny that." the chubby man said with intense regret as he glanced at the back of the bulky man and sighed.

"Thank you for your trust these years..... friend." he said with a long pause, then left without looking back.

As he went back to his home he sat on a sofa for 6 hours straight, his face full of sorrow but not a single shred of tears in his eyes. This man is Blue, an ex commander in chief of Drakel, and an old friend of the Country's king.

Later that evening, he looked at his drawer for his charger, but he found something nostalgic, something that he could never forget. It was of his elder brother, Sky.

He opened the locked to see his photo with his brother. He suddenly lost in an ocean of memories as tears kept falling down.


As the first drop of tear fell on the locket, it opened a holographic message from his brother, which was meant for him.

"if you are able to open this message then I assume you are still crying, right Blue?" His brother's hologram said.

"yes brother." said blue emotionally.

" Blue, I have to tell you something very important. Do you remember the day we went to the spot behind the frees Park and discovered a cave. It was actually a portal which connected the Earth we live in to its original part.

The part we lived in is so small in comparison to the real part that even saying it an atom is considering it big."

"huh, what is he saying?" Blue thought as he reverted his attention back to the message.

"I accidentally came to the other part an discovered the wonders. This world is like the one we see in fantasies, magic, masters, mythical beasts, goblins, demons and Mony more beings are reality here. I came here about 10 years ago and was living a normal life until I came across a treasure which gave me inhuman powers. I decided to start a journey to explore this Earth but accidentally built an enormous empire which took one third of the total land. But was backstabbed by my companions due to their desire for power and fame. In my last moments, I sent this locket with some of my powers, equipments and this message for you. Decide what you want on your own, I just opened a gate for you and yes, don't miss me too much. -your big brother."

The sound of weeping could be heard from the house. This was the first time in 10 years Blue cried.

But these, tears were not only out of love but also because of hatred that he developed for his brother's killers.

" I will make them pay. I swear to avenge you brother." he said with determination and hatred.

[ 9:30 pm

area Por09

house no. 22, The Kent residence]

After hours of sorrowful memories that came to Blue as the locket unfolded some of his brother's adventures, he decided to go to the other world.

" let's see.......did I forget something?" he asked to himself.

He then closed the door and locked his house and activated a defense barrier. This was not available in market for public use but exclusive for him and the King only.

The locket mentioned where the actual entrance to the other world was. It was located near that cave they saw but only the native of Girove were permitted entry. Girove was actually the name of the other world.

" so it's here." Blue replied in a somewhat doubtful tone.

"welcome contestant." a weird voice said as a small shadow was visible through the smoke that came with the opening of the cave.

"who are you?"

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