
the first meet

Hey guys I m manashree n this is my stry when I fell for my boyfriend ...


Today , I m running late I time ..

oh,holy fuck I m not getting my clothes to wear ..... mummy what should I wear ???? where r my clothes....

Finally , I got something good it's my fav blue top n my black jeans..... yes...

oh, hi guys sorry actually today I have my first day for my tutorial.. I want to look good I don't y but isn't it imp to look at least presentable. ... maybe I get my prince charming today

I where up my jeans n get ready... off for my tutorials ... ohh I m already late so no place where I can sit... ohh I have one near a boy .....ohh he looks handsome ... I finally teach the seat n ask him "can l??" he shifts in a little..n says "yeah sure..." With a sweet smile on his face ..okkk now this is a good beginning right yep ... I say internally n try to keep my self calm ... as not to look desperate ...

The tutorials are over now I know is his name .... n his name is Rahul ... like really Rahul .... like being a SRK fan Rahul is the most nicest name a girl can imagine for her boyfriend ....

Ohh shit ,,while thinking all this I have a such a big simle on my face ....

And the most embarrassing thing is he is looking at me....

I wonder what he was thinking all the way home ....