
Progress - Part 1


Hou Yi awoke and found Anna trying to move quickly on her crutches into the bathroom. Jumping up, he moved and scooped Anna into his arms quickly carrying her into the bathroom before settling her on a low chair he had arranged in the bathroom for her to sit on while she threw up. As soon as he had placed her there Anna commenced throwing up.

Hou Yi felt helpless, but all he could do was keep her hair from her face and have a glass of water for her to gargle and clean out her throat once she had finished throwing up. He moved to place the glass of water in easy reach while keeping her hair out of her face.

Ten minutes later, Anna was over her throwing up and as Hou Yi handed her the glass of water she joked "I know why they call it morning sickness. At least I am lucky and it only hits me first thing in the morning."

"Sweetheart, I hate to see this happening."

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