
Chapter 4: Heartbeat

Hermana* Auring and I sat by the dinner table, enjoying the simple yet satisfying meal we have. I took a spoonful of papaya and moringa leaves with steaming rice. As I put the food in my mouth, she attentively watched me with a wide smile that showed a perfect set of white teeth and dimples on both cheeks. During her prime, I can say that she was a very beautiful lady.

(Spanish term for "Sister")

"Here. Eat some chicken." She placed a chicken leg on my plate and another serving of rice.

I gulped.

Poor chicken.

I hope its soul is in heaven now.

"Burp...oops...excuse me..." I shyly told her.

"I think I'm full."

She frowned and gave me a slice of mango and leche flan*. My stomach felt ready to complain, impending a visit to the comfort room. I've already eaten two cups of rice yet she still thinks that I need more feeding.

(Creme caramel, a dessert from Spain)

"Eat these. They are a tasty match!" she proudly stated.

"A-Alright!" I could not complain anymore since she is just so decided to fatten me up.

Antoine never came out of his room for dinner. I did not worry because he always had his stash of imported French biscuits in his room.

Maybe I could sneak in and get two or three cans. I've been desiring to get a taste of those with white chocolate filling.

After dinner and some time in the toilet, I helped Hermana with washing the dishes.

"Before you sleep, make sure that all windows are closed." she firmly instructed me. "And, never come out of your room after midnight. We do not know what creatures are roaming after that hour. Keep your rosary at all times wherever you go."

"Are there...ghosts?"

"Oh, Dear. There's even more! Do you know that the antique statue of San Pedro moves at three in the morning? For real! I saw it once when I got out." she began to detail her sightings one by one, making all hair in my body, even the tiniest ones stand. "And, do you see that Cross in the corner? For so many times, I saw that overturned!"

Oh my Lord!

I may be used to seeing ghosts and spirits but imagining myself waking up with that sight might makes me want to pee in my underpants!

As I proceeded to my room, I kept on turning my head; left and right, front and back, for fear that a statue might be following me. I came inside my room, very much relieved that no cold and wooden hands tagged me.

I jumped on my bed really exhausted. It did not take me too long to fall asleep.

The large clock by the living room made an eerie alarm. It was so loud that it woke me up from deep slumber.

It was midnight.

I saw that my window was partially open.

"What the heck?" I blamed myself for forgetting. "Should have locked it."

I was about to close the window when I saw Antoine outside. I instantly hid under the sill so that he won't see me. Moving to the side, I peered to check on what he is doing. He looked around and proceeded to go behind a big Narra tree, where his hideout is.

This hideout was well-designed. He and his late father had a tunnel constructed below, leading to a storage area for weapons and other items to hunt down evil spirits and demons. It also has a secret passage going to a hidden forest.

"Is he hunting? Alone?" I thought. "What is he thinking?"

Then,I remembered telling him about the three aswang* folks who greeted him in the rice field.

(In Filipino folklore, a shape-shifting monster who feeds on human flesh)

He really took my words for real. If he did, he is in great danger. Those three, as I have read from an old book I got from my late grandmother, are one of the oldest and strongest breed of aswangs. Even the most trained hunters will need company to finish off this kind of monsters.

There is no way I will allow my main character to die!

I proceeded to the altar where a large image of the crucifix with the suffering Jesus Christ nailed on it. I made the sign of the cross and said an apology prayer in my mind as I pulled a thorn from the head. A cabinet at the bottom of the image's feet opened. I took the rifle and took the bag of bullets to follow him and be his backup.

The hut looked cozy as the moon shone above it. I peeked behind a mahogany tree and took a glimpse of Antoine sitting and observing behind a rock. His distinct eyes with the color of gold had a faint glitter in contrast to the darkness of the night.

He took out a wooden spike and a string of garlic.


We have been looking for those!

Hermana could not see where the garlic is when she cooked the chicken stew that is why the soup became bland!

Now I know who the culprit is!

So carefully, I tiptoed and sat beside him. I gave him a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"What...what are you doing here?" he was a bit shaken due to my unexpected presence.

"I thought you might need some


" It's too dangerous here...mmph..."

I covered Antoine's mouth when I saw a shadow moving near the hut. The shadow turned into a black dog, with the size of a horse. It jumped on the hut's roof and started to drill a hole on it with his proboscis.

No doubt.

There is a pregnant woman inside and the aswang's purpose is to eat the unborn fetus. Two more black dogs emerged and guarded the door. Antoine took his rifle and began aiming at the one on the roof.

He was about to pull the trigger when suddenly, the window opened.

"Who's there?" a man, probably the husband, yelled. He stuck his head out from the window and looked around.

The two dogs pounced at him and dragged him out. The woman screamed for help.

"Silly, silly man. Change in plans." He covered his face and grabbed a bolo*. He ran to where the monsters are.

(A large single-edged knife used in the Philippines)

"Hey! You!" He waved his weapon and pointed it at the biggest aswang.

"He leaks of fat and bad cholesterol. No good. Let him go." he preached as if those monsters could be so health conscious.

The monsters hurled the man away in disappointment.

He was almost dinner.

"Go and protect your wife and child. " he ordered. The man ran inside the house and closed the door and window.

"Can you promise to leave and never eat humans again? Antoine asked in a sarcastic tone. "Like, good dogs? Won't you even consider being vegetarian?"

The black dogs growled angrily at him and their eyes turned red like burning coal. Black liquid fell from their mouths.

Surely, their answer is "no".

The three attacked him all at once.

It was quick.

The three monsters lay dead on the ground with their heads decapitated from their bodies. Antoine began collecting the corpses, preparing to burn those so that there will be no evidence of their existence.

What an unusually strong man!

I felt so much pride with his ability.

He is my Obra Maestra* after all.

(In Spanish language, this means "masterpiece")

From behind, I heard someone stepping on a twig. With a quick turn, I saw one of his servants. He bared his fangs and charged to attack me. I aimed my gun at him but he was too quick to grab me by the throat. I fell hard on my back. He raised his fist to hit me but Antoine stopped him from doing so. He gripped and threw the monster farther from me.

I coughed heavily as I struggled to breathe.

"Stay here." He assisted me to stand up and move to a dense shrub. "These will be pungent but you have to put this on." he explained to me while placing the string of garlic around my neck.

"Hail, Master!" His servants, the ones we have met on the rice field greeted. They surrounded us with evil grins on their faces.

"As I thought." Antoine told them. He removed the cover on his face and addressed them. "Let's make a deal, shall we? Leave this place and all is a truce."

"We don't make deals with food." the oldest aswang said as he quickly pushed Antoine against a tree. He attempted to impale him with his long nails but my main character was able to dodge. So effortlessly, he carried me in his arms, hauled me on his shoulder like I am a sack of hay, and began running.

"A-Are we in a bad situation?" I stammered.

"Yes." he honestly replied. "No worries, we'll get out of here alive."

"Mommy dearest!" I shrieked in panic. "This is more real than I thought!"

"Real?" he said with a hint of wondering. "Yes. As you can see, they are."

Out of nowhere, the other two were quick to attack us, sending us rolling on the ground. The eldest one jumped up, ready to pounce but Antoine was quick to shield me. He winced as his right arm was scratched, tearing his skin open that I could almost see some part of his flesh. With a trained hunter's presence of mind, he took a handful of soil and threw it on the enemy's eyes for a moment of distraction. He picked me up so swiftly that I felt as light as a ragdoll, and moved me meters away from our predator.

"Your blood tastes nice, Master." he sneered as he licked his finger and wiped the dirt from his face. "Maybe that woman you are with is more palatable. I am going to rip her stomach and feast on her liver. Her scent is just so-"

Before he could even finish talking, Antoine tackled him down. He took out a hidden gun from his ankle and shot the the one who tried to strike from behind. With incredible speed that my eyes could not follow, he threw a knife at the other, hitting him bullseye at the heart.

He and the eldest aswang wrestled on the ground. Due to the monster's supernatural strength and the latter one's arm injury, he succeeded in pinning him to the ground.

Oh no!

This could not be happening.

I have to do something.

My main character badly needs my help!

Gathering all my courage, I sprinted towards them with a firm decision in mind.

"Stop! Leave now!" Antoine struggled to break free but the monster gripped him by the neck, trying to strangle him.

"Nope!" I refused while taking a handful of garlic on my neck. "Eat this!" I forcefully opened the monster's mouth and inserted the dreaded and stinky kitchen condiment.

He howled in pain, releasing his opponent without a second thought.

His red eyes looked at me in fear and scampered away to escape me and my ultimate weapon...

The powerful garlic.

"You are not going anywhere!" I shouted at him. I took the string out of my neck and threw it at him.

He burst into flames.

Just like firecrackers.

What a beautiful and lovely sight to behold!

"You are unbelievable." Antoine scratched his head and looked at me in disbelief. "How did you know that?"

I laughed proudly and put my hands on my waist.

"Haha! Of course I know something about the supernatural! Garlic is an aswang's worst enemy."

"You are well-read, I can tell." he stood up, shook off the dirt from his pants, and walked towards me. "I owe my life to you. How can I repay you?"

"That's nothing. You saved mine too. Guess what? Maybe we can be a team-"

Suddenly, I felt so dizzy and I struggled to keep my balance.

As I was about to fall, Antoine caught me and I landed on his chest.

"Maria Clara!" he called my alias with so much concern. "MC..."

I felt his heartbeat...

His warmth...

His breath...

It was so real.

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