
Comments of chapter undefined of Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband


The D day is vvv close🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠😝😝😝🤭🤭🤭 I'm both excited and thrilled to see what will happen after their kiss🤭🤭🤭


YES! Lu Lijun is surely REMINDED OF HIS MARRIAGE STATUS with Yuyan! And now he can legally do MORE THINGS for Yuyan?? 🤣 Okay i didnt expect it was Liwei who will give him this alarm. 😣 That was really a good one!! But his realization came abit latE right? Today is the eve of engagement and TOMORROW IS THE E-DAY!!! Im so looking forward to Lu Lijun’s messy emotioNs from this moment onwards. i think he will NOT BE ABLE TO SLEEP AT ALL. 🤣🤣


This chapter makes me think Liwei is just forcing herself to think that he will care for her in the future even if he doesn’t currently. She can see that he really cares for Yuyan but chooses to think he will eventually show this same care for her even though she has not seen it Yet from him. I know she likes hime

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Wonder if he is now reminded of their “marriage”? Or has it hit him how he does love her?

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First , the way yuyan behaves like a kid , she definitely needs these stubborn type of men to care for her . second, i am really glad that we are getting to the most awaited moment of this book. And last, he IS her husband so he MUST care for her .


i am hanging on the cliff auther please save me..... i an dying with excitement

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Aww am so excited That even i caN’t wait to read more… jusT waiting for the moment when oUr LL would realise that he is already her hubby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ a lOt of love to this story its worth it To beIng On top 5. Thank u so much for such an amazing story dear author… i just gift a baloon 😊

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Now I understand the catalyst that author added in her chemistry experiment to make love potion is Lewei. Unknown to her she eased the situation between Lujin and Yuyan and unknowingly reminded him of something that is deep buried in his heart.❤️❤️ I hope author will compensate Lewei for the shattering of her dreams that she is imagining as she is very innocent and naive to deserve that fate. 😔


Thank you so much for two beautiful chapters author❤️ This chapter makes me both happy and sad, Happy cus Lijun is realising his feelings towards Yuyan slowly and isn't troubling her like before. Sad cus I don't want to see such happy girl (Liwei) dreams getting shattered! I can't imagine how hurt she will be when reality hits her!


Woahhhh Liwei Darling it was you who made him realize this, didn't see this coming. I really like you dude.


Liwei even if this world ends i will love you bcoz you made my day. Indirectly you are helping him LL somehow by showing him how he behaves.

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Dear author do you know you're the best?... thanks for this wonderful chapter looking forward to the next


liwei is daydreaming about after wedding and lijun doesn’t even remember their engagement 😪 more to that liwei now mentioned about yuyan lijun looks husband and wife... this chapter is bittersweet....how will she take it when she will be left alone at engagement all alone☹️☹️ why it’s making me feel guilty!🤦‍♀️


Liwei is a person who makes a cold man realised what he feels for yuyan and she is his long forgotten wife whom he love always care and looked after his brother. And have all right on his wife, ...


Finallyy getting there!!!! 😍😍 Did her words trigger his flashback memories that leads to the great enlightenment regarding his marriage!!!✨✨ Omgggg can't wait to know more!!!🤩🤩❤️❤️

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Happy Birthday Author🎂


Realization x dawning on someone🤣🤣🤣


Can't wait for the next chapters🤗. I think it will be a very exciting turn🤭. And I hope that no enmity will break out between the two families😔. Surely Wens will blame Lijun for everything🤔, and he was too hasty🤷‍♀️


In previous chapter there was a hint to Liwei from herself.. When she saw Lijun's care for Yuyan, she was happy but felt that there is more, for it to be just familial care.. Girl.. Never look down on your own instincts or else you'll suffer later☹️☹️


One thing pin me all the time How is that possible that a person who is very sharp minded at the very young age forget his marriage or its possible that he remember it all the time and thinks that this marriage have no meanings cause he was very younge at that time.leiwai taking wake up his sleeping Conscience. l really curious what this Dumb thinking now🤔😅


😱what a wonderful reminder from Liwei👌! He's getting engaged to someone else and treating his 'wife' nicely in the presence of his soon to be 'fiancee', how conflicting🤔! Thank u always Mynovel20🙏🥰💖.