
Soul Overload

Year 1109 AD (After Demons).

"AHHHHHHHHHH.... HEEEELP" A lady shouted so loud.

The lady is running from the forest back to her village. Her eyes light up when she saw the village/ she was about to scream help when the hope in her eyes was immediately turned to despair. Her village was burned by the Demonic tribe.

The demonic tribe also looked like humans but they were bigger in size. Normal human's height has only an average of 2 meters while the demons from the demonic tribe are far larger growing up to 2.5 to 3.5 meters.

Their eyes were all red and killing intent gushed out from their bodies. Just the killing intent alone was enough to horrify all of the villagers.

The villagers tried to fight back, but their strength can't even compare to those of the demonic tribe. They were slaughtered mercilessly one by one.

"Dominic... Live for our sake. We will make a way for you to escape here alive. Just leave it to your Papa and Mama... Okay?" The man patted his Son's head and hugged him.

"I won't leave the both of you... We will live together. We will fight them! " The boy named Dominic clenched his fist and wiped his tears. The boy was aged around 9 years old.

"Dom… You will get out here alive and avenge all of the villagers " his mother hugged him tightly.

The Demons got nearer to them. All of the villagers made a circle formation wherein Dom and a little girl was protected inside.

Then a two lady grab both of them and carried them, then a man shouted" GO! " Then they dashed towards the demons and attacked them. They did this to make some way for the girl and Dominic to escape.

"Andrea.. Take good care of yourself... And Dominic... As a man, you should protect Andrea... " The lady carrying the girl named Andrea looked at Dominic with pitiful eyes.

Then Dominic nodded while tears dripping down his face. When they passed through the barricade of Demon warriors that is surrounding them, half of the villagers died. After passing through them they rushed towards the forest nearby.

"FOLLOW THEM. DON'T LET ANYBODY ESCAPE" The demon Commander shouted at his troops. Then the demons run as they pursued the villagers. The demons of the demonic tribe are faster than the normal humans because of their taller height; they can stride farther every step they made. Soon, they caught up with the villagers. The villagers slaughtered one by one.

The lady that is carrying Andrea stopped and placed her down. "Run! Run and hide! Don't let them catch you." Then she looked at Dom and smiled at him and said, "Take care of her."

Andrea was still in shock; she is just standing there and crying. Andrea was only 4 years old by that time so she was utterly terrified. Dom was slightly matured than her and she said proudly, "I will take care of her." Then he sat down and told Andrea to hop in his back. Andrea was still crying but she immediately hopped on his back. After that, Dom runs deeper into the forest while carrying Andrea on his back.

"CATCH THE KIDS, DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE. A MEAT OF A 4 YEARS OLD KID IS THE BEST" Then the Demon Commander licked his lips. The demon's spirit rose up and then they run to catch up with Andrea and Dominic.


"Ehhhhhh? Demonic raid? " It was an old man riding a horse. He has a white long beard and white long hair. His face is full of wrinkles. Now, he is just a weak and fragile old man. He can't do anything about the Demon's raid.

As he wanders in the forest he saw two kids chased by demons....


"Andrea I can't run anymore, you should run deeper in the forest and hide," Dom said as he panted, trying to catch his breath.

Andrea only stared at Dom while crying. Dominic tried to shove her away but she won't go. "I can't lif (leave) you!" Andrea said. She was still aged 4 so she can't speak and pronounce fluently. She gripped hardly on Dom's shirt.

Dom holds her hand and clutched it tightly. They already stopped and the demons walking towards them slowly as they grin evilly.

Their grin alone terrified the two youngsters out of their wits. Andrea peed on her skirt while Dom was trembling so much as tears dripping down their face.

Dom started to run again, so as Andrea. The demons laughed and then one of them brandished his sword towards Andrea and then she was wounded and fell to the ground. Dom immediately rushed to stop the demons when he felt something pierced his stomach. When he looked at it, there is already a sword plunged on him. The demons pulled back the sword and then Dom felled near Andrea. He reached his hands to hold Andrea's hands.

Andrea's eyes were already closed as a line of tear fell down. He tried to crawl to touch her face but he was unable to do.

"HAHAHAHA! We shall feast on these two little humans!" The commander already caught up to them and started to walk. Dom looked at the commander and saw him lifting his sword and smash it down to cut's Dom's head.


Year 1118 AD

Month of October


"Ouch, Master. STOP HITTING ME EVERY TIME I WAKE UP.... AHHHHHHHH NOOOOO...STOP...STOP...I'M SORRY MASTER... SORRY.. NOOOOOOO. YAAAAAAAAH" Right after Dom waked up from his nightmare, his Master Emong hit him with his wooden cane.

He shouted like a lady being raped by an ugly b*stard. "You scared the sh*t out me when you shouted. Is it that nightmare again?" From an angry face, his master's facial expression changed into a serious mood.

"Yes..... It's been 9 years since then. I was only 9 years old by that time and those demons still hunt me in my dreams." Dominic clenched his fist as he recalled what happened in the past. He really hated demons down to his bones.

Dominic has been training for 9 years under the tutelage of his Master Emong.

Emong is a Sword Master, using a sword as a major weapon in battles. He said that he mastered multiple sword skills and other unique skills.

He is now 79 years of age. Even reaching Grandmaster Level, he is nearing his death by this time. His Soul was damaged severely by a Legendary Grandmaster Level beast and wounded his Soul resulting in the fantasia he accumulated to ooze out of his body before fixing it. Even fixing his soul, he can't cultivate any more. . He traveled the world to find someone to help him but to only failed to find a cure for his condition.

"Are you done training your Sword Comprehension level to the 5th level? You're practicing that for 9 years and you're stuck at level 4 for two years. After all these years, now I realized that you are below a normal human level, or should I say a 'TRASH'. Swordmasters at your age already achieved the 7th level of Sword Comprehension and look at you? You will become a laughing stock at the time you enter the academy eh? " Emong looked at Dominic with a super serious face that made Dominic cower in fear.

"BELOW THE Normal Human-level your A*s! I trained so hard just to be called a 'TRASH' by my own master.... AHHHHHHH... No. No. No.. Stop.

Stop!! YAAAAAAAH. I'M SORRY!! STOOOOOP!! AHHHHH... WAAAAAH" by this time Emong hit Dominic with his Cane. With his Master's Sword Comprehension at level 8 just by using a cane to execute normal sword skill to hit him, he already screamed in pain.

Every hit made a bruise on Dom's skin. Even his Fantasia ooze out of his body, but still, his physique was at Grandmaster Level enable him to beat Dominic into a pulp.

"Master... You know me... I'm just joki-.. AHHHHHH. I'M JUST JOKING... MAST-... AHHHHHH" he was beaten again by his master leaving bruises and wounds on his body.

"Ok enough... I'll cast a healing spell on you. "

Greenlight enveloped Dominic's body and as the green light continues to emit, the bruises and wounds on his body vanished as time passes by.

"Do you feel okay now? Dom?" Master Emong asked

"Yes, master" Dom replied gleefully.

"Then cultivate your sword skills to reach higher Sword Comprehension level." After Master Emong instructed him, he walked to his room and enter it.

"Yes, I will"


"Wind Blade" Dom shouted as a crescent-shaped wind was produced as he brandished his sword. The Wind Blade traveled through the forest and cut some trees.

Dom is currently training in the woods. He needed to comprehend a higher level of sword comprehension.

"Master Emong said it is still a weak skill, even though it is a Master level skill, I can barely control it. Based on my master's deduction, the comprehension ability and prowess of those youths in my age is far greater than mine even with the presence of Soul Overload." He shook his head as he assessed his own abilities, disappointed at his own performance.

"I'm still stuck at Sword Comprehension level 4 and my Soul is only at Sky level. *sigh*. This is so complicated, I need to reach the Master stage to enter the Academy and I need to reach Sword Comprehension level 5 so that I won't get behind with the others at the academy."

"Train harder Dom to find Andrea as soon as possible and fulfill your promise." Determination appeared on his face as he reminisces how the Demonic Tribe slaughtered his family and friends.

He then activated another skill, Thunder. Thunder allows him to move faster and surpass his limits. Thunder is a Grandmaster level skill but he can still execute it with ease.

These skills were not intended for him to use. His Soul cultivation was still on Sky level but the skills he is executing are already a tier or two higher than his cultivation realm, but he can execute it normally because of his Legendary Passive Skill, obtained by eating a Phoenix. The skill's name is Soul Overload. Having this skill will grant its user 5 times of Fantasia than other Cultivators and also at the same time, 5 times Fantasia absorption than the others. Obtaining this skill has a 99% death rate. So far, only Dominic and a few cultivators have perfectly obtained the skill.

The Phoenix meat is so hot when it enters the body. Some cultivators can't take even a small slice of meat. Dominic eats the whole 100 meters phoenix within 2 months.

With the physique of the Phoenix, it won't go spoiled even after 1 year.

When he ate the Phoenix, his Soul is only at Mortal level. This is also the requirement of acquiring the Legendary Passive Skill: Soul Overload.

The first time he ate the meat, his body temperature reached 55 degrees Celsius, but after an hour it returned to normal temperature.

The second time he ate it, his body temperature is now 54 degrees Celsius.

And as he ate it, he became immune to the heat and after 1 week he's just eating it like a piece of cake. And with this skill, he is immune to Fire-based attacks and no Ice magic can freeze him.

"Wooooh. I felt so tired!" sweats dripping down his face and he bathed on his own sweat making his White shirt wet and he takes it off. He displayed his muscular body full of scars done by his training.

Even though Master Emong has a healing spell, it will just close the wound but the scars remain.

It is almost twilight when he finished training his skills and Sword Comprehension.

"I should head back now. I still need to cultivate. I need to reach the Master level soon, to enter the Academy" He is now walking to their Small house hidden in the mountains of Limonsito.

After taking a bath, they eat together with his master and then go to bed.

"I'll train better tomorrow. This is for my goal! To avenge my family and the villagers and also to find Andrea!"

So, Hi minna! I'm the author of this novel (obviously). I finally got time to continue this story that I made. But before that, if you're wondering why I removed the other chapters, it is because of those grammatical error of mine and changing the way how the story progress. So I hope you enjoy my novel. If you like it please add it to your library and vote this novel. Many thanks!

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