*MYA! Nom-Nom Mew! Meh. Mew. Meh-Heh-Heh.*
(Listen up you wet bananas! I, the over 9000 INT Tama, is here to tell you all why you should read this or become my food! Also, you are required to give me your red powered jelly stone things for my efforts in writing this or I’ll make you not only a wet banana but a spilt one too!
This story could be better if it was just about me hence only 4 stars for story development. My banana human is just that, a banana. Sometimes they have a wu-wu, others a wee-wee. Its weird, but ignore the boy trap and just focus on me, Tama.
Some call me an eggcat, but those someones are bananas. I am a super awesome, all knowing foodie descendent from a dragon-like creature. Basically perfect, yeah.
The world I live in is great! There all sorts of foods everywhere! Humans, zombies, green eggs, and ham? Tuna, snakes, scorpions, etc. My owner is abusive though and only feeds Tama the bare minimum, please call protective services for Tama before she starves to death!
Author needs to write more so that Tama can show everyone how amazing they are in comparison to everyone else who are bananas. Author you banana, hurry up and give Tama more delicious foods and smarter humans. Poor Tama can only take so many bananas.. wait, that sounds wrong ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) heh-heh, banana Mish will take them in Tama’s place.
But chop chop! *Mya-Nom-Nom!*