
Bittersweet memories (2)

"Ahahha. Letter for you, money for me", Christine said smiling at Jolo. This is one of the childhood habits that she still practices even at her age now.

"You are still childish you know", Jolo smiled back and reached out to rub her hair, making a mess out of it.

"Stop it. You are still the prick", Christine caught his hand and tapped it.

"Right, dinner is ready. We shall go and join Celine", Joseph interrupted their exchange of happy banter.

Christine: "___"

"Yeah, let us go", he said and took her hand with his.

Jolo: "Yeah right, let us go", he said looking at Christine, his eyes having deep meaning and he held her hands before standing up.

Joseph stood up and went out of the cottage first. Jolo and Christine followed still holding hands. Joseph is now in a bad mood. His face darkened and went straight inside the mansion through the back door.

The dining room is on the ground floor of the mansion. For ordinary people, it is already a house. It has a long dining table at the center. The table is made of hardwood as well as the chairs, it was in the mansion for several generations already but even if it is already antique, it was well maintained and retained its beauty and elegance just like new. There are 12 chairs, 2 on both ends of the table and 5 on each side of it. Joseph as the head of the mansion sat on one end of the table. To his right was Celine. They were already seated when Jolo and Christine walked in. Their smile faded away when they saw Celine and Joseph looking at them. Celine was still elegant at her age. She is already on her late 50s but it doesn't show. She was wearing a blue off-shoulder dress and her hair tied into a bun, a gold necklace on her neck and matching gold earrings on both ears.

Celine's face turned sour upon looking at Christine. She was in high spirit earlier when Joseph came and now it was completely ruined with the presence of Christine.

"What is she doing here?'', she pretended not to know about it. She was perfectly aware and saw it with her own eyes when Joseph carried her last night into her room. She tried to calm herself even though she is burning with rage.

"You two hurry up and sit down", Joseph directed Jolo and Christine who were both in a daze. As if cold water was poured into them, they hurriedly went to their places in the dining table. Jolo sat on the left side of Joseph and Christine took the seat beside Jolo.

"She is back, mother and she will be staying here for good", Joseph answered her mother in a matter of fact way.

Celine's eyes darted to Christine and it was so sharp and red with anger. It did not go unnoticed by Jolo so he interrupted the conversation.

"Mom, don't you want to welcome me back?" he said with a faint smile on his face. Celine's expression change but still not as lively as when she talks to Joseph.

"Welcome back Jolo. How was your study?", she said and faked a smile.

"Well, everything is good. I only have one more semester left and I will finally graduate", he said proudly.

"Ahem, shall we start eating?'', Joseph interrupted and waved at the maids to start serving.

"I have ordered them to prepare your favorite food Jo", Celine said enthusiastically. "And yours too Jolo", she added after a few seconds.

It was a feast. There are stuffed crabs, seafood soup, baked honey mustard chicken, meatball stew in casserole and pannacotta as dessert. These are all the favorite of Christine and was surprised to know that these are Joseph's favorite food as well according to Celine.

Although she finds it weird, she did not show it and concentrated on eating. The all tasted so good and she can't help but smile while eating her food. Jolo was amused at how she devoured her food while Celine was sulking and burning with rage. She lost her appetite and was eating meekly. joseph was seriously eating his food.

"Oh, where is Claire bro?'', Jolo asked. He was so preoccupied that he almost forgot his little sister.

"She is already sleeping, she got tired with her ballet class", Joseph explained and his expression softened upon the mention of Claire's name. Both Jolo and Joseph love their little sister and adored her so they have this sweet smile whenever they are around her. While the brothers were discussing how Claire is coping up and how adorable she has become growing up, Celine's mood was completely ruined. She can't take it anymore. She abruptly stood from her seat which startled everyone including the maids that were serving their food.

"I am no longer in the mood to eat,'' she said and walked out of the dining room. The moment she went out of the dining room, her face darkened and her eyes were bloodshot. She saw a Chinese vase from the Ming Dynasty displayed at the foot of the stairs and she smashed it. It broke into pieces.

"Madam", cried the maid who happened to be nearby.

Celine just looked at her with bloodshot eyes and trembling in anger then she trotted angrily upstairs. She slammed the door to her room and smashed everything on her vanity table. She took the lampshade and tossed it on the carpeted floor. She was so angry and she has no other way to vent her anger.

"Madam, are you alright?'', the maid followed her and could hear the things being smashed inside. A loud thug hit the door and the maid involuntarily backed away from the door. She did not dare to go inside, scared that she might be hurt. She is very well aware that her madam is capable of hurting other people. She did it before with Christine and she could do it to her too.

She has been with the Arante's before Celine came into the Mansion. She knows everything that happened.

hmm, do you want to know what the maid knew? Thanks for reading and supporting me.

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