
Chapter 3

Ryan was on his way to the old man's house opening his switch blade then closing it back again...

Over and over again.

Then finally he came to realize that he needs to get rid of the old man too....

To close that eye forever...

"But I must come up with a plan" Ryan thought to himself.


Upon reaching the house he had at least 30 ways to murder the old man but most of them was attacks that will 'always see the light of day' as he thought.

"I must think of a way.....a way before his eye drives me to total madness...."

"Oh, hello again boy....I was wondering where you was and what was taking you so long...Why, I was just about to check the mail..."

Ryan looked up and smiled at the old man, "No, you don't need to push yourself too far...Besides, I already checked the mail and nothing was there."

The old man chuckled to himself and says, "Oh, you are such a nice young man..."

"Why thank you sir, now, would you like to go in?" Ryan said while thinking "At least you are one person who does not think that I am mad.... At least not yet..."

"Nah, I think I might stay out here today." The old man smiled and said while lifting his head up to face the sky.

"Okay but we may have to go in before long so you don't get sunburned." Ryan crouched down and looked at the old man in the face with a pitiful look trying to convince him staying outside was a bad idea.

While looking at the old man Ryan's eyes came across it... That eye... That horrible eye... All of the sudden anger rushed in his veins from looking at it and he stood up abruptly and went behind the old man and grabbed the wheelchair bars and started to push him under a tree and said, "How about we push you over to the shade so you'll be burned less easily."

"Such a bright and smart witted young man you are... I agree that this was a good idea and I put sunscreen on today so me being in the shade AND having sunscreen on will leave me a chance to barely being burned!"

The old man smiled at Ryan after exclaiming.

"Ugh, such a stupid move for me to make now we will never go inside." Ryan thought to himself and said outloud, "Okay but tell me if it gets too much for you." Ryan smiled back.

"Will do! Now, do you have any sunscreen protecting you from the sun?"

"Yes sir, I do."

"Great! Now we can stay even longer! Maybe even until the sun goes down." The old man the relaxed in his chair.

"Ugh! I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I say no? Ughh!" Ryan said mentally abusing himself but in the end all he could muster up to say to the old man was, "Yep, but you'll still need to go in and get something to drink and eat and all."

"Oh nonsense! I'm sure you'll probably be kind enough to fix me a glass if you go in."

"Of course." He forced a grin. "At least then I'll have time to think." He laughed a bit outloud.

"Pardon? Is something wrong?" The old man looked at Ryan with a sympathetic look on his face.

The old man's question had startled Ryan but he still managed to pull a response of, "Oh, no sir I was just thinking of the fun times we will have together in the future!"

The old man giggled at his certainty of a future with how bad his health is and said, "Oh alrighty then."

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