

After helping out with the cleanup, we gathered at the top of the nearby building's rooftop as the Fantastic Four is in a heated discussion while I stood in the corner waiting. Read Richards, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm and Sue Storm is a discussing their future plans and whether they should join the Defenders or not.

Reeds is the first to approach me as he said "We appreciate your help in dealing with Victor and we know that you have good intentions in helping, but....."

Sue interrupted Reeds impatiently by saying "Even though the Defenders have been doing a good job in reducing the crime rates, but you and your team members have been sending every bad guys you come across into the emergency ward".

Reeds continued "That is not what we do, we should be encouraging them to do the right thing".

Feeling irritated I replied "When is the last time all of you step outside of Baxter Building and use your powers to save people. You have been spending all your time in your science lab that you don't really know what is really happening in the real world".

Ben and Johnny nodded their head in agreement.

Reeds argued back "But you can't change the world like this" as Sue wanted to say her piece.

I put up my hand to stop them, I said "Stop Bullshitting me! Unless you do what you preach, you don't have the right to make any comments. Spend some time in the real world and see it with your own eyes. Once you make a difference I will listen to you"

I walk towards Johnny and pass him a Wingwave communicator "Your family is your team but call any time if you guys need help, we don't agree on our methods but we do need to work together if there are enemies that we can't handle alone".

Johnny mumbled "But I really want to join the Defenders".

I replied "Don't worry I will give you a chance but you will need to pass all the members test"

Taking a glance at The Thing, I said "If you need a second opinion about your condition and power, you can find me. Since the others can control their power, I believe there is a method for you to do the same" Ben look at me in surprised.

I walk towards the edge of the building roof and glide away into the night.

The Fantastic Four stood in silence deep in their own thought before Ben said "He's right. We could be out there making a big difference. While searching for a cure we could be a little more proactive in helping people in need".

Cheerfully Johnny slap Ben's back saying "Yes, glad to have you on my side" which Ben reply saying "Don't make me regret this".

"By the way Nightwing said something about me being an attention hogger and that I like to boast about myself. That is not true, right?" Johnny asked

"It's True!" Everyone shouted back to him as Johnny sulkily replied "Traitors".


The next day.....

Sneaking into Agent Coulson's temporary SHIELD Base is an easy task as I avoided all their surveillance cameras and security alarms with the help of Oracle. I even hack their system just in case to determine whether they have found anything that may reveal my identity.

The whole team is busy with their own tasks while Agent Coulson and Daisy is in mission room in front of computer monitors. As they map out possible identities and base location using their algorithm but it does not seem like that they are successful in narrowing their search parameter.


Agent Coulson is in a bad mood since their investigation has not bring SHIELD any closer in determining Nightwing's identity and base of operation. Coulson is feeling stressed since Director Fury is determine to find out more of their progress and has been pestering for results. Currently both Agent Coulson and Daisy is reviewing Nightwing fight with Doom and they are backtracking his movement but proof unsuccessful since he avoid most of the camera.

SHIELD have manage to determine most of the Defender's identities but they are not able to find anything that might help them identity Nightwing's identity. From SHIELD's investigation, they suspect that the Defenders members do not know know anything about Nightwing's identity or base of operation too.

Sighing to himself Coulson decided to return to his office to make his daily report to Fury. The first thing Coulson saw when he open his office door is Nightwing sitting in his chair with legs on the table and reading his Captain America Comic book.


As Coulson stood in shock at his office doorway, I said "Don't worry, they are still in mint condition and I was very delicate".

Seeing that Coulson still stood frozen at the doorway, I continued jokingly "You have an amazing comic book and card collections, I am impressed, wanna trade?".

"Nightwing, what are you doing here?" Coulson said as he slowly putting a hand near his weapon.

I answered back confidently "First it is not me that is being rude here! Second I am not here to start a fight so please ease up".

Slowly calming himself, Coulson replied "I don't understand what you mean".

Smiling back at him, I said "Don't try to deny it, I know SHIELD has been tracking me this few weeks. You have been trying to find out my secret, that is kinda rude".

"So you knew about us tracking you, that explains a lot" said Coulson playing it cool "What can I do for you today, Nightwing?"

Putting down his comic book, I approach Coulson saying "Tell Nick Fury that I don't like to be spied on. I have a reason to wear a mask and it is to protect my privacy".

"That does not show why we should trust you" Coulson replied as he walked towards his table and check on his collections.

"Well it is a leap of faith. You can trust me base on my actions rather than knowing the man behind the mask" I said as continued "Now can you please tell me why SHIELD is so interested with me or should I talk to Director Fury directly".

After thinking for awhile, Coulson answered "Give me a second, I will make a call to him!" as Coulson press a button in the room. Few minutes later the monitor in his office display Fury's image.

"Coulson, report!" Nick Fury snapped as he answered the call.

Coulson answered slowly "Director Fury, there is a guest here who wants to talk to you!" as Coulson gestured his hand towards me.

Noticing my presence, Fury calmly replied "I see, Nightwing. Looks like you are more capable than I thought".

Looking back at the monitor, I growled back "Lets get straight to the point, I want to keep my own privacy and if you want to talk please do it like a normal civilize person rather then spying behind my back. Now tell me what you want?".

Fury frown his eyebrows before he slowly replied "I am assembling a team that will handle threats that are beyond the limits of ordinary men and women. It is called the Avengers Initiative" looking directly at me.

Hearing the word Avenger, I can hear the Avenger theme song started playing in my head. It is always been my dream to join the Avengers but since I wanted to decide my own fate, I replied "No".

"What!" growled Fury.

"I am not interested to work for SHIELD" I answered looking at Fury "but the Defenders is willing to work with SHIELD".

Fury replied "It will be better if you join us compared to you and your friends constantly breaking the law by trespassing and acting as a vigilante. We can provide you the best training and technology to help make you the best version of yourself, the Ultimate Nightwing".

"Tempting offer but no. I believe that by having a team outside of SHIELD, you can have a better result. We respect the law but sometimes you need to do something outside the line to stop the criminals once and for all" I explain calmly.

"We can train you with people with special skills" Fury said temptingly.

"How about this, you can bring your best agent to test me. If I lose I will join SHIELD, if I win you will consider working with the Defenders to help handle your possible threats" I replied countering his offer.

Fury stared back at me in silence and irritation, he replied "Fine! How do I contact you?".

Taking out the Wing Wave communicator, I answered "You can call me on my communicator, don't even try to hack or scan the communicator. Once someone try to do that, it will self destruct" passing the communicator to Coulson" I said "Only you and Coulson is allowed to use or touch the communicator, anyone else then the deal is over".

Fury smirking in confidence "Alright, you have a deal. I will give you a week to prepare".

Walking towards the door, I replied "Sure thing, hope we build a trusting friendship" as throw down the smoke screen pellet.


Coulson quickly went towards the doorway as Nighwing disappeared.

Looking back at the monitor, Coulson asked "Do you trust him, Director Fury?".

Thinking for a short moment, Fury replied "I don't know but at least he can be reason with".

Coulson replied worriedly "But we are dealing with a complete wild card here, we don't know much about him too".

"Don't worry we will learn more once he join SHIELD and I have the best man to test Nightwing out" Fury replied with a smirk on his face as he confidently continued "This is not my first rodeo".

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I am back..... sorry was really busy during Lunar New Year......looks like i need to hit the gym due to all the eating

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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