

Watchdog and hira get shocking behavior of girl, after so many time, this girl is very much ego inside, this behavior not accepted by them, this really strange for them, even we not talking to anyone

Palak parents were moving toward appointment, when they arrived and they see someone sitting in first of door and he said, please show me your appointment, otherwise I will kick you out ( he talking like some high class girl, he is very much looking at his nail whenever he talking us, he is just sitting and apply nail polish)

Old could gave them the documents and he said, you can get in, he is not looking at the person, and how many of them entered to headmaster room?

Hira said, why this door is pink? In our academy, all door are grey, but this academy is like a girl run this academy

Watchdog said, man run this academy, but the man is girl mind, he always behave like girl even he is guy, but we don't need to worry, we just came here for this matter of this parents and our.

When all of then enter, they saw that, it's like princess room, there is doll collection is right side and they were thinking s they were is girls room, but they enter its room, they smell some perfume, they understand, they is girlish man territory.

They listen voice of them, but they were scared of it, it feel like someone making excuse of them, they were discussing this matter, but in their mind girl were talking to ghost

Jika said, this is just someone talking to someone, this is the real thing, maybe there is someone else, he talking to their creature friends,

Hira said, I was just enjoying myself, I will not talking to them, you and watchdog can take this matter with them,

When they looking around, there is something sitting on couch, we can discuss this to them, there will be the one, but! Why this couch toward wall? We can't see his face. He really sitting alone, but there is no one here except him, but he talking to someone.

Old lady go there and said, excuse me, we came here to meet the headmaster of angel academy. Please tell me where he is now? We came here to meet them

He said, you can sleep my doll, you will not disturb anyone, you just rest, I will complete my work, after that I will discuss with you madam, please wait for me, my doll is waiting for her pedicure.

Old lady silenty step back, she also feel like goosebumps while he speaks to him. She was feel very bad and walking back, but her husband support her, she feel sick while she walking back.

Watchdog said, he really know that, there must be a reason of talking like that, you don't worry, there must be a character change.

Everyone except headmaster, there were looking to him, they just can't discuss this matter, they were just waiting for headmaster response, he just looking toward his doll and take care of him as his own child, but doll is not

He took doll and take doll to doll house and he appear in front of him, the headmaster dress up with doll and skirt and make-up is full in his face that make the other disgust them

Ninja said, this is really shocking for me, I was just want to go out, but this is the reason of this strange behavior, I feel like, we standing in other world.

Headmaster waling and sitting on chair and he check make-up on face by mirror on table, he ask, why you coming here? What do you want?

Old lady politely said, my daughter was here, but her behavior toward us is very cruel. What happen to her?

Headmaster ask, this is the reason you came here for, okay I will tell you, we teach him. How to behave as well, but this is reason she behave like, she should talk like high class, so you understand you can go now

Watchdog said, we also came here for that part of sword, that your academy carrying.

Ha! Ha! You must be joking, we never carry that kind of thing, this is our academy, we never carry that immortal sword part (he check on nail polish while speaking them)

Watchdog ask. Can you academy help us? We all going against the full war against vampire, this will a big help, we want more people to counter them.

Sorry my boy, I will not help you, we never dirty our hand in someone les war, we want peaceful environment, so we can go now.

Hira said! Is there any way to you can give us an immortal sword part? We never know about that sword name, but explain it very detailed.

Yo! Yo! You really good at catching word, but you will not get what you came here, you should fight to our highest grade student, if you beat them, I will show you the place but you take that part by yourself, you are from magical and witch academy, you are really splendid student.

Jika said, show us your top student, we will clean him and move toward our destiny, we will waste our time for rest.

Headmaster said, hey Colin go and call our top student, we have battle here, let's see you can stand against our student, you will regret it

Watchdog said, we will beat all of your student, if you think, you top student is strong, we are from the land, soil give us power, but here, they just insult our manner.

Hira said, we will show our academy power, you just watch us, we are from the land, and there is no one stand against the power of will.

Headmaster said, let's see you think, low status can beat us, you will not know our power of our student

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