

Haruma, earth, tea, masu diat all of them comes in Britain secret agency area, agency start follow them, they agency was the one, who were suspicious about this matter.

Haruma and friends staying in hotel which is not magical based hotel, there is normal human hotel, and they don't want to get caught by police and agency. But they are not aware of the agency already pursue them. They thought that staying a normal human hotel can't get suspicious, but they really doing suspicious thing.

In Britain, speaking in something, every agency were already know about it. Jenny incident, but haruma and friends were seeing the incident in building happen, because of someone trying to steal something from there, but they succeeded

All the magical police and agency in alert so, they suspicious of any magical person, the person who done this is a magician. They are still trying to pursue them.

In the news spreading of the hurricane come over a building and just destroy a single building, get spreading, some people discussing the matter of magical world, they were make this kind of world exist. Take this a strict sign of threatening to human (some politician furious speech in stage)

Everyone watching them from television shops, but some magician said, this could be threaten to us, if they prove our existence

Don't worry from the magical agency, our high official sitting in president house, you should not worry about this, this will never happen. They just threatening us, like they always do.

Haruma were planning something, someone knock on their room, when they look out there is 5 person standing and 3 of them are female,

Tea said, there is 5 person standing with black suit, they are knocking the door

Haruma said, I will go and open it, you should stay here, haruma open door.

The person saying, we are from police, we need to discuss something please cooperate (male person asking this question)

Haruma said, we are 5 friends, we coming here for vacation, but why this thing happen here? When I came here with my family, this thing never happen here, I just love to understand it, why you coming here?

6th person appear and said, you doing suspicious thing and we believe that, you are playing game with us, you said, you came here before, we don't have any record of girl like you come here, with your friend tell us.

Haruma said, go and ask to manager of this hotel, you will soon find it, my father is good friend of this hotel owner,

He bring manager, he spill out and he said the same thing as haruma said, there is no doubt about it,

He also ask, one of your friend said, she came here to propose prince, this is very suspicious thing, this is really worried thing from my side.

My friend was coming here for first time, they saying this in Hindi, this is the reason for them, they us translation magic to understand it (haruma said)

The person, there is another reason for you coming here, your two friend said, they coming here to meet the queen.

Haruma said, there is incident happen of immortal creature vampire took a girl from magical and witch academy.

Yes! We all know about it, we are very much thanks for her sacrifice.

Haruma said, we came here to ask queen to help us in battel to rescues our friend, we came for their soldier to help us, when we going to attack them, I already take appointment with them, If you please we want to rest, after that, we will continues it

All of the person were their said, we will come tomorrow and take you to queen, she also know that, there is whole bunch of friends coming here,

Haruma said, I will waiting for you, but don't peeping on our room, I feel like you are just agent,

Female agent erased the memory of manager and go back, on the way back, one of the agent ask to their team leader who were asking question to them.

Haruma were scold masu and diat for making such statement in immigration office, hey masu, you making thing worst, you are now talking old psycho jenny.

Tea said, I already told you, we have to bring ninja or watch dog in exchange of them, they are just don't understand this situation

Earth said, let us rest, we will doing nothing today, here if we take both of them seriously, they will destroy it, now they paying card, in this situations.

Tea said, she is right, we need to eat something after that, we will rest, ready for tomorrow

Diat ask, we have to dress like royal family tomorrow, we need to buy some dresses for tomorrow.

She is right! Right! We all; forgot that, we need to meet them, we have to dress like them, we need to buy new cloth, Britain style, so we will not get insult in first of them

Masu said, but we don't have money, this place is very expensive, you should know you status, money we have only for return

Yes! She is right, let sleep (tea said)

Tomorrow morning, as that agent said, they came for pick them up for palace

Diat said, we don't trust them, they are all guys and we are innocents girl, they will east take our respects

3 girl said, we are here as well, don't mistake us as guy like them, okay! They all stupid one, who don't know how to hand girl

Masu said, but if I find this guy is fatty because of the suit button on last stages

Haruma said, shut-up, I already see their identity card, so get one, they will definitely take us, otherwise, and you can roaming around alone

Diat and masu ready for it, earth and tea were discussing, it look like, someone days are going to ruin, they know that, masu and diat talking too much

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