

After lost against them, varu decided to train hard for jenny, he want stronger master, who can teach him something, that could be big help, varu decided to ask jenny father, he and his wife is more strong than him,

When he realize that, he is strong enough, he need a strong is magic and strong I strength, he first go to jenny father, he talk to him about it, they were discuss about this matter to him

He said, current general is very good option for you, they can train you like pro, but I am retired and my wife will teach you

Varu request them, please teach me, you are experience in this, this will be a big help from you, our general is strong but, my father told you and your wife are strong.

He reply, okay! But I call my wife, she also know that, how you manage to bring yourself against us, we will train you as a team, if you want to strong soon.

Okay! Master

Jenny father understand his intentions and want to see him to fight like master, he want his wife also train him, she never teach to own children, but this time, she need Ren to help him.

Jenny was middle of vampire jokes, they trying to hurt jenny and want jenny to insult us, so they can see her in maid outfit, jenny want something to make them shut, she just can't stop them by shutting their mouth like that, she decided to plot something.

In the lunch time, all the vampire were drinking blood, jenny also eating food, she vomit and fall in front of them, she acting like unconscious,

Cobra parents came and look at her and said, someone mix something in food, this is reason of it, we have to take her to her room, she need medicine as well, otherwise

Dracula ask, what happen to her? Why she like that?

Lena said, it's like she is pregnant, this is normal human nature, when she pregnant, they vomit and soon birth a child.

Cobra wife said, she is not pregnant, someone make joke on her, since morning, someone the masters teasing her, they use oil on ground, she slip, someone of the vampire, bother her, while she was resting, this thing happen, I saw vampire claw also came here to kitchen.

Dracula said, I warn her to not insult you, but you all bother her, and want to see her as maid, I think, this is the reason for you doing this.

I take back word what I said in morning, she is something very important for my ceremony, if you do this to her again. I think, someone need to clean our pet house for a month.

We will never bother her again, we just want to see her in maid outfit, so we just did it,

Jenny was shaking, her blood vain turning purple. Cobra parent said master, look something happen to her body, please see it, her body color changing

Call cell here, it can help her, jenny foam coming out from the mouth, that was shocking, but jenny was very serious about this,

Cell come and examine her, he said, you are right, she mix something dangerous on her food, that make her like that,

Varu was ready for the lesson, he was standing in front of them, Ren prepare from the creature, she bring out her best fighter creature for varu, Jenny father also bring it best creature for them

Ren said to creature, this boy want to train against me,

Jenny father said, varu you have to beat them without weapon, they are stringer in strength, after that we will let you use magic, but now, you have to match speed with him, they are fast in speed but, mostly no magician not working on the speed and strength, they just concentrate magical power from nature. But if they maintain balance

Varu said, I understand it, I will beat you creature

One was 6 feet tall and its leg was stretching, other was very small but, its body was cover with purple cloth even his face are not visible

The taller one has face but he just said, he is one we need to train, this person look weak and little hurt.

Ren said, he promise to my daughter, but could not fulfil his promise, he want to become stronger and take her back,

Madam, you can easily, return your creature from them, why he? (Purple creature ask this)

Immortal creature vampire is against us, do you think? I can easily beat them, you must be kidding, he also promise her, he will come for her, so we need to respect their decision and help them

Yes madam,

I see sir, this will be great strength for us, but, how can he manage to attack us? He can use magic, he is just a less strength human.

We know about it, but you can't see the anger, and power to become stronger and fulfil her promise, he really want to beat him and get back the her, that he assuming

Dracula scolding, you jokes really getting off, I told you not to do something, still you trying to kill her, just tell me who is responsible for this, tell me, I will show you pain, Dracula angry and said this and looking to every member

Dracula wife came and said, I did it, I mix that poison in her food.

Why? You already know, she will be our sacrificial for our mission, if she dead by now, she will be no use for us

When she come here, you start ignoring me, I feel frustrated about this, you give her more value than me, this is the reason, I mix a fruit on her fruit, that poison to human, but I want to see her dead, I don't care about your plan and not interested in her,

Swallow in fear

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