

Mikatsu father refuse to give him that sword part, that his their family pride and we will not give it anyone, we all know that you are royal family, but we will not give it anyone.

Kilo and Hitesh both sad, but Hitesh said, can you teach me your sword style? This can be a big help, because I want to battle with my brother, our family go against them as full war.

I see, fine, this request I can help you, we will teach you our sword style, but you will have to stay here for some time for this, but for now, you both can stay here, I need to talk to my son, please take them to guest room.

Hitesh and kilo little sad about it, but they know, they will soon find a way to take that part, they will understand it soon,

Mikatsu father and mother both take him to inside and talk about it, mikatsu father let him rest and talk to him later. He really tired of travel and both fell from the sky as well.

Both were discussion, they know, that sword is not easy for them to control, why they want this sword part, this is very confusing for them, they just want that sword part

In the jenny, morning, both wake-up late in morning, she wake-up and awake her husband and said, we wake-up late, they will beat us, wake-up, otherwise, they will beat us.

In this year finally, they can sleep with very peaceful sleep, now finally our son is alive we can die soon.

Jenny come inside and bring breakfast, for them, she said, don't worry, until I am here, no one will hurt my friend parents, and they will pay for it.

But jenny, I never thought that, you helping like that, we feel like burden to me, but you make us happy, but I want to see my son face, this is wise we are born, but we can't escape from here

Jenny look a knife in her hand and she ask, where did get this knife?

She reply, when we escape, we take this knife for protection but this knife not usable, we thinking of suicide, we never bring ourselves to do it, now our son is alive, we can die.

Jenny snatch the knife and look closely to it

Cobra father ask, something wrong with knife, that you looking closely,

Jenny sense someone spying on them, jenny said, I like to collect the old age things in my house, this thing is very interesting for me, so I will take it, I don't want you to get done something from this, from now on I will take care of this knife

Cobra mother ask, do you also try to suicide with this?

No! I trust my family, they will save me, if they don't I will thinking about this, but I will never do this kind of thing.

Vampire Sid, again manifest in front of window, he look at knife and said, give it me, I will not let you take this dangerous thing,

Jenny reply, I am the new owner, of this knife go and down and eat your breakfast, I will eat with them,

Vampire said fine, you can take this knife, but you have feed me breakfast by your hand, otherwise, I will snatch this knife and throw away

Jenny said, take it, I will not feed anything to you and take this knife and never talk to me and don't thinking about cook food from me, go and eat with someone else, I will not cook for you,

Vampire Sid said, okay! I will kill them and you will be alone here with no one.

Jenny said, you again threaten me, I will complain to you father, he will throw you outside, you are nothing in front of me

Sid call father

Dracula appear from air and he said, what happen?

Sid said, she is not follow my order'

Jenny said, he stole my knife and he want me to feed him by hand, I am not your servant, this is beyond his courage

Dracula ask, jenny, you are hostage here, you think, we give a big hotel experience here, you have to scared and ask for mercy and crying, but threatening us like, we ae nothing against you

Walter came from hanging from window and move and said, you are right my lord, she not scared of us, she threaten me.

Jenny said, I am daughter of general and great witch Ren, I am not scare of you, just do something with him, he always trying to follow me

Dracula shout at jenny, shut up, he glaring at him with red eyes and said, if you trying anything against us, I will show you my power, you are just sacrificial dog, nothing else, do you understand it, I will explain by my techniques.

Jenny feel fear, she said fine, I am hungry now, hey uncle aunty come with me, I think, you need to bath, we will eat lunch after that, okay

Jenny move toward door and move out from this situation, but Dracula said, if you trying to insult one of our family member again, after that, all maid work done by your hand.

Jenny said, okay! Sir, I will be in fear from now on, I will never bother you, bye! But you son use your name all of time, so I just frustrated sometime.

In japan, Hitesh and kilo preparing their plain to steal the part of sword, they learn their style and stole the part and run away from their house, they make sure mikatsu will be their side, so they can easily stole that sword

But kilo find the best escape from palace, that was mikatsu cousin, she escape more than one, kilo suggest her cousin will best for them, this is the biggest game changer for their plan, I am right about this plot

Oah! Oah!

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