
2. Refusing

James was standing against the wall. (She knows Maya?) James then calls Jerry. "It's me. See if there's any connections between Kwan and my sister. Report back to me." He hangs up and walks towards the front desk. The nurse looks up. "How may I help you?" "I want to meet with my grandmother's doctor." "Hold on a second. Let me pull up her information." She pulls up Helen's chart. The nurse then reach out for the phone and dials a number.

"Hi, Dr. Simmons. This is Liz from the front desk. Helen's grandson is here to meet with you. Are you available?" "Hi, Liz. I am available. Send him in." "Okay." The nurse hangs up the call. She looks at James. "Dr. Simmons is available. Let me escort you to her office." James nods and follow right behind Liz. call her." They reached Dr. Simmons' office. The nurse knocks on the door. "Dr. Simmons? Helen's grandson is here." "Let him in." Liz opens the door for James and left.

James walks in and Kwan was still filling some documents. She said without looking at him; "Please close the door behind you." James turns around and close the door. He turns to look at Kwan, (James: You're still beautiful.) She looks up and sees James. "Come in and have a seat." As she grabs a copy of Helen's chart, James takes a seat across from her.

She hands him the documents. He takes it and looks over it. She asks straightforwardly, "Are you saving her or killing her?" His eyes widen. He looks up. (James: Why would she ask me that?) She was wearing a serious expression. He sets the paper down. "What do you mean by that?" "It seems like you or people around here aren't giving her the correct medicine."

"...What kind of medicine was given to her?" "Benzodiazepines. More and more of benzodiazepines. She's been taking it for more 5 years. Did you not know that the more she take it, the more she will suffer from memory loss?" James stays in silent since he couldn't believe it. (Who would harm grandma..?) Kwan crosses her arms and said; "So, who's in charge of giving medicine to her?" "...I don't know." "Sir, you're her grandson yet you don't know who has been given the wrong medicine to your grandmother?" She leans against her chair and cross her arms. "I get it. You're the CEO, your hands are tied with your company. Too busy that you cannot spend time with her?"

She stands up and said; "I'm disappointed. I have nothing else to say to you." She left her office and went to attend other patients. He then looks down the papers in his hands. (She's right. I've been busy with work. Hardly visit Gram...but who gives her the medicine?) He sighs as he stands up and tries to find her. Once he spots her, he grabs her arm. She startles and looks up, notice that it's just him. She pulls her arm away from his grasp. "What is it now?" "Is there a cure for her?" "What?" "A cure." "It's hard to say since she's been taking it more than 5 years." James's shouldes drops.

"I will talk to my professor, she's more experience in this type of stuff. I will notify you if there is or not." "Thank you." "It's what doctors do." His cellphone rings. "Ah. Excuse me." "Mm." Kwan resumes her duties as James takes the call from Jerry. "Yeah?" "She was engaged to her boyfriend, Kyle Sanders but due to his affair with her best friend, she ended the engagement. She sold her apartment and return to Paris where her grandmother currently lives there. She attended the same university as Maya and they both gotten close. They were also roommates."

"Anything else?" "...No. That is all." "Okay." "I will go and find any clues about Maya's whereabouts." "Keep me in the loop." Jerry hangs up the phone. Jerry puts his cellphone down and looks at his right side, a picture that he kept. He reaches out and touch the photo. (Jerry: Where are you, Maya?) Jerry then confirms his flight to Paris. James looks out the window. (Maya...just where are you?)


That night, Kwan takes off her white coat and grabs her bag and jacket. She heads out of the hospital. A car pulls up and blocks her path. (Stupid driver.) The door opens and it was James getting out of the car. He walks up to her. She crosses her arms and sighs. "Let's grab a bite." She plainly rejects his offer, "No thanks." She walks away. He then chase after her and stand in her way. "Fine. I'll make it short. I want to talk about my sister, Maya." Her eyes widened. "Where is she?"

Kwan bit her lower lip and thinks about what she should say. He puts both of his hands on her shoulders. "Look, all I want is to find her." "No need to find her." He was shocked about her response. "She's somewhere where you cannot find her." (Kwan: I'm sorry. I promised her.) She removes his hands. She walk pass him and gets into her car. She drives away and head to the hotel.


At the hospital, Maya left her final words for Kwan. "Please bury me somewhere where my family cannot find me." "Maya." "I-I don't want them t-to worry or break their hearts..." "I promise."


Kwan was wearing a long t-shirt and shorts with a beer can in her hand as she was standing by the window, looking at city lights. "...They're still looking for you, Maya." She turns her heels and walk towards the coffee table in the living room. She sits down on the floor. "I guess giving up isn't in their dictionary. You must be very happy that you have such a good siblings." She was looking what was in front of her, a picture frame of Maya. She then cheers her beer with the beer next to the picture frame. "Cheers. Today marks our 6 years of friendship and your Michael is now 6-years-old."

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