

Naturally,with the way Neil answered her question and then changed the topic,Mi Rae did not catch on to the fact that her mom's grandchildren also meant her children.She was doomed..But having been thoroughly distracted by Neil,the poor Mi rae was clueless. 

The next morning,Neil decided to skip his exercise routine to burn some calories at home with his precious Mi Rae.He woke up and was busy staring at her as he decided where to start his treat.Sadly for him,somebody had other plans.The moment Neil's lips were about to touch some pale soft skin,the doorbell rang.Neil decided to ignore it and the person ringing it.The person was persistent and did not give up.Finally,irritated and ready to growl at the person,Neil picked up his discarded shirt from a nearby chair to open the door.He wore it without bothering to button his shirt.He had no intention of letting anyone linger and be a lightbulb!he hated lightbulbs.

However,best laid plans go awry.

Next chapter