
National Jerk

The Helicopter took all of them to the hospital.Though Mi Rae's bleeding had finally slowed,it showed no signs of stopping.Soon she started to feel faint and had lost consciousness.Once the helicopter landed on the roof of the hosital,the medical personnel rushed in.Ru hated the smell of hospitals and wanted to go home but his father forced him into a check up,in case the drug the kidnappers had used,should have a side effect.

A little while later:

Ru was given the all clear to go home.Other than being a little dizzy and a little dehydrated,he was doing well.Mi Rae had been taken in for a small surgery since the nick that she had received had been directly on an artery .After getting a few stitches,she was to stay in the hospital overnight for observation as she had suffered a lot of blood loss and the been drugged. Ryu took his son home after making arrangements for Mi Rae's room and Neil's stay.Soon a sleeping Mi Re was shifted to the VIP room on the top floor.

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