
I Purple You

"Where is my wife?"Just as Ryu asked this question,a doctor stepped into the reception area.He was still wearing his surgical gown and his expression was strained.

He came forward apologetically and said,"Mr Long,your wife is currently in the post surgery room.She had reopened her stitches and we had to restitch it.Because of the blood loss yesterday and today she is going to be feeling a bit dizzy and with the pain killers affecting her mind,she may speak a bit incoherently and run a temperature.However,you need not worry about that.But please be careful that she does not hurt herself again.She will be shifted to the VIP room soon."

Ryu Long was fuming at this turn of events.Just who was the man that Alicia had such a strong reaction to?And why couldn't she take more care of herself?If the man was harassing her,she should have called for security...

As Alicia was shifted to the room,she was unconscious.Assistant Yang appeared at the door while Ryu was looking at the sleeping Alicia.It was already late in the evening and Assistant Yang's was showing fatigue.He knocked on the door and went inside to report his findings.

"Sir,the man that was in the video was Alex Xu. He was here for his mother's treatment.He approached Madam and tried to talk to her but she refused to talk at first and that is when he tried to touch her and Madam angrily pushed him back.The man is Madam's ex husband's younger brother.From their conversation it seems that Madam refused to acknowledge him but later it seems he was trying to apologize for something.But Madam's stitches were reopened when she pushed him back."

"Ok. Assistant Yang,you may leave."

"Alright Sir,here is your laptop.I have e mailed the files to you that need to be reviewed.Then,good night Sir."

"Good night."

Soon Ryu was engrossed in work.He would look at Alicia between intervals.Later in the night,he saw that Alicia was being restless.He put aside his work and went to her.With a hand on her forehead he saw that she was burning with fever.Feeling his cold hand on her forehead,Alicia opened her surprisingly lucid eyes.Staring at him she gave a small smile and said,"My angel is back."Though her eyes seemed clear her words were slurred making Ryu realize that she was not fully awake.She stared at him and said,"Waterrrr".

Ryu immediately picked up a glass of water and gave gave Alicia a spoonful of water.She greedily drank up as it soothed her sore throat.Once she had her fill,she smiled at him again and said,"Are you angry at me?"

Ryu smiled at this woman who looked at him with such pitiful eyes and said,"No missus I am not angry at your prank."

"Then are you angry that I did not listen to you and take care of myself?"

Before Ryu could answer Alicia continued in the same vein but this time she was slurring even more,"I did mean to take care...but then that stupid mosquito came at me and I wanted to swat at it so badly..Tooo bad that he did not fall on his a**.One day,I'll make them all fall.My angel,will you help me?"

Ryu continued to stare at the rambling Alicia and thought to himself,"She has so much hurt in her heart yet she has retained her innocence..She truly is an amazing woman.I will definitely give her everything her heart desires.Even if that means helping her with her revenge.She will have it...When Ryu did not answer,Alicia opened her eyes and stared at him blearily."Will you help me angel?"

Ryu looked at Alicia and said,"Of course I will.After all I am your angel."

Alicia closed her eyes peacefully then. Ryu stood for a moment and wondered that even when she was sick she was still thinking of the people from her past.Later when Ryu was about to turn back towards his work Alicia was mumbling again,making his stop.

Her mutterings confused him but still brought a smile to his face.She was muttering,"Angel is the best.He gave me my Ru baby rainbow.He promised to punish those black hearted people.My angel,I purple you.Ru my rainbow baby I purple you too.I purple everyone."

Shaking his head he got back to his work.What Ryu did not realize was that Alicia had just confessed two things in her mutterings and that was that Ru was her rainbow baby and that she loved him and Ru. Ryu thought that she was imagining colors and was mixed.It was only later that he will realize that there really exists a term called 'rainbow baby' and that I purple you means I love you.

Hello everyone,

Firstly let me clarify to those that are confused.A rainbow baby is a baby that comes after the loss of a baby like after a miscarriage or death.So the baby after such sad circumstances is called a rainbow baby.So this means that Alicia has lost a baby in the past.

I purple you is a term coined by Kim Taehyung to declare his love for BTS fans.Since purple color stands for purity and love.So most ARMYS will recognize the term I purple you as I love you.But sadly Ryu is not army

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