
Conditions for marriage

If eventually there is a divorce then these 2 conditions are required in the pre nup:

1.Any children within the marriage(that includes any children from previous marriage also) will continue to live with both the parents i.e both parents will share custody.

This condition was the one that soothed Ryu the most and also worried him the most.On one hand he was satisfied that he wouldn't have to be worried about Ru being abandoned if there ever was a divorce but there was also a possibility that Ru could be used against him if the divorce was not amicable.It was with great difficulty that he had managed to save Ru from his biological mother so he wasn't sure that he would be able to save if this one turned out to be a bi*** too..His instincts were telling him that wouldn't be the case but it was the case of one bitten twice shy.But to calm his heart he opened his email and the picture of the painting that Matt had sent last night..It was actually this painting that had made him agreeable to not reading the investigator's report.He could see the emotions reflected in both the faces..With this final assurance..He decided to go with his instincts..

The second condition gave him an idea about her past..She had specifically mentioned about cheating and abuse.He had no idea about the kind of abuse she must have suffered but he could guess that it must have been severe enough for her to take the pains to actually mention it and want it clarifeid in writing.And he was agreeable with that.Though he had a few relationships in the past,he was a man who knew how to control his urges.

"Miss Al,I have no objections to both the conditions you need in writing.And my assurance to always support your career in the future is also something I can do.But about the fourth...why do you want to be my assistant?"

"Mr Long,I have always wanted to become an Investment planner and who better to teach me than the best person in the business.Your personal life may be a well kept secret but your professional life is something of an aspiration..!!"

"Alright then Alicia let us agree to a lifetime marriage contract."

Just as he mentioned this the door to the Vip room opened and a man fell in..Poor Neil who was trying to eves drop by leaning on the door, was sitting on his ass scratching his head.He had been unable to hear whatever was being said only hearing his brother's affirmation by opening a sliver of the door and so he had lost his balance after the shock of his brother agreeing to whatever her conditions were without even trying to negotiate.He had no idea Al was some sort of magician..hmm or looking at her..some sort of an enchantress...

Ryu got up from his seat and walked towards Neil who was sitting on the floor.

Neil's on the floor:yay.. my brother is so caring he is coming to help me up to lessen my humiliation...

Ryu,however walked around his brother towards Al and without warning leaned over the chair and kissed the plump lips he had been eyeing and drooling for a taste of since he saw her enter..

Neil on the floor:"..." shameless brother

Al,who lost a few brain cells while being kissed:"mmm..I knew he was a typhoon..he knows how to ravage..mmm"

Neil who had been served enough dog food crawled out of the room at the speed of light lest he lose his eyesight.

Woah...he had no idea his bro was such a shameless gangster.

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