
1. Best friends and favors

In a high-rise building, housing the offices of the many directors of Lance Inc., Alicia had just finished her work and was about to leave for the day when the phone on her desk rang. She frowned and debated whether to answer or not. It was already a couple of hours past work time, and nobody could expect her to be in the office so late. Still, she answered. After all, it could be urgent, and her boss was still out of the country, so she thought not risking it.


"Hi Al... Good thing you're still in the office. Wait for me. I'll be there in 10 mins."

A husky male voice answered. It was a voice that one would term as a bedroom voice - low, smooth, and sexy.

It was also the voice of her boss and best friend, Neil. It was just like him to issue orders and not bother waiting for a reply. "And there goes my Friday night relaxation," she grumbled to herself.

After exactly 8 mins, her very handsome boss entered and pointed at his office while still talking to someone else on his cell phone.

Did I mention that my boss is the senior (and youngest) lawyer at Lance Inc., one of the country's biggest investment firms? As she settled back in his spacious office, she thought back to the time when she first came for her interview. Most people wouldn't have any good memories of this room, but she did. This is where she found hope, something she desperately needed two years ago, and a best friend that she did not know she needed. This office always made her nostalgic. She sat there, waiting patiently for him to finish his call and get back to business.

Alicia jolted back to the present when she heard him personally assure someone that they need not worry and he'd handle everything.

The fact that he was in the office at this hour after a 12-hour long flight and personally handling matters meant that person must be a V.I.P.

As she was musing about this, he finished his call and pulled her into a long hug. She was caught by surprise at this gesture, not because she didn't expect it, but because it was very rare for him to initiate physical contact. She hugged him back and murmured quietly, "What has you so worried?"

How did she guess he was worried? She knew it because only then would he hug her.

He took a deep breath and said, "Al... I need a favor..."


"Please marry... my brother."

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