
Back to the Wholesale Market, A Paper to Shake the Hearts of Yasuo and Mako

Day 319 - 8:21 AM - Temporary House, Black Lotus Group Compound, Kachidoki, Chuo City, Tokyo

Mark's group ate breakfast early and stepped out of the temporary house they were staying at together.

Different from the day before, they all wore clothing that was defensive enough but comfortable to walk around wearing. These clothes looked casual clothing from before the outbreak. However, these clothes were not your usual ones.

Instead of the usual textiles used to make clothing, like silk or cotton, these clothes were made from fibers of mutated plants and silk from evolved silkworms.

The clothes they were now wearing were among the many items produced in the Mountain Base during this past month.

Why were they wearing casual clothes? It was because the plan for today was to go shopping.

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