
A Country's Secret, A Card for the President to Keep His Life

Day 203 - 1:25 AM - Presidential Mansion, Central Area, Safezone, Corregidor Military Settlement, Island of Corregidor, Province of Cavite

After finishing his battle against the Elite Special Forces soldiers, Mark made his way towards the Presidential Mansion.

The distance was not that far, and along the way, Mark could detect hundreds of soldiers, both hidden and not.

However, unlike when this commotion began, the regular soldiers did not have any notion to tangle with Mark.

All of these poor soldiers saw how Mark overpowered this country's strongest elite soldiers. Those elite soldiers could defeat regular soldiers even with a numerical disadvantage, not to mention some of them having superhuman abilities.

There was no way these regular soldiers would win against Mark even if they all tried. They all knew that it was a fruitless endeavor even if they tried to do so.

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