
Morning Commotion, An Interrupted Meeting with General Perez

Day 201 - 8:21 AM - Dining Area, White Snake Gang Base, Northern Slums, Corregidor Military Settlement, Island of Corregidor, Province of Cavite

Early in the morning, well, late for most people, the dining area was bustling with activity. After all, it was time for breakfast.

The members of the White Snake Gang already had theirs and left to do their duties. Unlike the usual gangs that lagged around doing nothing and behaving like thugs, the members of the White Snake Gang were the complete opposite.

Like soldiers of a private army, they patrol their territory, maintaining security and protecting their people.

With the lower members of the gang absent, the dining area was all for the higher members to use. Right now, most people present were pretty much the people Mark knew, along, of course, Mark and his group.

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