

Ginro: "..."

Ginro was just staring at Margaret's eye, Meanwhile Margaret is trembling so much just by staring at Ginro's eye that cause her not to move...

Margaret: "<terrified> you... w-who are you?"

Ginro: "<develish voice> Me!? <smirk> dunno... who do you think who i'm?"

Margaret: "<gulp>"

Ginro: "Margaret!"

Margaret: "<flinch>"

Ginro takes his hand into Margaret's cheeks and slowly approaching her face. Margaret closed her eyes because she's too sacred.

Ginro: "<smiled> tehehee your really cute!"

Margaret: "<blushing> WAH!! WAAHHHHH!!!! I.... I..."

The BlackShadow: "(my.... lord....)"

Ginro: "Sorry Margaret!"

Margaret: "!?"

Ginro: "I don't have much time... my body can't hold much any longer"

Ginro's black hair is slowly changing into his silver hair.

Ginro: "your body is already consuming by your cursed! i'm so sorry for doing this <smiled>"

Margaret: "What are you- !?"

Suddenly Ginro french kissed Margaret.

Margaret: "mmmhhhh!!!! mhhh!!!!! <blushing> mhhhh"

Meanwhile Fenrir can saw what Ginro's trying to do

Fenrir: "(!!! he is giving my master so much power! if this continue my master will surely revoke to her old self!)"

Margaret is slowly fainting by the process. Ginro catch Margaret's body before she fall

Fenrir: "<tremble> rrrggghhh youuu.... how much power do you have!?"

Ginro looked and released his bloodlust toward to Fenrir

Fenrir: "RRRGGGGHHH!!!!! (This is bad... i'm all alone!)"

Ginro: "<smiled> don't be scared... i'm not gonna hurt you... i'm gonna show you my power but in return..... <whisper> do we have a deal?"

Fenrir: ".... no i don't want to! that's very dangerous for my master!"

Ginro: "i see.... good choice! but still... i need to show you my power!"

Ginro slowly released his ring, Fenrir can slowly see and feel Ginro's power, but when Ginro fully released his ring Fenrir suddenly unconscious.

Fenrir: "i.... i...."

Ginro quickly put his ring back.

Ginro: "Are you both ok!? Kumiho? Black Shadow!?"

Kumiho & The Black Shadow: "huufff... huff.... huff..."

Ginro: "i'm so sorry for suddenly doing that"

Kumiho: "i'm fine master... it just huff..."

Ginro: "ahhhh ahhh.... i don't have much time now... Kumiho!"

Kumiho: "y-yes!"

Ginro: "Don't tell to my otherself about me ok!?"

Kumiho: "o-ok...."

Ginro: "and you..."

The BlackShadow: "<flinch!>"

Ginro slowly touch The BlackShadow face.

Ginro: "don't do anything stupid like this anymore... i will be back soon! ok!?"

The BlackShadow: "o-ok"

Kumiho: "<smug face> i never see that thing sad like this"

Ginro blissfully smiled at The BlackShadow while losing his unconscious. the spatial space is starting to crumble. Ginro and Margaret companion saw them laying on the ground and shouting their names.


Lilith is gently drinking her coffee on meeting room.

Lilith: "so... she still asleep?"

Dave, Lucifer and Yuri is also on the room, while fran is cleaning the room.

Lucifer: "yeah...."

Yuri: "w-w-welll w-we can't help it! i-i'm sure she will wak up soon"

Dave: "(Yuri came back to her old self but....) WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN WHEN WE'RE TROUBLE HUH!?"

Dave pointed Fran.

Fran: "<smug face>"

Dave: "YOUUUU!!!,"

Fran: "i never thought a elite demon would this be idiot"

Dave: "what did you say!?"

Lilith: "enough... we still have a lot of problems into this."

Dave: "nnnggghhhh!!!!! huff your right!"

Lucifer: "Yeah... after the day of the war, The Royal family of Luku Kingdom came back home but Princess Alice persistent to stay here... the Queen asked Hera to be with Alice..."

Dave: "Well Alice always stay at Ginro's room when he didn't wake up yet"

Yuri: "b-but atleast The Kingdom of Luku help this kingdom to re-rebuild it because The King said this country is good for merchandising of products"

Lilith: "<snip> yeah... but i din't lnow the king is also and idiot... who did he think is supposedly to rule this Kingdom!?"

Dave: "well i have an hunch..."

Lilith and the others look at Dave

Dave: "if it's me... i will put a lot of soldier on this area just to guard this place and still producing a lot of products and way of merchandising"

Lilith: "but that doesn't mean this Kingdom will gonna be stable!"

Dave: "yeah... your right about that... this Kingdom is already on downfall, that's why i think he will find someone to rule this place... maybe it's Hera or Alice"

Lucifer: "if that you're saying is true.... then The Kingdom of Luku is really dangerous Kingdom.

Dave, Yuri, Fran and Lilith: "!!!!"

Fran: "you're right Lucifer.... that means The King and Queen knowly this would've happened and already prepared the aftermath"

Dave: "then that means.... they're already know that they will win!?"

Ginro: "well.... after all The King and us bump each other when we make our way into this Kingdom Right!?"

All: "Ginro!"

Lilith: "are you ok now!?"

Ginro: ".... well i feel more lightly than before!"

Yuri: "G-Ginro!"

Ginro: "..... <smiled>"

Dave: "if what you say is true Ginro... then..."

Ginro: "yeah... i think they already plan this"

Lucifer: "by the way where's Hera and Alice!?"

Ginro: "Alice is sleeping... also Hera is with her, guarding her as always"

Lilith: "Then... only Margaret are still asleep huh!"

Ginro: "<smiled> <whisper> (dunno about that)"

Before Ginro join to the meeting room. Ginro is walking at hallway when he suddenly heared a voice on the other room.

Ginro: "(is that.... Margaret's room right!?) Margaret!? i will open the door ok!?"

Ginro slightly open the door and.

Ginro: "<low voice> i'm commi-"

Margaret: "I'M CUMMINGGGG!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!"

Ginro was so shocked and stuned of what he see. he slowly closing the door but.

Margaret: "OHHH... GINRO!!! GINRO!!!! AHHH!!!!"

Ginro was disgusted by that and continue walking down stair.

*Back to meeting room*

Ginro: "hehe... ehhh..."

Lilith: "by the way... what are we gonna do now?"

Yuri and the others are so awkward and didn't not say anything

Ginro: "well there is something i'm going to go...

Yuri and The Others: "....."

Ginro: "i'll be back soon after that i will continue my journey... well if you don't mind guys... i want a companion to helps me on my journey so..."

Lucifer: "mhhppp! leaving an inexperienced kid like you on wild you will kill instantly.

Dave: "well for being a demon it's a lot of trouble if you have that falling angel over there... i'll just be sure that my juniors is ok"

Yuri: "u-um w-well i... i-i want to join to!"

Ginro: "<smiled> hahahaha thank you"


Unkown person on chains

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