
The Awakening (2)

The BlackShadow silently looked at him and said.

The BlackShadow: "Before i give you a power, there's so many things that will be happen to you. First you will be reincarnated to another world! Second, i will give you a knowledge about that world!you will know their languages and how they will live in there. Lastly, don't tell to anyone where did you get your power! and also where you came from! just try harder to avoid their question"

Ginro thinks very carefully and said.

Ginro: "Another world? different living on this world?"

The BlackShadow: "Yes! there will be Monsters, Demons, Angels and Heroes on that world"

Ginro thinks very carefully again. he knew that this is only a dream and goes to the flow

Ginro: "(why is that shadow thing wants me to give a power!? <chuckles> also... goes to the another world? this is very fishy! also a quite bullsh*t! hahaha... i don't like it!)"

The BlackShadow seems irritated and can't calm or wait on his answer so The BlackShadow asked him for the second time.

The BlackShadow: "Do You Want It or What?"

Ginro: "Yes!"

Because of a sudden; Ginro accepted it without hesitation, He knew that he will not know anything unless he tried. The BlackShadow smiled so exagerrated.

The BlackShadow: "Well then! lets get started! just don't forget what did i tell you ok?"

Ginro: "yeah! yeah! i'll keep it in mind"

Ginro slowly opens his eyes from the dream and quickly look right and left.

Ginro: "w… where am i!? also what's this?"

Ginro was shocked when he find himself inside of the forrest and dressed on all black clothes with a long coat.

Ginro: <Stretching> "…. (my body's so light)"

Ginro felt that his body is so light that make him thought; if he jump, he can goes straight through the sky. Suddenly, Ginro felt a tremenderous aura that's coming from his back. Ginro are so scared to look behind and it's giving him a chill vibes that cause him to sweat so much. Ginro suddenly heared a growling near on his face that makes him to slowly look behind.

Ginro: "<gulp>"

Ginro saw a huge bull demonlike standing behind of his back, it's height is three times higher than ordinary people. it's have a two horns and huge body build with muscle that can destory a building or houses and carrying a huge axe larger than a human. On that moment The Demon is going to crush him on the ground by it's barehand. Ginro can't find himself to move his body because of the fear.

Ginro: <panting nervously>

Ginro just sits there hopelessly shaking, sweating and even peed his pants on the dirt. This is the first time he encounter something like that on his entire life.

Ginro: "(i-i-i-i am going to die in this place? hehe don't f*ck with me! i can't allow something like this! i need to move! come on Ginro move! move! MOVE! MOVE!!! MOVE!!!) MOVEEEE!!!"

when the hand of the Demon nearly reach Ginro's body. Ginro's pupil turned into dark red and lost his consciousness.

*After XX:XX of hours Ginro regain his consciousness*

Ginro: "W-What In The World Happened!?"

When Ginro came back to his senses it's already dawn. he find himself bathed in the blood and didn't know what just happened. Ginro immediately look and touches his entire body. Ginro felt relief when he knew that he's still in one piece. while shaking, Ginro was looking around and found something out.

Ginro: "What in the f*ck… <Puke>"

Ginro use his left hand to covered his mouth. Ginro saw the head and the scattered body of The Demon around the places. When Ginro look into his right hand, he found himself holding the arm piece of The Demon.

Ginro: "!!!!"

Ginro brain and eyes become empty and drops The Demon arm. Ginro was trying to remember of what happened, but the only last thing he remember was he lost his consciousness right after the demon hand nearly reach him. After a minute of being cloudy minded, Ginro decided to walk deep inside of the forrest and tries to find a water to wash himself.

*After an XX:XX of hours*

Ginro: "(it is already night time, i am walking all over the place but i don't feel any fatigue in my body)"

Ginro thought maybe it is all because of the power of The BlackShadow gave to him that makes his body change. Finally for the XX:XX of hours of walking, Ginro finally found a cave and decided to go inside. The cave is so bright and beautiful because of fireflies and sparkling clear water. while walking inside, Ginro suddenly looks on the ground and found out that there's a traces of fresh footstep and decided to go inside sneakily.

Ginro found a Beautiful naked woman inside of the cave washing herself, Her hair is pink, her eyes look so calmly and her body had a perfect curve and beautiful pair of chest and booty. Ginro's eyes are wide opened and can't believe of what he's seeing and got erection. So he decide to leave and reverse his walked while looking at the girl. Sadly Ginro stepped on the rock and made a noise

Ginro: "oh… shyet~"

The Girl looks around and found Ginro. out of nowhere The Girl throw a knife accurately to his head, Ginro eyes turned into red and unconsiously dodge the knife. The Girl was shocked and also Ginro.

Ginro: "What the heck!? How dare you to throw a knife to a person!?"


Ginro: "What!?"

The Girl saw a tremendous and immeasurable evilness of aura coming from Ginro and makes her so terrified at him.

The Girl: "(What in a monster did i just discover!?)"

please help me by sharing guys <3 Thank You So Much!

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