3 A hopeless romantic

What type of personality do you think I have? Judging from my face you probably think I'm the cold and serious type, right? Most people think I'm just a cold and heartless person only because of my face. Of course, people talk to me but I never bother getting close to them. Why? Because they only want to know me in hope of becoming more than just friends. And it's all because of this face. For the average adult male, I would have to say that I am considered handsome in this society and because I'm 'handsome' people (mostly women) approach me in public for things like modelling or having 'a good time'. But in reality, I'm nowhere near serious, I'm actually very silly. I'm constantly binge-watching my favourite romance-dramas or reading romance novels. As well as these, I often read mangas. I'm always losing my personal belongings and whenever I can get my hands on a can of beer I get extremely drunk. In other words, I'm a handsome, forgetful, silly, hopeless romantic who is a lightweight drinker. Now tell me, what type of women would want to get into a romantic relationship with me? I'll never get a girlfriend. I mean it's not like I've never had the chance to date, anyone. I've heard plenty of confessions before, it's just that I don't think that any women would be able to love someone as silly as me. And honestly, I've never been interested in someone, well until just a few hours ago…

" Jun! It's a pleasure to meet you!" exclaimed my new boss.

" T-the pleasure is mine" I stuttered.

'God I sound so nervous, well maybe that's because I am!'  

" You sound tense, is there a reason for this?" my boss asked.

' Ahhh, I guess he picked that up'.

" Well it makes sense since you are new here, please make yourself at home" reassured my boss.

" By the way, the name's Tanaka Hiroto, but you can just call this old man Hiroto!"

" Now, I'll show you to the office you'll be working in".

"Thank you" I replied still feeling nervous.

While walking to the office no one said anything. The silence was unbearable, but I had no intention of saying anything anyway. Luckily it only took a few minutes to get to the office, at this point I had probably rehearsed my introduction 100 times. I was practically shaking, but I'm sure no one would think I would ever be the nervous type, but they're always wrong.

Walking down the busy hallways filled my mind with only anxiety, drowning out any thoughts of conversation or the idea of forming proper sentences. All I could think about were the opinions of others. When I walk into my new office, will they like me? Will they hate me? Or will they just simply think of me as the handsome guy in the room? But I think I already know what they will think of me. Handsome. Just handsome, nothing more.

Before I knew it I was already at my new office. My anxiety was practically eating me alive, but I managed to calm myself down before entering the room. My boss had silenced the room and had made sure that not a soul would talk in that very moment. I could tell by the way he looked at his employees, there was a hint of disappointment on his face. Hiroto, my new boss, begins talking in an alpha like tone. Everything he had just said had totally flown right past me until I heard him tell me to introduce myself to everyone. At that moment, I had totally gone into my professional mode and began introducing myself with not even one trace of nervousness.

Once that was over, Hiroto told me in a warm and welcoming voice to follow him. And of course, I did as I was told. I followed closely behind my superior until I noticed one of my new coworkers looking at Hiroto with an almost terrified expression plastered all over her face. I tried my absolute best not to snicker after seeing her face. For some reason I found it cute, almost... adorable. After thinking such a thought my face felt incredibly hot but honestly, I don't think anyone noticed, at least I hope no one did. Upon taking a closer look at this new coworker of mine I couldn't help but notice how she was highly attractive. Her short black hair complimented her brown monolid eyes, her fringe covered her forehead and seemed to be a bit all over the place. Her nose was small and dainty which went well with her small face and small build. She had freckles that went almost unnoticed unless you looked closely for them. For the first time in a while, my heart was beating with anticipation to see more of her. My mind filled with all sorts of questions, what was her name? Is she also new here? Is she the same age as me? What if she thinks I'm weird? Am I not good enough for her? Is she single? Before I could think of any more ridiculous questions my boss had come to a stop. Right in front of the coworker, I was practically staring at, what a coincidence.

What a wonderful coincidence.

A/N: Hello there! I am the author of the webnoval "Too late for love"! I hope you have enjoyed what I have written so far. I am an amateur with writing and this is my first time writing a romance but I do hope you enjoy my writing. This first started of as a competition between my friends and I and we wanted to see who could make the best romance story. To think that this story would even have fans was definitely just a dream to me and I would like to thank you again for reading my story so far. I will continue to update this story as soon as 2019 starts! Please don't hesitate to give me criticism I would love to know what you think of this book and if there is anything I can improve on!

See you next time!



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