

Due to fatigue, Sheen keeps on sleeping and wake up unattentive and lost for a few minutes.

They decided to bring her home and she had to stay with Clark in his condo to monitor and take care of him.

As days past, she can stay away longer and have conciousness.

"They did that?" Sheen asks while eating a banana on her bed.

Her bedroom's just beside Clark's, it's the only guestroom in his condo.

Bea laughs while telling the tale of Clark's anger on Luke.

"Yeah, too bad I wasn't able to see it," she said.

Elgeen sent a photo of her with Blue and Kady eating on a restaurant, after reading Kady's words, she became surer that she wants to stay with Clark -no matter what happens.

She started a video call with them and Elgeen immediately took the call.

"Heyyyyyy~~~" Elgeen smiled on the camera, "How's our writer?"

Bea sat beside Sheen on the bed and took the phone, "Still sleepy but she's better now,"

Sheen smiled, her abdomen still hurts but she can move around already. There are no tubes connected to her anymore since she's fine and only needs to recover from the shock and wound.

"Hey, Sheen!" Blue greeted.

Sheen smiled and did a peace sign, "Hey, there crayon."

Elgeen turned the camera to show Kady who's busy eating, "Hi, Kady Lanson," Sheen smiled, "How's your zoo?"

After all that happened, Kady decided to buy a zoo to raise funds for a charity for kids who suffered traumas and are under rehabilitation and treatment.

"It's going great. I met some kids yesterday. It'll be fun if you could come with us sometime," Kady said and sent a photo sot Sheen.

It was a group of young kids and teenagers with Kady, "That's a sensitive photo, I'm the only one who has a copy since the kids are private due to what happened to them," Kady explained as Sheen and Bea stare at the photo.

"MOMMY!!!" CJ came running in the room followed by Wyn who took a break and now works as Cj's nanny.

Sheen can't help but laugh with Wyn's appearance, his curly hair grew a little longer and he's tying his hair upwards with a cherry hair tie that Bea gave him while wearing an apron.

"Aren't you done laughing at me? Every time you see me, you're laughing," Wyn pouted and placed pancakes in her breakfast table.

Clark had to work overnight in the office since he had a deal with Wyn's father.

"Mommy..." Cj climbed on the bed and laid beside Sheen, "When's the wedding?"

Sheen's eyes widen, "Why do you keep on asking that?"

Ever since she woke up, Cj's been asking her when's the wedding and keeps on showing her wedding gowns on his tablet.

"Because Clark said he wants to marry you already while you were sleeping," Bea explained and took the phone and spoke with Elgeen about the baby clothes she asked her friend to buy for her.

"No exact date yet, Cj," Sheen shuffles Cj's hair.

Wyn laid down on the edge of the bed and stretched his arms, "I like this," he said, "A home. A family. Friends..."

Sheen smiled and softly kicks his side, "You're cheesy..."

Cj got up and put his head on Wyn's chest, "You know, big bro looks like me."

"Really?" Sheen replied even though it was quite obvious now, they do look alike.

"Yeah, but I'm more handsome," Wyn replied.

"NO!" Cj yelled and punches Wyn's face.

Even after a few months, Clark began to get busier with his company and with assisting Wyn on managing his own entertainment company which produces movies and such.

Sheen's still on leave since Clark didn't want her to work still and to have a break.

Even though they still haven't talked properly yet, Sheen continues to support him.

"Bea!" Sheen called when her cousin made weird noises on the bathroom since Bea took care of Sheen, Clark let her walk in and out of his condo since she acts as Cj's nanny sometimes.

Sheen opened the door, "OH GOSH!" Sheen yelled when she saw Bea's water breaking.

"BABYYYYYYYYYYY!" Bea yelled in pain and in excitement.

Sheen took her phone and called Dan, "BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She also yelled and ran back to Bea, "Okay, what should I do? What?" Sheen asks both the parents.

Dan, who goes out of the meeting, jumps in joy, "OH GOD! I'll be there!"

Wyn went out to check on Dan but what he saw was quite terrifying and weird, Dan's laughing while crying and he's walking back and forth, "What the hell?"

"The baby!" Dan ran to Wyn, "Tell Boss I'm sorry!" he said and ran.

Wyn's eyes went wider as he realizes what's happening and went inside and whispered to Clark, "Baby alert. Daddy ran away."

Clark smiled softly as he internally suppresses his excitement.

"I'll be there, call the condo's emergency number," Dan said as he rides a cab.

"I did, they're on their way here," Sheen said in between laughs, "Bea, are you okay?"

"NO! IT F*CKIN' HURTS B*TCH!" Bea screamed as she feels the contraction.

Sheen laughs in nervousness, "I'll take your things, wait here," she said and rushed to her room. Since Bea's been staying in Clark's condo with Sheen, she has a bag prepared just in case.

The medical team of the condo assisted Bea as Sheen ran to follow them with the bag.

"CLARK!" Sheen yelled when Clark picked the call, "THE BABY'S COMING!"

Her voice was full of happiness and excitement that Clark didn't care whether his employees are giving a presentation, "I know," he smiled and stood up and gestured Wyn to stay in the meeting.

He went out of the room, "I know. We'll go there as soon as the meeting finishes."

"You're in a meeting? I'm sorry," her voice fainted but she still sounds happy.

"No, no worries. Wyn's taking care of it," he said.

"I miss you," Sheen said with a soft voice but in the background, Bea's groaning in pain.

Clark laughs, "I'll ask you something later," he said.

"Stay with me, Bea!" Sheen yelled.

"I'm not dying, b*tch! Take this human out of me!"

"Please wait until we arrive in the hospital, Ma'am!"

Sheen turned to her phone, "Sorry. Yeah, let's talk later."

Clark can't help but laugh with what's happening around Sheen, and wondered, will Sheen react the same way when she's in labor?

And the thought made Clark's chest feel with excitement as his lips curl up imagining Sheen holding their newborn child in her arms with the sweetest smile on their lips.

"Clark? Hey!" Sheen's voice woke him up.


"We're here. Talk to you later."

Clark chuckles, "Yeah. Bye."

Dan arrived in the hospital a few minutes and insisted on staying with Bea during her giving birth.

Sheen sits outside the room, walking back and forth in nervousness.

She received a call from Blue, "HEY!" Blue's smile was wide, "News?"

Elgeen popped behind him, "Girl or boy?"

Kady joined the chat since he's in the office and Blue's with Elgeen in her studio, "How's Bea?" he asks.

Sheen smiled, "I don't know yet. I hope it's a girl!"

"Me too!" Elgeen shrieked.

Kady and Blue rolled their eyes, "Boy."

A few more minutes of waiting, the doctor went out with a wide smile.

"It's a girl," he said and shook Sheen's hand.

Her phone vibrated with the sound her friends made.

"Guys, it's a girl!" Sheen repeated and jumps in happiness.

Kady and Blue, even with disappointment, smiled.

"Another girl to take care of," Kady said.

Sheen smiled, "Yeah, she's lucky to have a lot of uncles."

"UNCLE?!" Blue's eyes widen, "NOPE!"

Elgeen laughs and mocked Blue, "Doesn't want to be called uncle? You're already old!"

Kady smiled, "We'll go there tomorrow, she didn't tell us the due date so we're not prepared."

Elgeen and Blue nodded, "We'll be there tomorrow, tell Bea and Dan congratulations."

Sheen felt an arm wrapping around her waist, "How's Bea?" Clark asks.

Wyn smiled at her and when he saw the phone, he took it and talked with Blue and Kady.

"She's fine. It's a girl!" Sheen jumps and hugs Clark, "I'm so happy!"

Sheen's happiness subsided when Clark didn't respond, instead, he was frowning and looks like he's about to cry.

"You did not win the award," Clark said.

His eyes were piercing through Sheen, waiting for her reaction.

She did not move, did not even blinked her eyes for a few seconds while digesting what he said.

Luke was right. He was right on this matter. She knew that it'll be an issue.

Slowly, she nodded her head.

Is she sad? Is she angry? Is that okay? What does she feel? She feels numb. Did she do something wrong? Was it ugly? Is it because of Clark?

Clark hugs her tightly, "That's fine... You did great. They just can't see that your books more than love."

No. It's not because of Clark. It's just not her place to win.

She hugged Clark back, tightly, burying her pain on his chest as her tears fell down.

It's fine. Not everything's going to be coming her way. Not because she thought she deserves it. She can't have sugar and spice and everything nice every day.

It's fine.

She did great.

Dan went out of the room and saw them, "Boss! Come in! The baby's ready to meet you guys."

Wyn pats Sheen's back, "It's fine, Sheen. There's still a movie."

Sheen nodded, "Yeah, thanks."

They went inside and saw the cutest baby they ever saw, she's as fair as Bea and her nose look just like Dan's.

"Hey..." Sheen went to Bea and kissed her forehead, "You're amazing."

"I know," Bea said and smiled, "Meet Winnona Zeirra."

Sheen, Clark, and Wyn paused.

Dan nodded, "Yeah, Winnona from Wyn," he looked at Wyn, "Zeirra from Zeid," he smiled at Clark, "And Sierra."

Sheen covered her mouth in happiness and took the baby from Bea, "Hey, Winnona Zeirra."

"Her nickname's Wize (Weyz)," Dan said as Clark shake his hand in congratulations.

Wyn wipes his tears, "Thank you..."

Bea and Sheen laughed, "You're becoming a crybaby more and more, Wyn."

Clark was caught off guard when he saw Sheen carrying Weyz, her genuine smile, and happy eyes... she will good as a mother.

For some reasons, his eyes started flooding. Dan saw him and pats his back, "Excited to be a father?" he whispers.

Wyn smiled when he saw his brother and Sheen, 'They are going to be good parents,' he thought and went to hug Bea.

Cj came after his classes and even cried when he saw the baby, "She's so cute," he said as Clark put Weyz on Cj's lap.

"She's so pretty," Cj cried and hugs Weyz softly as Clark assists him on carrying her.

Bea cried, she can't believe Cj loves Weyz so much that he's crying.

Dan took a photo and video to catch the big brother of baby Weyz cry.

"Can I bring her home?" Cj asks Bea with tears in his eyes.

Everyone laughed, "Not yet, Cj. She needs to stay here for a while."

Cj's tears started streaming down once again, "I WANT A BABY SISTER!"

Clark took the baby since it started fidgetting with Cj's scream.

Sheen sat beside Cj, "Shh, you'll wake her up."


Sheen and Clark froze, Wyn and Dan looked at each other while Bea breastfeeds Weyz.

"I want a baby! Give me a baby! I want to buy one! Daddy! Mommy!"

Cj pulls Sheen's shirt while throwing a tantrum.

Sheen felt her face heating as her heart begins to beat drums, she gulped with the thought of having a baby... with Clark.

Clark, who's stuck in his imagination of carrying his own child... with Sheen.

Both of them blushed hard and Clark even excused himself.

Sheen laughed at Cj, "Soon," she whispers at Cj.

Cj beams a wide smile and ran to Bea, "Okay! Hi Weyz! Let's play. Stop eating."

Bea glared at Cj, "Shut up, she's hungry."

"You're ugly!" Cj pinches Bea's cheeks, "You're getting fat, Bea!"

"I know, the baby needs me to be fat."


"Just because."

Wyn went out to follow Clark while Sheen and Dan were left on the couch, watching Cj and Bea teasing each other.

"This is... overwhelming, right?"

Sheen nodded, "Yeah. After everything... there's this kid. And it'll make you forget about all that happened."

"You're right," Dan nodded, "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah. By the way, how's Aria?"

"She's having her treatment. Luke, he's in prison, Boss made sure that he'll rot there."

"Can I visit Aria?"

Dan went silent, his eyes are still stuck on Bea but it's obvious he's thinking about something.

"Ask Boss. Anyways," Dan looked at Sheen, "When's the wedding?"

Sheen blushed, "Soon."

Next chapter