
Bride and Groom

"Wow! I look so cute!" Cj looks at the mirror while admiring his hairstyle.

It's the same side part Sheen fixed for her and he wanted to use it for today's school.

"You're always cute, Cj," Sheen is sitting on Cj's bed while fixing his bag.

She puts on his snacks and bottle water.

Earlier before preparing Cj, she noticed that Cj does not have a water bottle- which means he does not drink water properly during school days.

So she went back to her condo and took one of her water bottles that is enough for Cj.

"Cj, what color is your favorite?"

Cj tooks photo of Sheen and himself secretly.


'Wow, that is an uncommon choice for a kid,' she thought.

"Okay, what is your favorite day?"

"TODAY!" He runs to her and hugs her tight.

"Because you're here and you cooked for us like a mommy!"

Sheen sweat drops, 'I do act like a mommy today... Wait, that means, I also acted like a... wife?'

She shakes her head to get rid of the idea.

"Let's go," Mr. White suddenly appeared standing on the door way.

He's fixing his necktie but he's all good.

'If I help him fix his necktie, I will really look like a wife!'

Her imaginations then began running wild.

"Should I ---"

She was about to ask him if she can help him with the necktie, good thing CJ interrupted, making her sigh in relief.

"Sheen can help you with that! See, this is called eldredge knot! She can make trinity too!"

Cj pointed at his necktie then he looked at Sheen with a grin.

"Is that so?" Mr. White stops fixing his tie.

He does intend to use a different knot for this day but he's having a trouble remembering how to make it.

"Then, can you make the trinity?"

Mr. White walks inside the room and went near Sheen.

She just sits there frozen in the turn of events.

"Come on, Sheen, we'll be late!" Cj took his bag.

She looked at Mr. White who's waiting for her to do his tie.

She awkwardly stands up and she got shock with the space between them that she suddenly steps back but forgot that the bed is behind her.

She fell down but Mr. White tried to catch her arm but failed and even fell with Sheen.

Cj just looks at them with a poker face and left.

Mr. White's on top of Sheen while his hands are supporting his body to not fall on her.

Sheen, with wide eyes, just stares at Mr. White's deep blue eyes.

Her pulse might burst any moment.

Her face is as hot as the sun.

Her mind is swimming in Mr. White's ocean eyes.

'What is this? I haven't felt this way since Kady left...' she thought.

Mr. White's tie touched her face, making her body felt shivers run down her spine.

A single touch of the tie made her heart race faster.

'What is this? Is this a sign of aging?'

She blinked thousand before moving, making Mr. White wake up in reality as well.

While he was staring at Sheen's eyes, it's as if the world paused and his breathing stopped.

"Um, let me help you with that," Sheen took the tie around Mr. White's face.

He's sitting on the bed and she tied it fast so she won't have an awkward moment with her boss again.

"Let's go, Cj's waiting," she took her bag and went out of the room.

Mr. White wasn't even given a chance to apologize.

Sheen walked fast towards Cj who's sitting on the couch while playing on his phone.

He noticed Sheen's red face and smiled.

"Are you done?"

The kid's tone of voice was pertaining to something else but Sheen brushed it off.

'Nah, he's just a kid. He doesn't know anything about that thing, I'm just being paranoid,' She thought.

"Yeah, let's go down. Mr. Rogers might be waiting for us already."

She was the first one to go out.

While Cj was preparing his bag, his father went out of his room looking embarrassed and happy at the same time.

"I hope you made a move from the accident, Daddy?" Cj smiles.

The little boy knows that his father loves Sheen not because she's a friend.

He knows that she's someone important.

"No, that's not a very wise thing to do. I might be accused of harassment if I did what you're thinking."

Mr. White fixed his suit and took his files while Cj went outside.

"She went down already? Is she angry at you?"

Mr. White suddenly stops locking the door, "Angry? Is she? Does she look like she's angry?"

"No, she looks..."

'She looks like she's embarrassed as well."

"She looked fine, maybe she's afraid we'll get late, that's why."

Even though he was the one who suggested that Sheen might be angry, he brushed his own opinion to save his father from the misery of being guilty.

Cj noticed that ever since Sheen arrived, he suddenly became conscious of his words and tries to make his words clear.

Mr. White's always not clear when he say somethings sometimes, making people assume things from his words.

"That's good. I will apologize later,"

His phone suddenly rang.

His cousin is calling.

"Who's that?" Cj asks while they are on the elevator.

"East," he accepted the call.


"Yo, coz! Can you go to the bridal store and check on Cha? She said she's not feeling fine, I can't go there and I'm so worried, please just check on her... PERSONALLY. I don't want you sending people to check on people."

"What? I'm busy, I will send Mr. Rogers."

"No, please, it's.. uh, it's personal... She might need to be sent to the hospital and... just check on her."

"What? I am busy. I have work."

"OH COME ON! The last time I asked you to check on my father, his guards started beating your guy."

"It was your father's guards' problem, I don't know what you're planning but I will send someone else to check on her."

"She's pregnant! Okay? She's pregnant and if someone else knows about this, they might talk ignorant things about her! And you know Cha, she only let people close to her around her. She might get scared with Mr. Rogers."

"Pregnant? Since when?"

"Four months. She's four months pregnant. And yes people will notice, but her belly's not that big so we can hide it still."

"Alright. I will check on her before I go to the company."

"Thank you, you're a life saver! I'll tell her then."

Mr. White sighs.

East was his closest cousin from his mother side.

Even though he's smart, East can get stupid when it's about Cha.

The biggest wedding of the year will happen next month.

And of course, being pregnant before the wedding is a big issue.

Even though they know that when she gives birth, the issue will come out, they want to avoid it before the wedding.

"I'm going to check on Cha, we're going to drop you at school and we'll to go her."

The elevator is already at the parking lot.

There is Sheen, sitting inside the car while talking to someone.

When she saw them walking towards the car she turned off her phone and looked at the other side, avoiding Mr. White.

Cj went inside first beside Sheen.

"Mr. Rogers, let's go to Cj's school then to Celestina Bridal's, I'm going to check on her,"

Mr. White went inside while telling Mr. Rogers the plan.

The old man just nods and drives.

The whole ride was awkward for Sheen and Mr. White while Cj just happily plays on his phone.

The kid's plan is going smoothly.

'If they fall for each other, they will get married and Sheen's going to be my mommy!' He thought.

They arrived at Cj's school and Sheen was the one who walked Cj to his room.


Cj clings to Sheen's arm before he enters his room.

"You're not angry at Daddy, right?"

His puppy eyes begs her to say 'no'.

"No, I am not. I'm just... uh, never mind. Don't worry, I will talk to Mr. White later, so have a nice day. Eat your snacks and drink your water."

Sheen pats his head before leaving.

'I have to tell him I'm not mad. He might fire me!' she thought while getting on the car.

Mr. White's texting someone so she takes her time to gather her courage to talk to someone she suddenly felt different about.

"Miss Sheen, do you want to say something?"

She's been staring at him from the school until now, which is approximately 5 minutes.


His words once again felt wrong.

It's as if she did something bad.

And she's going to be scolded for not saying sorry.

"Well, I... I'm.. Earlier..."

She can't remember her rehearsal earlier of what to say to him.

Everything disappeared when he looked at her.

His eyes seemed so caring and warm that Sheen felt as if she just woke up from a dream.

"I mean... Do you want to tell me something about earlier? Wait... that still sounded wrong. Let me do it again," Mr. White puts his index finger over his lips while thinking.

"Are you angry at me? Is it because of what happened earlier? Do you want to scream at me for assault?"

Sheen suddenly laughs, "Assault? How is that an assault? It's an accident and you did nothing wrong."

'No, he did something wrong which is why I feel like this.'

"Is that so. Then, why are you ignoring me? You look the other way whenever I look at you."

Sheen just looks at him in shock.

'He noticed that? What! It's because of you! You make me uncomfortably comfortable and warm and happy and... god! Why am I like this! I sound like a freaking teenager who's head over heels with the most precious being in the world. Wait, what did I just think of? Head over heels? What!'

"Miss Sheen? Are you alright? You're staring at me in different expressions, what is on your mind? Do you want to strangle me? That's fine if that will make you happy."

Sheen looks at Mr. Rogers who's smiling with their conversation.

"Sir! What? No, I am just shocked because of what happened."

'But if I strangle him, I can touch his sexy neck. Wait, what? I sound crazy!'

Sheen looks the other way once again with her red face.

Mr. White just raises his eyebrow and replied to Cha's message.

"We're here, Sir."

Sheen, while looking at the bridal shop, jaw dropped when she saw Cha.

"What the... no way."

"Sheen, come with me, you might be of help with this."

Sheen was hesitant at first but she just saw herself inside the bridal shop with Mr. White.

"Cha, are you okay?"

Mr. White approach Cha who's sitting on a corner.

"Yes, I don't know why he sent you. I'm feeling fine. I'm over those signs of pregnancy things. I'm just waiting for the gown. You can go now if you're busy."

"Then, I'll go."

Mr. White was about to leave when Cha saw Sheen and her eyes brightened up.

"Sierra!" Cha stands up and ran to Sheen and hugged her.

Sheen just awkwardly hugged back.

"I can't believe it! You're his assistant? Wow, Clark, you're so lucky!"

Cha is still clinging unto Sheen's arms while joking Mr. White.

"Anyways, you know what? I do need help," Cha looks at Sheen.

'Uh, no. I am not helping with that smile, Cha.' Sheen thought while looking at Cha.

"You see, my tummy grew bigger from the last time I had my measurements, and seems like this gown will go to waste, we're planning on changing to the plan b gown. I just want to see my first gown for the last time before I wear the other gown. Sheen, can you wear it?"

Cha pouts and she frowns sadly.

'Is this lady crazy? Why would I wear it?'

"Sheen, just do it. We don't have much time. We can't leave a pregnant lady troubled, it might become my own trouble later."

Mr. White sounded like he's in a hurry.

And his words made Sheen think of things... again.

'You want to see me in a wedding gown? Oh my... Wait. Ugh! I hate this!"

She stomps while taking the gown Cha is carrying to the fitting room.

"Yey! Thank you! I owe you big one, Sierra!"

Cha cheered while smiling at Mr. White.

"You missed her, didn't you?"

Cha knew about Mr. White as Sheen's childhood friend since they talked about it when they were young though Mr. White didn't know about Cha being friends with Sheen.


Mr. White suddenly realized that Cha seemed like a friend of Sheen.

"Nothing... My friend's just a friend of my friend, that's all."

She giggles then sits down, "Gosh, my back's killing me!"

Sheen was a bit harsh in wearing the gown at first but when she realized how beautiful it is, she got careful not to destroy the gems and beads on it.

"Wow, I look like a... bride!" She whispers while looking at herself on the mirror.

She takes her phone and captured photos of herself.

"Bea will love this!" She's pertaining to the gown.

"Hey, I will go the comfort room, tell Sheen to wait for me."

Cha slowly stands up and went to the comfort room while rubbing her belly.

Mr. White took a sit and waited while looking at his watch.

"She's taking too long at the comfort room, Sheen too."

Mr. White sighs.

He's going to be late on a meeting in 15 minutes.

"Hey, Cha. I'm done. Look at it quickly, we're going to be la--"

Sheen walks out of the fitting room but got shocked to see Mr. White staring at her.

Cha's nowhere to be found and she's getting embarrass every second that pass while Mr. White is looking at her.

His eyes run down from her face up to the end of the skirt then to her face again.

It took him three look of the gown until he got stuck at Sheen's face.

'She's a beautiful bride,' he thought then a lady went beside him.

"Are you the bride's groom? Is the gown fine for you or you want to change something? I think it looks a bit wide around her waist, is she pregnant?"

Sheen's eyes grew bigger as the lady mutters her words at Mr. White.

She was about to run to the lady and clear things but Mr. White answered.

"No. It's beautiful, she looks perfect."

She stops on her track.

She looked at him as if she just heard the most beautiful thing she has ever heard her entire life.

It's more beautiful than the announcement of her name as a winner of contests.

It's more beautiful than her title as a writer.

"Then you will take this? But... you have a plan b gown?"

The lady is new on the shop which is why she doesn't know what is happening until Cha appeared.

"Wow, you look beautiful though the waist is quite large for you, but that's beautiful."

Cha smiles at Sheen.

Cha seemed so sentimental over the gown Sheen's wearing.

"That's the gown East wanted but guess what! I have a little person living in me now and he needs space! I can't wear the size now, so I asked for a better gown for me. You can have it, Sheen, that can be repaired as long as your tummy won't be bigger than mine when you get married."

Cha giggles while looking at Mr. White who's face suddenly screamed red the moment he heard Cha.

Sheen fingered the gems and the cloth.

She suddenly imagined herself walking down the aisle and CJ is the ring bearer while Mr. White's waiting for her at the altar.

'Wait! What! No!'

She shakes her head.

Cha saw her, "You don't like it?"

Cha started crying about it and Sheen had to run to her,"No! I will take it! I will!"

The lady suddenly grew confused, "I thought you were the groom, the lady who's wearing the gown looks like she's the perfect match for you, I'm sorry I assumed, Sir."

Mr. White just nods and hides his smile.

'Perfect match? I hope that will come true. I've been waiting for too long.'

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