When mu Yuan received ye tingjun's call, he was chasing after an informant. This informant had taken the money to do the job, but for some reason, he went back on his word. He took the money and wanted to run away as if he was threatened by someone. Mu Yuan and the rest chased him for nearly ten kilometers before they finally hit him against the wall. The informant was a local. Like many local men, he had a full beard that almost covered his entire face, but his eyes were very bright. He was hit against the wall by a car, and his life force was extremely tenacious. There was a wound on his calf that was stained with blood, but he could still get up and run. Mu Yuan went over and kicked him away. After chasing the culprit for a few days, he was already a little angry. After kicking him away, he stepped on his hand. " Behave yourself! "
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