
Chapter 4

[17 years later.]

"Issei... You're doing it again, aren't you?". I asked as I see the boy that became my brother in this new world... Twins actually. When we were born I was the first one to come out of my mother's womb. He came out 5 minutes and 56 seconds after me. My brother jumped up in shock, turned to me and looked at me with a sheepish look.

"Ah, Nii-San! You startled me!" My brother said in a sheepish tone as he rubbed his back neck.

My brother reminds me of Jin Kazama from Tekken, except he has more bangs covering his forehead, and it was light brown instead of black like Jin, followed by light brown eyes. This boy like me and our parents have brown hair, everyone in this family has brown hair and brown eyes, except me, I have one dark red eye and the other one is black. My brother has seemed to inherit his hair from our father, while I seemed to have inherited my hair from my mother, seeing as I have straight hair like one of the schools Prince, Yuuto Kiba.

"Seriously Issei, you need to stop this you were lucky I was able to save you last time" I sighed.

"Hey! Well if Matsuda didn't yell my name I wouldn't have been caught!" he retorted.

"And that's why I forbade you from hanging out with them!" I glared at him.

"Ah come on Nii-san, your no fun! It's fun to be along with them!" he pouted.

"Yeah, and it's no fun seeing my younger brother get pummeled by a group of girls! Seriously are you even human? I don't know how you put up with the beatings the Kendo girls give you." I protested.

Ah yeah, I forgot to tell you. I was... Well, how could I say this? I was reborn in the DxD world, I know right!

The world where Devils, Fallen Angles, Angles, and other supernatural entities exist.

And live among us...

Now you're wondering how can I know about this world, Right? We'll let's just say that in my previous life I was an otaku and a hard one at that. Well, you could say that DxD was among the favorites of animes and novels that I have read and watched, although my favorite anime is and will always be Cowboy Bebop. Sure the animation is low quality but the plot, jazz music, and the fight choreography make that up for that!

Anyways off topic, I was reluctant at first to watch it, but over time I got bored with no new anime coming out or novels I had to watch something new, something I haven't watched before and that being DxD. I mean I am a man, and liking a lady's body is in our nature. I watched DxD until the part where Vail declared that he was the descendant of Lucifer, and after that, I stopped watching. Even if I watched the rest of DxD I still find it hard to remember, as if certain details were as a blur. Yeah, I don't even remember all of the Maou's names, except Serafall and Sirzechs... Those two are really funny.

"Oy! Earth to Nii-San! Earth calling to Nii-San! MayDay! MayDay! come in Nii-San!" My brother waving his hand right in front of me broke me from my memories.

"Ah sorry, Issei, I just got caught up with something" I rubbed the back of my neck and cleared my throat. "Anyway let's get you out of here before Katase-san and Murayama-san find you." I said before dragging him by his shirt collar.

"Ah! But they just removed their clothes! I will able to see their oppai! It just got to the best par-"


My brother was silenced when we heard both Matsuda and Motohama screaming.


You were saying Issei?" I said with deadpanned expression

"Thank you?" He said unsure, and I sighed.

Yes, my brother is Hyoudou Issei, The protagonists of this story. One of the three perverted trios, and the self-proclaimed harem king, when he becomes a devil later anyways, and we are at Kuoh Academy, a school ruled by both the Sitri and Gremory clan heiresses, Sona and Rias. Respectively. Now I am in a world besides the protagonists that always gets hit by Murphy's law!

"Ikki-kun". A feminine voice called out to me as I was dragging Issei away. I turn and see Katase and Murayama standing there. Issei turned face turned pale, but I kept a calm and stoic expression.

"Ah? Hello Katase-san, Murayama-san, kendo club. May I ask why you are surrounding me?" I asked in a polite tone of voice.

" Well, Ikki-kun you see we caught two of the three perverted trio peeping on us again... But we were surprised to see your younger brother not there with them." Katase said sweetly.

"Well, Katase-san as you can see Issei and I was walking and talking until you surrounded us, he was not anywhere close peeping on you, Right issei?"

I asked my brother who just kept on nodding.

"Oh yeah! The weather is great outside isn't it?" asked my brother while nervously laughing. Murayama narrowed her eyes.

"Now Murayama-san, Katase-san, you all don't have proof that he was peeking at you, so may we go? I'm sure Sona-Kaichou won't like it if I reported to her that you were beating my brother without reason." I said calmly.

"Why were you thinking we were going to beat him? You don't have any proof." Katase smirked, but I stay calm

"Well seeing the girl behind you just ripped up Issei's picture, and looked at him with deadly eyes, isn't it obvious?" I smirked a bit while Katase turns to see one of club member blushing before she turned to me again with a frown.

"If you say so... You win again, Ikki-kun. But don't think you will able to protect him forever" Katase said with sending a glare to Issei first before she turned around to leave.

"See you next time Ikki- kun" Murayama smiled and winked at me before she also turns around to leave.

Of all of the Kendo club members, only Murayama seemed to be kind to me, Well, after all, I taught her a few tricks in Kendo at least. Yes, I was in the Kendo club. But for boys, not girls.

I was able to defeat our teacher with ease, how can I be so good at martial arts you ask? Well I ha,ve been learning Martial Arts since I was 9. Issei also learned some Kendo movements, I was the one who suggested it to him and he accepted it. I said perhaps it will become useful someday, but the truth is I trained him and myself in order to prepare for the future. I don't know if I should prevent him from becoming a devil or not, but if he is the protagonist then I don't have choica e. As for me, I don't know, perhaps I should stay as a human.

"Thanks for the save Ikki-nii, man that was close" Issei sighed in relief.

"Anyways, my class is about to start, see you after school issei." I waved my Hand and started to turn around and leave, my class is different than his. I don't know why the council separated us.

"Hey look. It's Ikki-kun..."

"He's handsome as always..."

I groaned mentally, but on the outside, I had to keep my face stoic. Fangirls damn it! You know in my previous life I always wanted to know how it feels like to have fans. I should have just felt my mouth shut. I then noticed more squeals coming from the girls around me increased.

"Ikki-kun hey!"

I turned to see Yuuto Kiba smiling at me, I nodded back at Kiba, he and I are friends, though not the best of friends. If I ask help from him he will accept my request and I will do the same. Plus we have the same problem.


"Hello Kiba. How are you?"I ask him.

"I'm fine, how are you?" he was still smiling at me.

"The usual, saving my brother from the kendo clubs wrath." I sighed a little and he chuckled.

"As usual eh, you know if it wasn't for your face I wouldn't have believed that the two are twins" He chuckled.

Well what can i say? We are twins so it obvious we have the same faces though our hair is different, Seriously Issei is that not bad actually, he may not be handsome like Kiba but at least he good looking, the only thing that makes a girl stay away from him is his perverted nature.

"Yeah, but Issei isn't Issei if he's not a pervert" I chuckled, making Kiba laugh

"True, true, anyways the bell will ring soon; I will go on first, see you later." Kiba waved and I nodded

"Yeah, see you later"

[Back at the Hyoudou residence.]

"You WHAT?!" Mom, dad and I yelled in shock

"I got a girlfriend!" Issei grinned at me.

While my parents seem happy I'm not! If i recall this is where Ise-

"Her name is Amano Yuuma, she asked me out just before I meet you at the gate Ikki-nii." Issei chuckles

Oh crap if I recall her name was.. Laynaa-, Raya-, Lowyale? No. Damn it! I forgot her name!

"Hey Ikki what's wrong? You seem pale? Are you sick?" Issei asked me.

"Err... I don't mean to mock you Issei. but seriously, some girl asked you a date? Issei I admit you aren't ugly because saying your ugly is the same as saying I am ugly too. What makes you not popular is your reputation as a pervert, and now out of nowhere this girl comes and asks you on date? Don't you find it strange, have you asked her why she wanted to go out with you?" I said this worriedly, and this also got mom and dad's attention

"Hey! Don't you believe in my charm?!" Issei said in hurt tone, and we just stare at him with deadpanned expressions.

"Does it need to be asked?" I ask in a deadpanned tone, and I can hear a SNAP sound inside Issei's body.

"You hurt me Ikki..." Issei murmured in hurt tone

"But what Ikki said is true Ise. You have to be careful okay?" Mom said with a worried tone and Ise nodded.

"Don't worry! I will introduce her to you tomorrow Ikki! Our date is this Sunday, I mean 3 days from now! You have to see her Mom, Dad, Ikki, she a beauty, with big oppai!" Ise said with perverted face that makes me roll my eyes, sure she is a beauty, she was Angel after all, before she became a Fallen Angel that is.

I know I said I won't do a long chapter. But did it anyway because I was bored and there was nothing else to do.

Don't expect a chapter soon.

Until then

See you later space cowboys.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿

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