


His heart started to beat violently like it wanted to escape his chest. All of his veins started bulge one after another.


His body started to shake from sorrow and anger. In last life, he lost everything and when he tried to come back. They destroyed everything that he had. They took his happiness, hope and finally destroyed his greatest achievement.

He couldn't control it anymore.


His eyes started to glow with golden light and laughed maniacally.

The gas in the villa was like a mist that hindered vision. The assailants started to plunder everything that they could later sell. They didn't know that their fate was already sealed.

In the middle of the dining room, one of the intruders was packing the silver tableware.


The man turned and shouted.

"Who is there? Don't make fun of me guys!" He thought that it was one of his comrades.


"It's not funny. Show yourself. We have the job to do and you are playing pranks on me!"

He looked in the direction of the sound, and he saw two glowing golden eyes.

"What are ..." He couldn't finish because Neo struck his throat.

The bandit had a dagger with him. Neo picked it up and cut off legs of a victim and then sealed his blood vessels to not let him bleed out.

It was only beginning of hunting. He started looking for other prey.

In the middle of training hall were 3 guys that were tying the trainees with ropes. They intended to sell them all people as slaves later.

*Boom! The sound of a body hitting the floor.

Other two didn't care much. Time of drug working was limited and there were many people to take care of. Neo finished them and took few arrows from shooting-range and dragged the people and pinpointed their bodies into walls with arrows.

He took care of all the enemies in the villa one by one.

The boss was waiting outside the villa and felt something is wrong.

"It's too quiet. The drug should work for another hour." He said to his right hand with worry.

"Maybe they are playing with women in the basement. Let's wait for a little moment. You know our men." He waved his hand to calm down the boss.

A few minutes later they saw a figure walking out of the villa.

"See boss. I told you that..." When he was going to say something, he discovered the golden eyes of this person.

"Ready for a battle!" Boss was mercenary for a few years. He could easily recognize the beast staring at its prey.


The Neo shot an arrow into one of the legs of the boss. Boss dodged and unsheathed his sword.

"If it's all you got! Then you are dead!

The boss signaled his men to attack Neo.

*Swish! Swish! Swish!

One arrow after another pierced the heads of the bandits. It took a moment and only boss and his right-hand man left.

Neo threw a bow on the ground and unsheathed the sword.

" You think you can kill my men and walk out of this in one piece? You are wrong!" The boss became angry when he saw that his opponent is a small kid.

The right-hand man thought its opportunity to impress his monster, so he attacked Neo.

"Stop... Don't..." It was too late before the boss could stop his minion, he was dead.

Clang! Neo blocked one strike and stabbed into the head. The man watched Neo with disbelief and regret.

"Your turn!" Said Neo with a hoarse voice.

They clashed. The strength of Neo surprised the boss.

"Little brat. You think that's enough to beat me? You are wrong I fought with real beasts and comparing to them you are a small puppy trying to bite its owner"

Clang! Counter. The bandit's boss countered the attack and stabbed Neo into the stomach.

A cough! A cough! Neo coughed up some blood, but he didn't stop his attacks became fiercer.

Stab! Neo baited his opponent to stab him and used this opportunity to pierce the opponent skull.

Boss couldn't dodge in time, so he stabbed Neo in the chest. The both of them collapsed on the floor.

"I failed again!" Said Neo with self-disappointment. He was lucky that the last attack didn't kill him but his body was in a terrible state.

The figure of a man appeared from the villa. It was Aron. Thanks to the strengthened body, the effect of the drug wore off faster.

Neo saw him but he didn't recognize him. Rage inside him has been ignited again. He gathered what left of his strength and stood up.

"I will slaughter all of you!" He started to run into the direction of Aron.

"Neo, what's wrong with you! It's me, Aron. STOP!" Aron saw that something is wrong with Neo.

"STOP!IT'S ME ARON! DON'T ATTACK ME!" He shouted again but Neo didn't stop.

He was one meter from him, and he was ready to stab him. The entire body of Neo stopped in motion and his eyes stopped glowing. He collapsed on the ground unconscious. Aron couldn't believe what's happening but it wasn't important at this moment, his friend was dying before him.

"DON'T DIE NEO! I WILL HELP YOU!" He was worried and terrified when he saw the wounds on Neo's body.

The entire day passed and Neo is lying on the bed with bandages all over his body.

The two men standing before him. It was Aron and doctor that was hired by Reis.

"Can you save him?" Aron asked the man with worries.

"I did what I could. These injuries would be lethal but he is alive. It's the first time I see something like this..." He said honestly and shook his head.

"We can't do much. We don't have divine medicine, and we can only wait. His survival will depend on his will to live!"

A moment later man left and Aron was sitting next to Neo.

"Really, Neo. What are you? You cannot die like this. We have so much to do! Who will teach me alchemy? Wake up asshole!"

He was talking to Neo however all the efforts were in vain. Neo stayed unconscious and didn't show any signs that he will wake up soon.

Reis was investigating people that attacked the villa. There were a lot of dead bodies left by Neo all over the villa. Some of these were left alive. It was a bloody mess, some of these people were missing limbs or other body parts. What was most terrifying that they were not bleeding at all. Neo didn't let them die. He wanted to play with them little more after finishing them all.

Hi! I am trying to edit the chapters but for now. I just edit basic mistakes, when my English improve I will edit it to a different level! Enjoy the reading (If possible :D)

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