
2 v 1

Gregory pulled hard backwards, flipping his jet body to be vertical, the wind hitting him hard. Hammy hesitated as he watched him zip by from above. Gregory flipped his jet, making his nose fall back downwards, pointing directly at Hammy.


A single missile exploded from underneath his nose, directly going toward where Hammy would be. He knew there was no slowly down at that speed. Hammy let go of his steering handles as the missile hit the back of his fin.

Gregory did not smile as he watched the fire consume Hammy's jet. He was quickly zooming toward his team leader.

Sky winced as he saw the notification that Hammy was out for the count. It was now two on one, the advantage would still be in his favor for thirty more seconds. Rotary made a wide turn as he guessed Sky would follow him, he did with a second thought. Gregory fell in line behind Sky, sandwiching him between them.

Rotary laughed, "No where to go now Talisman, and no dirty tricks."

Sky bit his lip as he locked on to Rotary. The thought of seeing his enemy explode brought him relief but the chance of Gregory firing right after made him dispose of it. It was now whoever shot first but for Sky, it was whoever shot last.

Sky tried to turn but Gregory was already aligned to stop him. He was out, no way for him to best his opponents.

Gregory clicked his comm, "Do I fire?"

Rotary smiled as he passed by the viewing window, a wave at the High Emblem spectators, "Blow him away."

Sky held his breathe as he heard the sound of activating a missile. He gripped his helmet as he searched for a way out, a way to win. Then, time slowed as a single thought crossed his mind.

"Fuck Sky, you are a crazy mother fucker!"

He yelled at himself before gripping a red handle to his left. Sky pulled it with all his might, the parachute for his jet deploying. Sky braced himself as his jet was ripped away from where he was. The parachute yanking him with devastating force. The missile Gregory fired, barley missed his back engine. All went silent as a grin formed on Sky's face. He cut the chute by flipping another small switch, his jet recorrecting behind Gregory. Rotary screamed as the same missile that missed Sky hit the back engine, his jet exploding. The joy of it bringing Sky to his senses, the g-force he felt shaken away.

Gregory lost his deep low voice as he said one more line before he was locked on too.

"Fuck you Sky Talisman."

His ship was dispersed, debris falling like fireworks.

--- --- ---

Amari felt her heart flutter as the the fire died out and cheers filled the viewing room. The High Emblem spectators clapped professionally while the students jumped up and down.

"That was so cool!"

"I knew Yellow team would win!"

"Better hand over the money."

Grace sighed as she leaned on her hip, "I guess I can't always be right."

Amari was silent as she watched the last standing jet circle back around to a loading area. Her heart was still racing from the action.

"I think you understand why piloting is so amazing, it isn't just who flys the best but who can outsmart their enemy."

Amari smiled at Grace, "That was something to witness, I feel so exhausted just from watching."

Grace also grinned, "Imagine how the pilot feel, that guy must be toast."

The robotic guide spoke over the cheers, "Now take a left to view the hangers."

Amari and Grace fell back in with their class, "Now we have the boring part of the trip." Grace said, her shoulder slouching over.

--- --- ---

"Holy shit Sky, that was some flying."

Hammy raced over to Sky. His brown hair exploded out as he removed his helmet,

"I'm sooooo tired Hammy."

Sky almost tripped as he entered the building, Marcus sitting on a bench a few feet away. The glass doors slid shut as Hammy followed.

"What did I tell you rookie, full proof plan."

Sky said as he set his helmet down on the silver bench.

"Was Hammy getting eliminated part of it?"

Hammy rolled his eyes and threw his helmet, Marcus barley catching it, "Shut up rookie, it was part of the plan!"

Marcus held up his hands defensively, "I was joking."

Sky plopped down on the bench, "Jesus, I can't wait to see Rotary's face."

Hammy also sat down, "I bet he can wait to see yours."


Planet: Red Ace

Location: Gamma Station: Classroom 240

"Okay Leo, are you ready?" Proffesor Goodman watched carefully as his most intelligent and most dangerous student stood up from his desk.

"I um, yes I am..."

Leo was just a short skinny kid with pale skin. He had crazy brown hair and blue eyes behind black rimmed glasses. Those same eyes that literally threatened the existence of Red Ace,for a science project. His mind was beyond most, but somehow he seemed so normal and shy, most unaware of his latent talent to create weapons of mass destruction.

Each student also watched with unsure eyes, the last time he presented a project, the teacher disappearing into the Quantum realm.

Professor Goodman scooted over from where he sat, finding himself on the edge of his silver desk.

"Uh, hello everyone, my name is Leo Landrid, I am going to present.... my project for ridding space of trash."

The class clapped slowly as Leo awkwardly bowed before taking out a single slick object.

"Uh, this here is called the Be Gone, I came up with it myself."

Goodman's serious face loosened for a little bit. Leo might have one of the most interesting minds, but naming was not his cup of tea, most of his inventions falling short in that category.

"What is this invention, and why should it be mass produced for Space cleanup."

Leo pushed his glasses up, his sharp eyes searching around the room,

"Um, well you see, the Be Gone is an invention that solves the trash epidemic in one fall swoop."

Leo walked over to Professor Goodman, who instinctively backed away. The boy reached for the silver trash can, "may I?"

Goodman nodded before fixing his tie.

"As you all see, we have here a waste bin..."

No one spoke or clapped, a slight cough in the back row.

"Well the Be Gone has three settings, you can make a small object disintegrate, a larger one, or multiple."

Everyone stopped listening,

"Wait right there Mr. Landrid, did you say, disintegrate?"

Leo nodded before clicking a groove on the metal box he pulled out. A chaotic red beam of energy shot out and hit the trash bin, a flash of white taking up the entire room.

Every one flinched and dove for cover, Professor Goodman already behind his desk.

"And as you can see, the trash bin is gone."

Leo gestured to the black marks on the tile floor where the bin use to be, his invention working flawlessly.

Professor Goodman looked on in fear and awe,

"M-M-Mr. Landrid, the project was to present a simple fix, not create the invention entirely..."

Leo slightly laughed, his eyes staring at the ground, "what is the point of just having a model, the real thing is way more engaging."

The other students rose from their hiding places, unsure of how to react.

"Well please remove that invention from existence, such a machine could be used for other means besides trash."

"I suppose that could be arranged..."

Leo kept his gaze away from the crowd as he walked, then suddenly his sneaker slipped on the black marks he created. The Be Gone hit the ground, the setting switching to multiple targets. Four red beams shot from the box, one heading for Professor Goodman.

Goodman was barley able to pull a clipboard up in time, it evaporating in his hands.

Three lasers connected with a book, a chair, and the entirety of an oval desk, the items crumbling to nothingness.

"Oh, it seems I may have acc-"

Professor Goodman pointed to the door, "Please get out and go talk to Captain Allen, I will inform him of the previous event."

Leo grimily smiled before picking up the Be Gone and placing it in his lab coat pocket,

"I guess I'll see myself out."