

"...Hah, And with the final price of 120000 belli, the twin slaves are sold~! Moving on however, we once again come up with another Devil fruit of the evening, this fruit we know slightly more about, this fruit allows the user to seemingly transform into an animal of some form, which has been guaranteed by our informant in the grand line!" The auctioneer roared, once again the room was hyped with the weird looking fruit at the epicenter of the storm.

'Hmmm let's identify once again, this is the Zoan type fruit, the snail fruit?? Pfttt I feel pity for the poor sod who chooses to buy this, this is almost as useless as a type human fruit eaten by anyone who is human!' I thought guffawing at the looks of wonder in the faces of all the people in the hall, sans of course the members if this room.

The fruit itself looked much like a snail shell colored in an exquisite violet.

"The bidding for this fruit shall begin with a low price of 80000 belli! But the rules for this particular item, shall be bent slightly, the increment price shall be raised by 4000 belli! Therefore, those wishing to buy this fruit shall begin their monetary crusade with the price of 80000.

Moving onto the background for this fruit, it was procured for us in from the Grand line, particularly from the noble kingdom of Alabasta!

Without further ado, let the battle begin!!" the auctioneer roared as the people in the lower rooms cheered, no doubt imagining the fruit to change the user into a cat person, While those from the VIP level were excited for a completely different reason, excluding us of course.

with a slight whistle the bidding war officially began, with prices flying from every corner of the room. With a loud roar the auctioneer could be seen motioning his hands up and down, seemingly ordering the prices to increase.

The crowd was whipped into a frenzy with every increase in the price, slowly however the momentum of the bidders began to dwindle as the many spenders, stopped to ask themselves whether the fruit was actually worth the price that had unconsciously snow balled into a monumental pricing.

With a final thud of the hammer against the gravel however the bidding finally stopped, the person who had bought it, the person who belonged to room 6 had finally managed to bag the damn thing at a truly exorbitant price of 190000 belli.

"I thank the guest in room number in room 6 for your continuous patronage!" the auctioneer squeaked cheekily as he handed over the fruit to the helper at the side who could immediately be seen running up the side. (And by seen, of course I mean observed…)

"Now then ladies and gentlemen we only have two other items to displayed, the final devil fruit and the slaves offered by the esteemed San Juan family.

First we would like to draw your attention to the two slaves offered by the family, both are high quality humans, with the ability to take care of both domestic and other needs. The one on the right, is a fine quality female, acquired off the coast of Swallow island, while the man on the right, is a robust individual procured in the exotic East Blue!

The bid for both individuals together, shall begin at the price of 70000 belli. Any and all bids shall be done with increments of a thousand belli!"

"Oi, Terrick, this is the one you want to save? Are you sure? You can exchange your privilege for that devil fruit we just bought or something.." I said softly, while looking at him with an eye closed.

"No! You promised me Pirate! So yes, I want her saved! If you can't do it then I'll find someone else who can." Terrick replied with an amount of steel in his voice, that he had never used against anyone else.

"SHishishsihsihsishi.... Good! Finally I see a little spine in you Terrick, remember, this crew does not have useless and greedy individuals! Anyone in this crew shall have a mind of his own! Oi Fawkes, how much of our coffers still remain?" I asked, looking at Fawkes with mirth in my tone.

"A hefty load, with what we have now you could afford both items, that are to be sold, so just go crazy!" He replied, a similar tone of annoying glee in his tone as well.

"....the price has reached a price of 100000 belli, going to the guest in room 1! Calling once again-"

"120000 belli!" my calm voice sounded interrupting the annoying auctioneer, who had been running his mouth throughout the entire time I had been giving my sermon.

"Guest in room 4, I ask that you maintain yourself within your own limits-" The douche from room 1, who Terrick had identified as his asshole boss said, just to be interrupted again, I was hoping the guy burst a blood vessel or something.

"130000 belli, and if the guest in room 1 can shut up, I am sure that the auction would go on much smoother." I chuckled, before slowly looking toward the auctioneer with steel in my eyes, "Call the price and announce the winner, Twat!"

"…the guest in room number four has called the price of 130000 belli, does anyone wish to contest….. Sold to the guest in room 4!

Moving on to the next item, this devil fruit is the item that has the least known about it. All that is known is that it is a fruit obtained in the Rubella region of the North blue seas! Since so little is known about this fruit, it shall begin at a price of 60000 belli." He said hurrying over to the next item, after hearing my tone.

'Hmmm, this fruit is the Zoan fruit, the Rhino fruit??' "Oi Fawkes, you think we'll have any use of a rhino??" "mmh, no? Why are you even asking??" Fawkes said before immediately understanding my thought process and shutting up.

Well would you look at that? The fools are jumping up and down again….

the ten chapter marathon that shall symbolize my journey back to UNI has begun, ill try to post when i have free time, but otherwise well..... you'll have to wait for my next holiday.

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts
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