

Auntie Mei's white dress looks so pretty with that teal sash and veil! I wish I was allowed to wear sashes. Alas! Lucy sighs. My coming of age is forever away!

Lucy tears her eyes away, tossing the gift Papa gave her to coax her after that execution. Seriously. What the hell was Papa thinking? That was so nasty! "Catch" Lucy says.

Her yellow ball, with lotus flowers painted on it, bounces against Meng Long's feet. "Lu! Lu!" Meng Long says, fumbling to grasp the ball. Lucy steadies him, picking it up and handing it over. Long'er shoves the ball back at Lucy. "Lu! Lu, throw!" Long'er demands. Lucy pats his curly hair. It's so soft.

Taking a step back, Lucy gently tosses it again. "Catch, Long'er" Lucy says. Long'er rushes forward, the ball jolting against his fingers to fly toward the pond.


Lucy sighs. "Selena, we lost our ball" Lucy scratches her nose. Why can't it ever land in the willow or gazebo?

"Excuse me." A velvety voice says. "I am here to fetch young Lucinda for recuperation under sight of our healers." Lady Rimes stood by the gate. Mom and Auntie Mei jumped to their feet, Mom sinking into a kneel, Auntie Mei bowing. "Greetings to Lady Rimes" Auntie Mei says.

Lady Rimes smiles. "Apologizes for the interruption of your visit. Miss Selena, bring young Lucinda" Lady Rimes says. Before Lucy knew it, Selena scooped her up, and was walking to the gate. "Wait! I need to give Mommy a bye kiss!" Lucy says, jumping down.

Lucy dashes to Meng Lani, hugging her middle, and gently refreshing the density of Primal Energy in her womb for the twins. Lucy lifts her arms, smacking kisses on Lani's cheeks. "Love you, Mommy" Lucy breathes in the familiar cypress, and honey scent. A pout threatened. My visit shouldn't be for another week. Why are they cutting short my Mommy time?

Too soon, Selena took Lucy from Lani's arms. "Time to go, Little Mistress" Selena says. Lucy frowns, and waves at Auntie Mei, and Long'er. "Bye, Auntie, Long'er." Lucy calls as Selena whisks her from the courtyard.

Why is she here anyway? Lucy gives Lady Rimes a curious eye. She's always so busy researching or treating people. Where would Aunt Ava have the time to pick me up?

In the carriage, Lucy's unease deepens when she peeks her mind's eye into the Cosmos purse, spying her easel, and favorite brushes. All of which should be sitting in her studio, not packed for a trip. I sense a plot somewhere. Lucy eyebrows furrow.

What trouble am I in? Did they discover I have some rare disease? Am I about to put into quarantine?

Am I in trouble for spreading rumors? Is Aunt Ava here to correct my morals?

Did the healers have a breakthrough on my Void Hunger, and I am about to under go some bizarre treatment? Is there some big Rimes gathering coming up?

"Quick worrying your lip, Little Mistress. You are going to bleed if you keep chewing on it" Selena scolds. Lucy blinks, and rubs where Selena flicked her. "Why am I going out?" Lucy asks. Instead of Selena, it was Aunt Ava who answered. "Your Grandmama wants to see you about something very important" Aunt Ava says.

Great Grandmother? Lucy pauses. I haven't seen her since I drank that potion. What is so important the Matriarch of Rimes Clan needs to oversee?

Aunt Ava leads past the main halls, and training fields. Lucy's eyes widen, seeing the a hedge maze. The path was a gray stone, with moss lightly coating it. Slow down, Aunt Ava! I need to touch the floor!

Unfortunately her attempt at stopping was foiled by Selena smoothly lifting her. Why is she so fast! I didn't even get to bend over! Lucy pouts. Oooo! Flowers are growing in the hedge! I didn't know you could do that.

Aunt Ava stops her feet before a blue gleaming gate. What is that? Is it metal? Some type of stone?

Luckily Selena set Lucy on her feet, so Lucy sneaks a feel. Metal or stone? Hmm. Selena lightly tugs Lucy back a step, obviously hinting. Fine. I won't feel up the gate.

The wind stirs Aunt Ava's veil, hinting at the high cheek bones, Lucy knew hid beneath.

A soft grinding? chiming? sound, the gate swinging open. There she was, her silver hair contained within a topknot, wearing a white veil. It hid a face that defied her age.

"Thank you, Ava" Grandmama says. Aunt Ava smiles. "It was no trouble at all, Aunt. I understand the urgency. Her magic is quite blatant." Aunt Ava says, than bows. She slips away without another word.

Grandmama smiles at her back. "Little Ava is always so consumed with her research. Come in, young Lucinda, Selena" Grandmama says. In past the blue gate, the maze changed into stone walls, open to the sky. Lucy trails her fingers along the wall, feeling Primal energy pulsing in the stone.

Lucy puts her forehead against it, primal energy almost throbbing against her skin.

It felt... Amazing.

Soaking in a warm tub. Standing as the wind embraced you. Laying on lush grass, soaking up sun.

None of the that. All of that failed to compare. It feathered over her skin, nipping at her Inner sky. A soft graze as her Inner sky silently, painlessly expanded.

"Enough" Grandmama picks Lucy up. "Your talent for trouble is quite alarming, Lucinda" Grandmama says. "Wha?" Lucy mummers, her vision hazy, smells were indistinct. As Grandmama strode forward, Lucy winces, her dress rubbing sharply against her skin.

Grandmama stops in a circular patio, sinking onto a marble bench. Selena stops a few steps away, panting from keeping pace with Grandmama. "Well, young Lucinda. Do you know why we are here?" Grandmama asks. Lucy shakes her head.

Grandmama smiles but sighs. "As I thought. You, young thing are blatantly exposing your magic. It isn't safe for people to discover your magic. Your magic is far too active to be ignored until your Awakening. I shall be training you in control of Aura and emotion," Grandmama says. From her sleeve comes an oddly familiar crystal orb.

Considering the cost of mirrors that must be hideously expensive.

"Hold your palm out, child," Grandmama instructs. Lucy obeys, her small palm showing the signs of callouses already. Upon her palm, the orb shines first yellow, than a near blinding white. As Grandmama reaches for the orb, the white fades. Shadows lighting up the orb.

"A tri-Caster," Grandmama says. "Well, your Awakening must be carefully arranged." Grandmama taps Lucy on the forehead. "It's best for only your Air and Light magic to be known. So your Shadow magic is a secret, young Lucinda. Tell no one" Grandmama warns.

Lucy tilts her head. "What about Papa?" Lucy asks. Grandmama shakes her head. "No. Not even your Father is allowed to know," Grandmama gives Selena a severe glance. "Keep a close eye on Lucinda at Jing Palace. Ensure to erase any leaks," Grandmama warns Selena.

Selena bows. "Yes, Matriarch." Grandmama waves a hand. "Your mother is awaiting your presence. Leave us" Selena bows once more, and retreats.

Lucy stares after her. "Don't worry, Lucinda. Selena is going for her own training. If she wants to stay with you, she can't neglect her development" Grandmama says.

So last week I had strep throat. This week was focused on recovery and playing catch up on household things. Only today did I find energy to write. On the bright side, I am quite certain this is the longest chapter I have ever posted.

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