
Vol1 Earth-8-

What kind of ordinary mother is this? He left me here, to get close to a stupid woman. Hımh!

Mei started driving car ha? No, in reality, she just started paying attention to Yun's clothes, look and sitting posture.

Her eyes were on the middle mirror, not on the road. It would be a real miracle to not crush somewhere If she wasn't good at driving.

Her gaze shifted from Eyşan to Yun. But when she realized that Gong Yun was looking at her driving carefully, Mei smiled again.

"He remain the same no matter what happens. He still look at me. I should drive more carefully!"

Yun was watching with interest her driving of the car. But in his head, he was thinking about many other affairs.

"Gong Yun. I was wondering if we could stop by the store before going home."

When the voice of the middle-aged mother, Eyşan, was heard, Yun turned his full attention to this woman. Apart from her age and maturity, this woman had the most impressive eyes and look he had ever seen.

"We have at least an hour before arriving home. But there is a small market under my apartment."

But Eyşan sait something weird. "Aa, you see. It was so easy to put money in my wechat account. But I just couldn't now. Can you help me?"

Both Yun and the young Mei driving ahead were surprised.

"What do you mean? It was easy.."

"Oh. I forgot to tell you, but I've come to your country before. Now it is a gaming company but I worked as a trainee in a small company with a little salary for a year. I learned everything related to my career here. Then I made my first business deal with a communications company in India. Haha.."

Yun frowned in his mind, thinking about this information even Eren didn't know.

Yun thought a weird possibility. Maybe he met his "master Eren" for a reason which they didn't know yet. Who knows, maybe it wasn't random destiny like they thought and it was connected to something from the past.

Yun took the phone and told her warmly what she had to do. He then sent out 1000 Yuan to test this bank account.

Mei, who was sitting in front, saw two people getting along well and slowly sitting closer. There was more jealousy in her heart than she ever felt in her whole life. The day she met a handsome alien who could teleport, another woman was taking away her opportunity. How could she not be angry?

But at that moment Yun looked up at the sky. He had a curious look on his face. All the hair on his body ricing and he got a first real goosebump in his life. Yun even felt a strange danger above the car.

"Rain .." He whispered.

Both of the womens in the tiny and quiet car heard it. They looked up at the sky, but it wasn't likely to rain on a hot summer evening.

But when the rain started ten minutes later, Yun no longer looking up the sky. He felt so much in the last ten minutes. His entire body was forcing him to feel the electrical currents, which he knew somehow it was related with his magic power.

Even though he didn't want to, he felt and learned strange informations and possibilities. Dark clouds with winds and different pressures and sudden lightnings! He had to meditate to lose this weird sick feeling.


By the time they reached halfway, Mei already opened a relaxing music-list in the radio. With the rain and thunder noice from outside, this music made the car soothing.

The tired Eyşan was leaning her head against the glass and following the road. She had different troubles. Her eyes were tearful, and she was in a strange mourning from past.

But in this good and relaxing environment, Yun had to spend his time feeling the sky. He wasn't into doing meditation when he was in a car with two beautiful woman. But the air made his body like jelly. He had to close his eyes for an unknown forceful reason!

In the last ten minutes, he really tried to not meditate but he couldn't get out of it. It was weird but after starting meditation with that dangerly feeling, this become a torture to him.

He felt close to only one element since the beginning.

It was the only element that made him capable of spurt electricity from his hands. Because he didn't know any spell except this ridiculous thing, he was just a beginner magician. Just level 11 novice magician. No training. No back up. No detailed map to look for the future. Nothing to even show as a special ability.

Yun was a magician that couldn't prove it to someone from normal life. Even that girl driving the car right now thought him as a fucking Alien(?)

With this strange storm that made him feel special for the first time, Yun felt things he had never felt. He listened to possibilities that he had never thought of, and understood what a beautiful battleground the storms were.

It was a battle where many living things fought and defeated by each other with a natural order.

Everyone just fell to the ground by their very nature, after joining this battle and after eventually dying. Felling from the sky was the only exception they had in common. It was the only thing they did freely through their whole existence.

Even the "Lightnings" were ultimately succumbing at some point and falling down!


After many different bullshit Yun didn't care about, he finally felt his body more closely.

Yun could see the cells in his whole body were changing, just because of all the energy around him was entering his body much faster. He didn't even know there was so much electrical energy in nature.

There were abundant amounts of other elements. But electricity always seemed to be less, more intense and more valuable comparing the others.

For the first time, his body let inside uncountable amounts of energy with a unlimited pace.

In this process, his mind listened to sky, his heart opened all the covers of his body and fed his cells with plenty of energy.

Maybe it wasn't scientific. But thanks to this storm, Yun experienced great enlightenments which books really liked to use as situations like this. He really won many good things, but he knew this wasn't an enlighment. Actually he didn't even think that word Enlightment" was real.

"I really shouldn't say this much "enlightment" in the future." Ah again.. no I won't say this crap anymore!

"13..no..It must be at least 14 or 15. Already I don't know how to count, but compared to my previous amount of energy, I've climbed up a few steps. My body is already past halfway of novice magician steps."

Yun felt stronger, healthier and more vigorous, but after a few minutes his body started to feel bad. Master Eren's words came to mind.

"Every time you take a huge amount of energy into your body, you have to give it the opportunity to change the body. In all the stories, the main characters evolve or develop their human bodies. But that's completely nonsense! Its bullshit. You never evolve something while being alive. Evolution needs patience, time and many generations of your kind.

Stupid writers don't know about science and stuff! In fact, our biological bodies are damaged we receive energy. Books call this energy healthy, holy and good right! Hahaha....They have no idea about how harmful this thing is actually.

After taking this energy into your body for a good amount, your body will take a damage. When this damage reaches a certain point, our bodies have to change as a last resort. It will produce blood much faster and create more resistant cells. It's adaptation and development but nothing like evolving.

We can't inherit this magic related things to our childs, just like how a blind woman or footless soldier won't inherit their features to their child."

Yun really chected all about it in the online websites and really this wasn't evolving.

All the Wuxia novels were randomly telling bunch of crap. "Evolution" wasn't something a random alone guy could achieve in his one and only life!

It was even againts to the definition of the Evolution" in the middle school Bio Classbooks.

Yun couldn't stop smiling after thinking all his dreams while reading those books in his childhood. They gave him really good time and a good imagination, but this was reality.

"If I am a human, then I should accept this and stop dreaming about stupid non-scientific possibilities. I will be better in everything I could grasp. I will achieve what I want with my own hard work and time. I don't need someone else's inheritence or secret knowledge.

I am Yun. I will beat the crap of this electricity element with my own way :)"

Gong Yun closed his eyes and thought other things Eren told him.


Halleluya or hallolaya...I really don't know. Maybe Fellaluya :)

/ T

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