
Cry of the Ateleigos!


Several minutes went by as Izroth and continued on their way downstream.

Astratis had not spoken much ever since he brought up the four pillars; therefore, Izroth decided to give him some time to readjust.

The moment Izroth noticed Astratis regained himself, he broke the silence and said, "You said it was dangerous in the Ancient Wilderness. But, as far as I can tell, it is quite peaceful."

Whether it was his journey alone through the Ancient Wilderness or with Astratis, Izroth had not run into any sort of danger. There were no monsters, hazardous terrain, or bandits lying in wait to make an ambush.

If anything, the Ancient Wilderness seemed like the ideal place to take a relaxing stroll through nature. It did not make any sense to label such a place as dangerous.

"Peaceful? Yes, I suppose it must appear that way to someone without Ethos." Astratis commented.

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